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Behaviourist Approach 16 marker 4,25 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Behaviourist Approach 16 marker

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A*/A model answer for a behaviourist approach 16 marker for AQA A-Level Psychology

vorschau 1 aus 2   Seiten

  • 27. august 2020
  • 2
  • 2020/2021
  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • Unbekannt

1  bewertung


von: snisthar41 • 2 Jahr vor

Behaviourist approach 16 marker

The behaviourist approach assumes that all behaviour is determined by
conditioning shaped by the environment, by creating associations between
stimuli and responses. Another assumption is that, we are born as a blank slate
a tabula rasa with no genetic influence from our ancestors. There are two
types of conditioning in the behaviourist approach classical and operant.

One type of conditioning classical originated from the work conducted by
Pavlov in 1972 and the principle of learning via association, which he
demonstrated on dogs. Where a (NS) a bell was paired with a (UCS) food and
the (NS) took on the properties of the (UCR) to the food so whenever the dog
heard the bell it would begin salivation through a (CR). However, he was highly
criticised as his work was conducted on dogs and not humans.

Operant conditioning proposed by Skinner in 1938 suggested that behaviour is
learnt through consequences and reinforcement of our actions. Skinner
showed negative reinforcement (the removal of an unpleasant reinforcer) with
his rat in the box where the rat would be electrocuted before accidentally
knocking the level to turn it off, the rats were then conditioned to go straight
to the lever. He also showed positive reinforcement where a rat would
accidentally knock the lever and, would be rewarded with food so now it is
conditioned to press the leaver to receive food.

A strength of the behaviourist approach is that it contributed to the
recognition of psychology as a science. Ad behaviourist researchers Pavlov and
Skinner rejected earlier emphasis on introspection and untestable and
unfalsifiable approach to research. But instead focussed on objectivity which
produced more valid and reliable understanding of human behaviour due to
the scientific cause and effect hypothesis used in their studies. The
behaviourist approach helped psychology to gain more credibility as a science
which in turn attracted more funding and opportunities.

Another strength of the behaviourist approach was that studies used to
support it such as Pavlov and Skinner conducted their experiments on animals.
Which means that the studies lacked any demand characteristics, individual
differences or social desirability when conducted without humans which
improved the validity of their research.

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