Logistics and Operation Research (IE-4: Logistics and Operation Research)

Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

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Need help with Operation Research and Linear Programming? This document will give you a detailed analysis. Need help with Operation Research and Linear Programming? This document will give you a detailed analysis.
  • Need help with Operation Research and Linear Programming? This document will give you a detailed analysis.

  • Prüfung • 11 Seiten • 2021
  • * Detailed discussion of the topics along with illustrations * Bolded definitions * Questions that might appear in the exams * Relevant linear programming codes and their explanation
  • 4,48 €
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Need help on Operation Research? This document provides in-depth discussion of the topics, codes on linear programming along with a list of common questions that may pop up in the exams. Need help on Operation Research? This document provides in-depth discussion of the topics, codes on linear programming along with a list of common questions that may pop up in the exams.
  • Need help on Operation Research? This document provides in-depth discussion of the topics, codes on linear programming along with a list of common questions that may pop up in the exams.

  • Prüfung • 12 Seiten • 2021
  • * List of common questions * Detailed discussion of the problems along with relevant codes * Hand-drawn explanations *codes explained * Youtube links to further assist understanding
  • 4,48 €
  • + erfahre mehr