Tilburg University (UVT)
Suchen Sie nach Studiennotizen bei Tilburg University (UVT)? Auf Stuvia finden Sie mehr als [*DOKUMENTE*] Zusammenfassungen, Studiennotizen und andere Studienressourcen für alle Kurse an Tilburg University (UVT).
Kurse @ Tilburg University (UVT)
Für die folgenden Kurse sind Notizen unter Tilburg University (UVT) verfügbar
Strafrechtelijke Aansprakelijkheid 670083B6 107670083B6
Sociale Psychologie 570021-B-6 104570021-B-6
Goederenrecht 650247-B-6 75650247-B-6
Wetenschapsfilosofie 425062 75425062
Diagnostiek 800806-M6 74800806-M6
Grondrechten 620255-B-6 67620255-B-6
Persoonlijkheidspsychologie 550041-B-5 66550041-B-5
Arbeidsrecht 760006-B-6 61760006-B-6
Contractenrecht 650263-B-6 53650263-B-6
Inleiding Methodenleer 9780393643602 529780393643602
Business Research Techniques BRT 52BRT
Klinische Psychologie 500840-M-6 46500840-M-6
Verdiepend privaatrecht 650444-B-6 45650444-B-6
Verdiepend strafrecht 670326-B-6 45670326-B-6
Recht en maatschappij 660457-B-4 40660457-B-4
Psychodiagnostiek / Psychodiagnostics 550037-B6 40550037-B6
Methodologie van het Belastingrecht 965228 39965228
Behandelmethoden 560027-B-6 39560027-B-6
Forensische psychopathologie 500848-M-6 39500848-M-6
Arbeidsovereenkomstenrecht 680077-M-6 38680077-M-6
Populäre Bücher Tilburg University (UVT)
Für diese beliebten Lehrbücher sind Unterlagen an der Tilburg University (UVT) erhältlich
John Macionis, Bram Peper • ISBN 9789043035774
E.E.J. de Bruyn, A.J.J.M. Ruijssenaars • ISBN 9789033452987
Bryan Kolb, Ian Q. Whishaw • ISBN 9781319243562
Raymond E. Fancher, Alexandra Rutherford • ISBN 9780393090826
Frederick J. Gravetter, Larry B. Wallnau • ISBN 9781305504912
Ronald J. Comer, Ronald J. Comer • ISBN 9781319248703
Chris Chandler • ISBN 9781405187435
William C. Compton, Edward L. Hoffman • ISBN 9781544322926
Linda Juang, David Matsumoto • ISBN 9781305648951
Dacher Keltner, Keith Oatley • ISBN 9781119657583
R. Michael Furr, Dr. Verne R. Bacharach • ISBN 9781506389875
Paul M. G. Emmelkamp, Paul M. G. Emmelkamp • ISBN 9781138483057
Mary Mcmurran • ISBN 9780470059494
Elizabeth Rider • ISBN 9781337100731
ISBN 9780387098159
Robert M. Sapolsky • ISBN 9781429935654
Alnoor Bhimani, Charles t. Horngren • ISBN 9781292232669
Janet Hyde, John Delamater • ISBN 9781260500233
J. de Hullu • ISBN 9789013163643
Wayne D. Hoyer, Deborah J. Macinnis • ISBN 9781305507272
ISBN 9783030808815
Studien @ Tilburg University (UVT)
Notizen verfügbar für die Studien auf Tilburg University (UVT)
Accountancy 128
Advanced Corporate Finance 1
Advanced Philosophy 1
Algemene cultuurwetenschappen 9
Bachelor / premaster rechtsgeleerdheid 291
Bachelor Economie en bedrijfseconomie 1
Bachelor Fiscaal recht 20
Bachelor Human Resources Studies 12
Bachelor Personeelwetenschappen 41
Bedrijfscommunicatie 14
Bedrijfscommunicatie en Digitale Media 10
Bedrijfscommunicatie- en digitale media 2
Bedrijfseconomie 806
Bedrijfseconomie / 1
Bedrijfseconomie / Bedrijfskunde 3
Bedrijfskunde 10
Bedrijscommunicatie en Digitale Media 4
Belastingadviseur 1
Bestuurskunde 132
Bewustzijnsfilosofie 2
Big Data 1
Business Communication & Digital Media 1
Business Communication and Digital Media 25
Business Management 1
Business research techniques 2
Business Research Techniques for PM 1
Clinical neuropsychology 4
Cognitive Neuropsychology 11
Cognitive Neuroscience 5
Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence 1
Cognitive science and artficial intelligence 1
Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence 45
Commmunicatie- en informatiewetenschappen 1
Communicatie 2
Communicatie -en informatiewetenschappen 19
Communicatie En Informatiewetenschappen Master 1
Communicatie- en Informatiewetenschappen 166
Communicatie- En Informatiewetenschappen Master 30
