Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden
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Handout with tasks for students. 
Topic: Should more gun control laws be enacted in the United States?

Demographic change in Germany - causes and ways to avoid poverty in old age e.g. through real estate as the basis of old-age provision
- Andere • 22 Seiten • 2023
- 16,69 €
- + erfahre mehr
Table of Contents 
1. Poverty in old age as a problem of the present	 
1.1 Motivation and objectives	 
1.2 Composition and contents of the thesis	 
2. Demographic change - current population development and age structure in Germany	 
3. Old-age provision in the Federal Republic of Germany	 
3.1 Types of pension provision	 
3.2 Critical evaluation of a pension decision and the need for private pension provision	 
4. The real estate as retirement provision	 
4.1 Influence of demographic developmen...

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