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Summary Psychology - 1.5. Changing Man Problem 2 2,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Psychology - 1.5. Changing Man Problem 2

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Let me know if it was helpful by leaving a review :) Good luck! The document consists of information regarding problem 2 of course 1.5 Changing man. These notes are a compilation of information from the tutorial as well as an overview of information from the textbooks.

vorschau 2 aus 7   Seiten

  • Ja
  • 4. januar 2021
  • 7
  • 2019/2020
  • Zusammenfassung
PROBLEM 2: It’s Just Emotions Taking me Over
Source: Berk and Shaffer & Kipp

Emotions: feeling or reaction that occurs in a situation with personal importance.

Function of emotion:
- Way of communication
- Rapid appraisal of personal significance of the situation which then prepares you for
- Attracts attention to care givers
- Organize and regulate behavior of child and social interaction
- Adaptation to social world

Primary/ Basic Emotions: universal in humans and other animals
• Happiness:
o smiles, laugher. Smile encourages caregivers to be affectionate which causes
baby to smile even more.
o Newborn babies- smile when full, during REM sleep, response to gentle
touches and sounds, and mothers voice.
o End of first month- babies smile at eye catching sights such as bright objects
• Interest, surprise
• Anger and sadness:
o respond due to hunger, pain, change in body temp, too much/little stimulation.
o 4 months- 2 years old: anger expressions increase in frequency and intensity
• Disgust
• Fear:
o rises during second half of first year.
o Stranger anxiety- babies and toddlers tend to be frightened of strangers

Secondary/ Self-conscious emotions:
• guilt, shame, embarrassment, envy, pride
• Requires familiarization with norms, emotional reactions of others and feedback
• Appear in the middle of second year (18-24 months)
• Becomes aware of self as a separate, unique individual

Unpredictable mood swings decrease as the cerebral cortex matures.

Emotional Development

Displaying Emotions: The development and Control of Emotional Expressions

Sequencing of Discrete Emotions

, At birth:
show interest, distress, disgust, contentment

End of Second month:
social smiles (caregivers who most likely smile back)

2-7 months:
Basic emotions- anger, sadness, joy, surprise, fear
Displayed and interpreted similarly in all cultures

2nd year:
Complex emotions: embarrassment, shame, guild, envy, pride
Self-conscious emotions- involves some damage to or enhancement of our sense of
Self-evaluative emotions: require self-recognition and understanding of rules or

How parents react to transgressions determines which emotions children feel: guilt or


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