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Review "Holes", Louis Sachar 6,49 €
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Review "Holes", Louis Sachar

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Review des Buches "Holes" von Louis Sachar, Vorlage/Muster für Review.

vorschau 1 aus 2   Seiten

  • 17. februar 2021
  • 2
  • 2020/2021
  • Aufsatz
  • Unbekannt
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Englisch
  • 1
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (293)
The novel “Holes” written from Louis Sachar is about the story of an unlucky Teenager
names Stanley Yelnats. He was sent to the deserted Camp Green Lake because of a crime,
he did not commit. Now he must dig holes to build his character. In the end he finds out,
that digging holes was on purpose to find a treasure with a great value. The book narrates
the story of Stanley with his friend Zero and how they resist the authorities and find out the
truth. The main conflict in the book is the true reason, why they have to dig holes. The topic
of the book is the friendship of Zero and Stanley, but also exploitation history of Camp
Green Lake.
The perspective is told by a third person narrator, who knows everything. The title alludes to
the main exercise of the Camp : To dig holes. But more important it shows the main
question: Why do they have to dig holes for real?
I think, the book “Holes” is an interesting story and has a concept with potential. At first,
when Stanley went to Camp Green Lake, the atmosphere was extremely traceable. You
could really feel the exhausting work and the heat, it is oppressing.
Following however there was the first plot twist: It was a time jump in the past. The story of
Stanley’s ancestors was told. I generally prefer books with a particularly highlighting
structure. Time jumps or a parallel dimension can affect the story visionary and ingenious.
But in this story, that is pragmatic and realistic, that effect seems restless and nervous.
Maybe it would be better, if that part of the story would shortly frame the narration in a
prologue and epilogue. It would influence the structure positive and in the end the epilogue
provided the “Aha” effect and all open questions would be solved. With that time jumps it is
like the author messed up the book’s truncation. That is assimilable with messing up the end
of the phrase, because the end of the phrase is that one part of any sentence, which the
audience remembers/ notices the most.
The language in the book is easy to read and light. It is perfectly written for interlingual
students and for younger pupils. For original english speaking people I would not say the
language is discerning or demanding. That is not a have-to aspect, au contraire, it is
appropriate for this book: The story does not have to be supported by remarkable, elegant,
tasteful, or classy language skills. The narration speaks by itself.
I think the topic of the book is just a matter of taste, but personally I do think, that anyone
could get anything more out of the story with a plot twist or anything that pushes the
narration into something new. It ends like everyone expected it, that is one of the facts
weights the most. They get money, they are happy, everything is fine. That do not need to
be like in many other books, for example Jane Austen’s Pride And Prejudice. The story is a
simple love story, but it ends unexpectedly. Beside regarding the story, the full package gets
an uncontroversial value with the high literary level and decentralization.
But what really has expression are the people in the book: full of character. We have the
protagonist Stanley: he is unlucky, calm, loyal and reflected, kind of the gentle giant.

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