Communication & Information Sciences 1
Communication and Information Sciences 133
Communication and information sciences premaster 1
Communication and informationsciences 3
Communication and Informationsciences premaster 1
Communication Sciences 1
Communications and Information Sciences 1
Comparative International Management 1
Comparative International Management summary 1
Conflict of Laws 1
Criminology and Criminal Justice 1
Data Mining for Business & Governance 1
Data Science 21
Data Science & Society 100
Data Science and Entrepreneurship 24
Data science and Society 1
Data Science in Entrepreneurship and Business 2
Data Science: Business & Governance 11
Data-driven Design Approaches 15
Developmental Psychology 10
Diagnosiek 1
Diagnostiek KKJ 1
Digital and Social Media Strategies 1
Digital Heath Communication 1
Docentenopleiding Nederlands 2
Econometrics and Operations Research 29
Economic Psychologie 1
Economic Psychology 16
Economics 81
Economics & Business Economics 7
Economics and Business Economics 1
Economics of the European Union 1
Economie En Bedrijfseconomie 3
Economie en Bedrijfsecononomie 1
Economie en Bedrijseconomie 1
Educatieve Master Nederlands 1
Enterprise Architecture as a Business Strategy 1
Entrepeneurship And Business Innovation 33
Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation 31
European Union Law 1
Experimental research 1
Filosofie 1
Finance 94
Financial and Managerial aspects of HRM 1
Financial History and Intermediation 1
Fiscaal Economie 89
Fiscaal Recht 151
Fiscale Economie 5
Fiscale Economie / Fiscaal Recht 69
Fiscale Economie/Fiscaal Recht 29
Forensische Psychologie 41
Global Law 175
Global law LLB 8
Global Management Of Social Issues 45
HBO premasters TiSEM 2
Health Wellbeing and Society 1
Health, Care, Technology & Regulation 1
Health, Wellbeing and Society 1
HRS People Management 1
Human resource management 16
Human Resource Studies 37
Human Resource Studies: People Management 4
Information and Communication Sciences 4
Information Management 65
Internationaal en Europees Recht / International and European Law 14
International Business Administration 208
International business adminstration 1
International Business Taxation 2
International Economics 1
International Labor Law And Employee Relations 15
International Law and Global Governance 1
International Leisure Studies 2
International Management 32
International sociology 2
Internationale business administration 1
Intro. to Research in Marketing 1
Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business 1
Introduction to Human Resource Management 1
Introduction to Psychology 1
Introduction to Sociology 1
Introduction to Statistics 1
Kind en jeugd psychologie 1
Kind- en Jeugd Psychologie 1
Kind- en Jeugdpsychologie 8
Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie 2
Klinisch forensische psychologie 4
Klinische psychologie 4
Klinische psychologie master 1
Labour Law and Employment Relations 19
Language Center 1
Law and Technology 63
Leraar VHO Nederlands 2
Lerarenopleiding 1
Lerarenopleiding Nederlands 2
Liberal Arts and Sciences 36
LLB Global Law 7
M Psychologie & Geestelijke Gezondheid 1
M Psychologie en Geestelijke Gezondheid 1
M Supply Chain Management 1
MA Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen 1
Management accounting for iBA 1
Market Assessment 1
Marketing 49
Marketing Analytics 18
Marketing Management 225
Marketing Management & Marketing Analytics 1
Marketing Management or Marketing Analytics 41
Marketing management Pre Master 2
Marketing Pre-Master 1
Master Arbeidsrecht 1
Master Business Communication and Digital Media 9
Master Communication & Information Sciences 1
Master Communication and Information Sciences 74
Master Data Science & Regulation 1
Master Data Science and Regulation 1
