International Economics

Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

Hier sind die besten Ressourcen passieren International Economics. Finden International Economics Studienzusammenfassungen, Notizen, Aufgaben und vieles mehr.

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Instruments of trade policy
  • Instruments of trade policy

  • Zusammenfassung • 9 Seiten • 2022
  • What can we do to control trade, why do we have tariffs or other trade barriers, what are the effects of a tariff, what are the costs and benefits of a tariff (consumer and producer surplus), how can we measure the costs and benefits of tariffs, what is export subsidy, lots of graphs to explain everything
  • 10,29 €
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Standard Trade Model
  • Standard Trade Model

  • Zusammenfassung • 8 Seiten • 2022
  • Explanation of the standard trade model with the help of graphs, trade in the standard trade model, determination of the world equilibrium, how can we explain economic growth
  • 9,31 €
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Heckscher-Ohlin model
  • Heckscher-Ohlin model

  • Zusammenfassung • 8 Seiten • 2022
  • Explanation of the Heckscher-Ohlin model with the help of graphs, what is the two factor economy, trade in the heckscher ohlin model, factor- price equalisation
  • 9,31 €
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Ricardian model
  • Ricardian model

  • Zusammenfassung • 6 Seiten • 2022
  • Explanation of the Ricardian model using graphs, Comparative vs absolute advantage, what is the one factor economy, explaining the trade in the Ricardian model, determining the relative price after trade, the gains of trade explained with a graph
  • 9,31 €
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Gravity model
  • Gravity model

  • Zusammenfassung • 2 Seiten • 2022
  • Explanation why a country trades with some countries more than with others, Graph of the gravity model
  • 5,39 €
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