Coarse dispersions - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen
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PCEUT 531 Midterm 2 questions with correct answers
- Prüfung • 15 Seiten • 2023
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Dispersed systems - Answer When one component (drug) is distributed more or less uniformly throughout the second component (medium), the mixture is called a dispersion system in which surfactants are often added. 
particle diameter in molecular dispersions (i.e. solutions) - Answer < 1.0 nm 
particle diameter in Colloidal dispersions (i.e. aerosol preparation) - Answer 1.0 - 500 nm 
particle diameter in Coarse dispersion (emulsions - liq/liq, and suspensions - solid/liq) - Answer ...
M5 FINAL COACHING EXAM - Questions and Answers (Complete Solutions)
- Prüfung • 38 Seiten • 2024
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M5 FINAL COACHING EXAM - Questions and Answers (Complete Solutions) Identify cosmetics which are regulated as drugs. A. Hair colors, toothpastes B. Skin moisturizers, perfumes, nail polishes C. Shampoos, lipsticks D. Mouthwashes, antiperspirants, diaper ointments, lip balms Identify the use of Potassium Diformate in veterinary medicine. A. Antiparasitic B. Strong antimicrobial C. Anti-acidic agent D. Sedative Which statements BEST describe the local effects of drugs? I. Local effects are felt ...
NACE EXAM 1(verified answers) graded A+ already passed !2023
- Prüfung • 29 Seiten • 2023
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NACE EXAM 1(verified answers) graded A+ already passed !2023 
Anode - correct answer the electrode of an electrochemical cell at which oxidation occurs? 
Anode - correct answer Electrons flow away from the ______ in the external circuit. 
Anode - correct answer Corrosion usually occurs and metal ions enter the solution at the ______? 
Cathode - correct answer The electrode of an electrochemical cell at which reduction is the principal reaction? 
Cathode - correct answer Electrons flow ...
Pharmaceutical Development - Semisolid Formulations
- Zusammenfassung • 16 Seiten • 2024
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A summary about semisolid formulations (gels, creams, ointments, suspensions, emulsions), important equations, influencing factors and parameters for pharmacy related topics. Handwritten, good overview with different graphs and sketches in different colours making everything more understandable.
APhA NAPLEX Review Questions with correct answers rated A+
- Prüfung • 24 Seiten • 2023
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If the pka of a weak acid is 2.5, at which pH will this drug become more ionized? 
A. pH 5 
B. pH 2.5 
C. pH 1.5 
D. pH 1 
A. For a weak acid, a higher pH increases ionization 
Which equation describes the rate of drug dissolution from a tablet? 
A. Fick's Law 
B. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 
C. Michaelis-Menten equation 
D. Noyes-Whitney equation 
D. The Noyes-Whitney equation describes the rate of drug dissolution from a tablet. Fick's first law of diffusion is similar to the No...
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