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Summary Project management + Organizational behaviour ch. 9 & 10 5,49 €
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Summary Project management + Organizational behaviour ch. 9 & 10

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This is the literature needed for the oral exam

vorschau 4 aus 58   Seiten

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  • 30. januar 2021
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  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung

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von: adrianam2000 • 3 Jahr vor


von: 2061029ree • 3 Jahr vor


von: 2061029ree • 3 Jahr vor

Part 1 practical theory

1 the project
1.1 types of activities, types of work

within an organization there are all kinds of activities:

1. improvised activities
2. routine activities
3. project-based activities

1. improvised activities

There are 2 options for improvising

1. to new activities
2. when something unforeseen occurs and needs immediate response
ad hoc reaction: not according to a laid down plan, but decided on as events unfold

-predicting the outcome is hard
+new situations can be met in a flexible manner
-risks and chaos, the organization and employees are under pressure

2. routine activities
= activities that are repeated frequently and are relatively predictable
- done according to predeterminded patterns
- work procedures or instructionsmade to be effective
- most activities in an organization
sales, purchasing, administrative

3. project-based activities
= non- recurring and have a limited duration, but reasonably predictable
midway between improvised and routine activities
- a way of structuring activities that are less predictablethan others and that are out of the
scoop normal activities
- increase predictability by:
1. work according to a plan
pans gradually illuminate each phase of the process
2. work on ‘what are the aims’ and ‘how to achieve them’
large projects are divided into phases. After each phase the aims and procedures can
be adjusted
- project plan: formulated before starting the project.
- Projects often have an organization of their own, crated to deal wit needs of the project
can involve a departmental reorganization, moving into new quarters or introduction of a
new computer network

1.2 examples of projects
 construction projects

, = building a shopping centre
 projects involving developments by companies
= merging 2 businesses
 projects involving company plans
= marketing plan
 projects to do with IT systems
= website
 projects with in the healthcare sector
= reducing waiting lists
 projects within the education sector
= electronic learning
 projects within the sport & recreation sector
= theatre production

1.3 what is a project?

Project: a group of people, usually from various field of expertise, collaborating temporarily with the
aim of reaching a predetermined project result within a predetermined budget and timeframe.

A project should have the following features:

1. start-up or kick-off: a clear starting point
2. a finishing date, because a project has a limited duration
3. a unique and clearly defined goal
predetermined project result: the project’s outcome/ the end product
4. project goal: tells why the client has commissioned the project
project result: the outcome of the project and contributes to the project goal
5. a client/sponsor (usually): who has commissioned the project and who pays for the project.
the person who has an interest in the project result, provide the project team wit clarity
on the project and make important decisions
6. budget: money for funding the project and paying the project’s staff. It is determined in
A project without a financial budget should at least have a time budget applicable for
those participating in the project
7. project group usually consists of people from various fields of expertise working together as
a temporary team
each member is familiar with the terminology of his/her own field and has his own
perspective on things
8. organizational set-up: an employee who is temporarily relieved of his normal duties to take
part in a project will have a different person to be accountable to: the project manager
9. initiated as a purposeful move, a project never starts spontaneously

1.4 From improvised activities to project to routine

Improvises, project-based and routine activities can be part of the same work sequence

- Improvisation: new task  initial improvisation
- Project: As it becomes obvious that the task will have to be repeated, a greater degree of
organization will become necessary
- Routine: at the end of the project working procedures have been developed

,1.5 Types of projects

According to their character, projects fall into one of several different categories:

1. Technical projects: the aim is to effect some change in technology or to come up with a new
- Easy to plan
- End result is obvious
- “hard projects”: building a bridge, building road
2. Social projects: deal with the way I which people work together, because people tend to
resist changes, social projects are more difficult to exicute
- End result is not quite as evident
- “soft projects”: change corporate culture or organizational structure of a company
reorganization, adaption of work procedures
3. Commercial project: earn money
- Conducting market research, developing a new product or introducing a new product
4. Mixed projects: combine aspects of technical and social projects
- The design, programming and installation of an extensive computer program
can be complicated since the members of the project team come from a wide variety of
areas of expertise and don’t always speak each other’s language

Events: are a special kind of project, as the end result only appears at a certain point in time

Projects can also be categorized in different ways based on:

- content: internal/ external sponser
- providing a service: course, event
- yield a product: building

1.6 Things to remember

As a project manager there are number of things you have to keep in mind

1. Request planning time from the sponsor
- A project plan is essential to work systematically.
- The decision-making process can slow things down. Make sure that the sponsor allows
enough time for planning the project.
in small organizations people are often asked to start immediately
2. Consult everyone involved
- Make arrangements about the contribution expected of every worker
- The project needs to be talked over with all parties involved
3. Work from the top down
- Start with setting out the main lines of the project (not the details)
- Dividing a project into phases is a way of keeping it manageable:
1. Preparation (think)
2. Realization (act)
3. aftercare (maintain)
4. Thinking thing through: from start to finish and from finish to start

, - Determine what exactly needs to take place when carrying out the project
- If you overlook things in the beginning stages, it will return with a vengeance later on

1.7 Doing things in phases

Measures to keep a project manageable:

1. A project plan (plan of approach)
- Should be made at the commencement of the project
- Contain a clear description of the project
- Describe the project’s objectives and the desired end products
- Shows the available funds
- Shows the schedules for the activities
2. Divide the project in phases
- Each phase will be shorter in duration than the project as a whole
- A phase can be regarded as a series of project activities that have a logical
connection to each other
- They minimize the risks associated with the project

Common and usefull project phases:

 Concept: the idea that sparks it off
- Often results in a project proposal
if the proposal is approved by management(sponsor), the next phase may

 Definition: defining the end result(objectives) of the project and what needs to be
done to achieve it.
the result of the definition is a project plan(=project defined in detail)
At the end of this phase you need to be able to answer: what will have been
achieved when the project has been completed?
- Sub-projects: each has its own project plan, common with complicated projects
- Formal objectives: have to be met, it is mandatory
- Wishes of those involved: it is desirable to achieve this, but there is no necessity

 Design: the definition phase establishes what the project’s objectives are, the design
phase establishes a way of resolving the problem.
Prototype= a simplified version of the real thing, it can be used to test the demands
that are likely to be made of the design.
 Made to determine whether the proposed solution conforms to the
requirements as laid down
this phase results in the design report
At the end of this phase, there should be a design that does the following:
shows the sponser exactly what he will be getting
shows those who will be actively involved in the next phase exactly what has to be

 Preparation: detailing how to do it
- The product itself is not produced during this phase.

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