Theory of performativity - Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen
Suchst du nach den besten Studienführern, Studiennotizen und Zusammenfassungen über Theory of performativity? Auf dieser Seite findest du 13 Studienunterlagen zu Theory of performativity.
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Architecture, theory and criticism: Lessen Gideon Boie
- Zusammenfassung • 70 Seiten • 2024
- 12,49 €
- 11x verkauft
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In this document, you can find a summary of the 6 lessons that Gideon Boie has given in the lessons "Architecture, theory and criticism". 
The first pages are about chapter 7: Ecology, after that, you can find chapter 8: democracy, then chapter 9: performativity, after that is chapter 10: decolonisation, chapter 11: activism and then the last chapter is 12: care. 
 I took notes in class, each with accompanying images. This is a summary of my notes with important references/definitions etc.
Architecture, theory and criticism: Chapter 9: performativity
- Zusammenfassung • 7 Seiten • 2024
- 5,89 €
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In this document, you can find a summary of chapter 9: performativity that Gideon Boie has given in the lessons "Architecture, theory and criticism". 
 I took notes in class, each with accompanying images. This is a summary of my notes with important references/definitions etc.
Test Bank for Anthropology: What Does it Mean to Be Human, 2nd Canadian Edition by Lavenda
- Prüfung • 146 Seiten • 2023
- 38,63 €
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Test Bank for Anthropology: What Does it Mean to Be Human 2ce 2nd Canadian Edition by Robert H. Lavenda; Emily A. Schultz; Cynthia Zutter. Full Chapters test bank are included - Chapter 1 to 16 
1 What Is Anthropology? 
What Is Anthropology? 
What Is the Concept of Culture? 
What Makes Anthropology a Cross-Disciplinary Discipline? 
Biological Anthropology 
Cultural Anthropology 
Linguistic Anthropology 
Applied Anthropology 
Medical Anthropology 
The Uses of Anthropology 
Chapter ...
Post-Modernism Vocabulary 2023/2024 already passed
- Prüfung • 4 Seiten • 2023
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 11,24 €
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Post-Modernism VocabularyModernism - correct answer The Modernist period is defined as the period during and after World War I, during which a perceptual void existed in human society and in order to fill this gap, literary greats such as Picasso began to use art, literature, and music as a manner in which to fill this void and draw attention away from the destruction. 
Postmodernism - correct answer The Post-Modernist period is defined as the period after WWII, directly after the modernist pe...
Postmodernism question well answered rated A+
- Prüfung • 2 Seiten • 2023
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- 9,77 €
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define postmodernism - correct answer a style of aesthetic expression; body of critical theory about the nature of contemporary consumer society; began around 1950s; refers to certain values & sensibilities said to be revealed in diverse social and economic arenas; complex set of ideas about the nature of contemporary culture 
eclecticism - correct answer mix and match a diverse array of styles to create distinct looks 
- cultural borrowing 
nostalgia - correct answer inspirat...
Angst, etwas zu verpassen? Dann tu es nicht!
COM 316 Exam 1 Study Guide with verified answers rated A+
- Prüfung • 7 Seiten • 2023
- 12,71 €
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COM 316 Exam 1 Study Guide with verified answers rated A+Empirical/ Positivist Approach 
- Scientific/ Objective 
- Belief that what is truth is waiting for us to discover it 
- There is ONE truth 
- Can be tested scientifically and get the same result 
- Predicts the future 
Interpretive Approach 
- Many different truths 
- Open to interpretation 
- Subjective 
Critical Approach 
- Understanding why/ how something happened 
- Focused on the power dynamic 
- The most important thing ...
COM 316 questions and answers latest 2023
- Prüfung • 9 Seiten • 2023
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 12,22 €
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COM 316 questions and answers latest 2023Denotative language 
the literal dictionary meaning of language 
Connotative language 
an emotional, experiential reaction to language 
governed by rules..... rules become challenged when we think of transgender pronouns 
developed within our cultural groups...... co-cultural group. smaller culture group within a larger culture. 
language changes over time & it is linked to power 
reflects our perceptions 
symbolic construct:...
COM 316 - Exam 1 Practice Questions and answers rated A+ 2023
- Prüfung • 7 Seiten • 2023
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- 12,71 €
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COM 316 - Exam 1 Practice Questions and answers rated A+ 2023A ____________ refers to a researcher's application of a worldview about knowledge when studying a topic. 
The worldview that links "truth" to human perceptions and use qualitative research methods is named 
The sex of a fetus is determined by its 
The first psychologist to challenge Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development was 
Carol Gilligan 
Exam #1 com 316 Asu fully solved 2023
- Prüfung • 2 Seiten • 2023
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Exam #1 com 316 Asu fully solved 2023Sex 
Refers to innate biological characteristics such as genitalia, chromosomes, hormones. 
A psychologically and culturally constructed term which varies from culture to culture and changes overtime. Gender is a process. 
Refers to individuals who are born with ambiguous sex traits. 
Gender presentation 
The ways that individuals communicate gender to others. 
Ie. verbal/nonverbal 
Gender identity 
A persons internal...
COM 316 Exam 1
- Prüfung • 2 Seiten • 2024
- 13,69 €
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COM 316 Exam 1 Questions And Answers 
1st Wave - 1900s-1930s - Equal access to education and right to vote 
2nd Wave - 1960s-1980 - Women in the workplace, wage gap, discrimination 
Men went to war, women had to work 
*Most research comes to the 2nd wave 
3 approaches to gender - Biological, Psychological, Cultural 
3rd Wave 80s-2010s - Exploration, intersectional oppression, race, gender, location, economic status 
4th Wave - 2012 - Present - Internet...
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