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4 Sachen

Japanese law

9,56 €
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Japan is conventionally classified as a civil law legal system based on codified law. The Constitution and the five major Codes (civil, civil procedure, criminal, criminal procedure and commercial) together form the roppó (six codes) or legislative core of the system.

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  •  • 5 Seiten • 
  • von batoul_harb3 • 
  • hochgeladen  2024
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Law worksheet for 9th graders

10,56 €
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Law is an instrument which regulates human conduct/behavior. Law means Justice, Morality, Reason, Order, and Righteous from the view point of the society. Law means Statutes, Acts, Rules, Regulations, Orders, and Ordinances from point of view of legislature.

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  •  • 6 Seiten • 
  • von batoul_harb3 • 
  • hochgeladen  2024
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18,39 €
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Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses mathematical statements to describe relationships between things that vary. These variables include things like the relationship between the supply of an object and its price.

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  • Prüfung
  •  • 4 Seiten • 
  • von batoul_harb3 • 
  • hochgeladen  2024
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