Master Data Science And Society 5
Master economics 5
Master European Law & Global Risk 4
Master Finance 71
Master fiscaal 1
Master fiscaal recht 24
Master Fiscaal recht en economie 2
Master Global Management of Social Issues 2
Master Health Well-being and Society 3
Master Human Resource Studies 41
Master Information Management 37
Master International Business Law 9
Master International Management 6
Master Klinisch Forensische Psychologie 2
Master Klinische Forensische Psychologie 94
Master Klinische Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie 43
Master klinische kinder-en jeugdpsychologie 1
Master Klinische Psychologie 78
Master Klinische psychologie volwassenen en ouderen 1
Master kllinisch forensische psychologie 1
Master marketing 40
Master Marketing Analytics 2
Master Medische Psychologie 55
Master New Media Design 6
Master Organization Studies 14
Master Politics, Policy and Societal Development 1
Master Rechtsgeleerdheid 325
Master Sociology 2
Master Strafrecht 1
Master strategic management entrepreneurship 1
Master Transport and Supply Chain Management 1
Mathematics for Pre-master 1
MAW-INT: Constr. and Anal. of Quest. 1
MAW-INT: Qualitative Research Methods 1
Medische psychologie 1
Minor Artificial Intelligence 1
Minor entrepreneurship 1
Minor Information & Supply Chain Management 2
Morality of commercial life 1
Msc Accounting 1
MSc Communicatie- En Informatiewetenschappen 2
MSc Communication & Information Sciences 1
MSc Communication and Information Sciences 1
MSc Data Science & Society 2
MSc Data Science and Society 1
MSc Finance 13
MSc Human Resource Studies 1
MSc Marketing Analytics 4
Msc Marketing Management 52
MSc Organization and Management Studies 5
MSc Strategic Management: Consultancy Track 1
MSc. Strategic Management 73
Nederlands 1
Nederlands Recht 1
Nederlandse taal en cultuur 1
Obligations and Contract Law I 1
Oganization and management studies 1
Ondernemingsrecht 43
Online Culture 6
Online Culture: Art, Media & Society 15
Online PR 1
Organisatie en management wetenschappen 1
Organisatie- & Managementwetenschappen 3
Organisatie- en Management wetenschappen 2
Organisatie- en Managementwetenschappen 25
Organisatie- en managemenwetenschappen 1
Organisatiewetenschappen 239
Organisatiewetenschappen, Sociologie, Personeelswetenschappen 11
Organization and management 2
Organization and Management Studies 9
Organization- and Management Studies 3
People Management 2
Personeelswetenschappen 132
Personeelswetenschappen, HRM 1
Personeelweten 1
Personeelwetenschappen 1
Perspectives on Law 1
Pioneers of Psychology Fancher 1
PM Information Management 2
PM Marketing Management 1
PM organization & management studies 4
PM Organization Studies 28
Politics, Policy & Societal Development, Sociology 1
Politics, Policy and Societal Development 3
Positive psychology 1
Post Master Accountancy 1
Post-Master Accountancy 10
Pre master Communication and Information Sciences 3
Pre master Marketing Management 2
Pre master Marketing Mangement 1
Pre master Supply chain management 1
Pre-master 2
Pre-Master CIS 1
Pre-master Communicatie en Informatiewetenschappen 1
Pre-master Communication & Information Sciences 3
Pre-master Communication and Information Sciences 36
Pre-master Communication and Information Sciences using SPSS 1
Pre-master Communications and Information Sciences 2
Pre-Master Data Science & Society 1
Pre-master Data Science and Society 11
Pre-master Finance 17
Pre-master Information & Communication Sciences 2
Pre-Master Information Management 15
Pre-Master Marketing Analytics/Management 1
Pre-master Marketing management 28
Pre-master organistation studies 4
Pre-master rechtsgeleerdheid 7
Pre-master SCM/SM 1
Pre-Master Strategic Management 55
Pre-Master Supply Chain Management TISEM 1
Pre-master Tilburg University 1
Pre-Master TISEM 5
Premaster - Organization & Management studies 1
Premaster Communication and Information Sciences 3
Premaster Communication Sciences 3
Premaster Fiscaal Recht 19
Premaster for HBO TiSEM 1
Premaster Human Resource Studies 50
Premaster Human Resources Studies 1
Premaster Information and Communication Sciences 7
Premaster Information Management 11
Premaster Lerarenopleiding Nederlands 1
Premaster Marketing Analytics 10
Premaster Marketing Management 27
Premaster Organisation studies 19
Premaster Organization and Management studies 1
Premaster Organization Studies 2
Premaster Rechtsgeleerdheid/Premaster Ondernemingsrecht 2
Premaster Rechtsgeleerheid 7
Premaster Sociology 15
Premaster strategisch management 26
Premaster Supply Chain Management 31
Premaster Tilburg University 2
Premaster Tilburg University TISEM 1
Premaster TiSEM 25
Pricing and Monetization Strategies 1
Psy 1
Psych 1
Psychologie 2101
Psychologie en geestelijke gezondheidszorg 1
Psychology 3
Psychology [EN] 133
Psychology Of Personality 1
Public Governance 19
Quantitative Finance & Actuarial Science 1
Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Sciences 3
Rechtsgeleerdheid 1380
Rechtsgeleerdheid specialisatie Ondernemingsrecht 2
Register Controller 2
Research Methodology for International Students 1
Research Methods in SCM 1
Resistance & Persuasion 1
Samenvatting 1
SBS Research Master 1
Sexology 1
Social Media and Web Analytics 1
Social Psychology 6
Sociologie 84
Statistics for Pre-Master 1
Strategic Management 79
Strategic management master entrepreneurship 1
Strategic Management: Consultancy Track 1
Supply Chain Management 159
Supply Chain Management for Pre-master 3
Sustainable Supply Management 1
Talent Management 1
Tilburg School Of Humanities And Digital Sciences 1
Tilburg University 4
TISEM Premaster 1
Toekomst van werken 1
ULT nederlands 6
Victimology and Criminal Justice 2
Volledige Samenvatting alle Artikelen Inleiding Be 1
Wijsbegeerte 1
Work & Organizational Psychology 5
Work and Health Psychology 1
Work and organisational psychology 1
Aktuellste Notizen und Zusammenfassungen Tilburg University (UVT)
This is my individual paper for the course transfer pricing 695042-M-6- for students who are doing this course in their master! (Implicit support:Analysis of case law in countries such Canada, Australia and the Netherlands.). i got an 8 for this paper and it could help you as feedback from teachers is not allowed during the writing process.
- Essay
- • 23 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Transfer pricing 695042-M-6
Vorschau 3 aus 23 Seiten
This is my individual paper for the course transfer pricing 695042-M-6- for students who are doing this course in their master! (Implicit support:Analysis of case law in countries such Canada, Australia and the Netherlands.). i got an 8 for this paper and it could help you as feedback from teachers is not allowed during the writing process.
Extensive summary of Developmental Neuropsychology. Passed the exam with a grade 8.7 using this summary!
- Zusammenfassung
- • 59 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Developmental Neuropsychology
Vorschau 4 aus 59 Seiten
Extensive summary of Developmental Neuropsychology. Passed the exam with a grade 8.7 using this summary!
Extensive summary of the content of the course Neuropsychology of Aging, with colouring of important aspects. Passed the exam with a grade 9 using this summary!
- Zusammenfassung
- • 51 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Neuropsychology of Aging
Vorschau 4 aus 51 Seiten
Extensive summary of the content of the course Neuropsychology of Aging, with colouring of important aspects. Passed the exam with a grade 9 using this summary!
A summary of all exam material for the course 'Psychological Assessment'. I got an 8.5 on the exam with these notes. Good luck studying! :)
- Zusammenfassung
- • 27 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Psychological Assessment
Vorschau 3 aus 27 Seiten
A summary of all exam material for the course 'Psychological Assessment'. I got an 8.5 on the exam with these notes. Good luck studying! :)
This summary includes all lecture material, summaries of the articles and also some example questions. I got a 7.5 with these notes. Good luck studying! :)
- Zusammenfassung
- • 38 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Introduction to Treatment Methods
Vorschau 4 aus 38 Seiten
This summary includes all lecture material, summaries of the articles and also some example questions. I got a 7.5 with these notes. Good luck studying! :)
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
- Zusammenfassung
- • 7 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Interactive Data Transformation
Vorschau 2 aus 7 Seiten
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 6 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Interactive Data Transformation
Summary Interactive Data Transforming | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 2 aus 6 Seiten
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 7 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Interactive Data Transformation
Summary Interactive Data Transforming | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 2 aus 7 Seiten
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 4 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Interactive Data Transformation
Summary Interactive Data Transforming | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 1 aus 4 Seiten
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 7 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Interactive Data Transformation
Summary Interactive Data Transforming | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 2 aus 7 Seiten
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 5 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Interactive Data Transformation
Summary Interactive Data Transforming | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 2 aus 5 Seiten
Summary of Interactive Data Transforming. This is based on the lectures they give for the Master Data Science and Society in Tilburg University
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
- Zusammenfassung
- • 4 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Business Intelligence for Data Science
Vorschau 1 aus 4 Seiten
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
- Zusammenfassung
- • 3 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Business Intelligence for Data Science
Vorschau 1 aus 3 Seiten
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 4 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Business Intelligence for Data Science
Summary Business Intelligence for Data Science | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 1 aus 4 Seiten
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University.
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 6 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Business Intelligence for Data Science
Summary Business Intelligence for Data Science | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 2 aus 6 Seiten
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University.
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
- Paket-Deal
- Zusammenfassung
- • 6 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Business Intelligence for Data Science
Summary Business Intelligence for Data Science | Master Data Science & Society• von iuk
Vorschau 2 aus 6 Seiten
Summary of Business Intelligence for Data Science, based on the lectures from the Master’s program in Data Science and Society at Tilburg University
This summary has the following components: 
- all lectures including 3 guest lectures given in 2024 
- 3 workgroup papers 
This means that the book isn't in the summary, but it is not needed to pass the course. Another thing that is 'missing' is a further explanation for the paper by "Kegan & Lahey" that needed to be studied for the third guest lecture. It is briefly explained but I can advise you to read it.
- Zusammenfassung
- • 43 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Work Psychology
Vorschau 4 aus 43 Seiten
This summary has the following components: 
- all lectures including 3 guest lectures given in 2024 
- 3 workgroup papers 
This means that the book isn't in the summary, but it is not needed to pass the course. Another thing that is 'missing' is a further explanation for the paper by "Kegan & Lahey" that needed to be studied for the third guest lecture. It is briefly explained but I can advise you to read it.
Summary of the lecture slides and explanations of the teacher for the intro to forensic psychology course at UVT during the 2024/2025 academic year
- Zusammenfassung
- • 47 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•Introduction to Forensic Psychology
Vorschau 4 aus 47 Seiten
Summary of the lecture slides and explanations of the teacher for the intro to forensic psychology course at UVT during the 2024/2025 academic year
This is a summary of the course: OM Foundations 
- Lectures 
- Tutorials 
- Required readings
- Zusammenfassung
- • 28 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•OM Foundations
Vorschau 3 aus 28 Seiten
This is a summary of the course: OM Foundations 
- Lectures 
- Tutorials 
- Required readings
a detailed, well organized summary for final exam, see details in preview.
- Zusammenfassung
- • 14 Seiten 's •
Tilburg University•822184-B-6
Vorschau 2 aus 14 Seiten
a detailed, well organized summary for final exam, see details in preview.