Created by Matthijs Bout, 2646780
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DIVO Overview, Summary, & Papers
Course name: Digital Innovation and Virtual Organizing in a Global Setting
Course code: E_IBA2_DIVO
Academic year: 2020/2021
Author: Matthijs Bout, 2646780
Setup of the exam:
• TestVision, proctored (proctorio)
• 9 questions in total (7 questions worth 10 points, 2 questions worth 15 points), 1 per
each lecture (excluding guest lectures)
• More point differentiation than in quiz (e.g. 3 points for definition, 3 points for an
example), but similar logic in the grading rubrics as explained in feedback on quizzes
• Technical instructions and support provided by a separate service, will be sent later,
please, attend to them carefully
Tips for preparing:
• Study the papers carefully
• Study the lecture notes carefully
• Make summaries
• Come to the final tutorial to discuss content questions
• Make lists with the main concepts (or challenges, types, frameworks, graphs, etc.)
• Make sure you understand the meaning and relationships
• Come up with your own examples of the concepts and relationships
• Study your assignments, quizzes and the good examples for quiz answers
• Study reflections questions offered during each lecture: these or similar ones can be
exam questions
, Created by Matthijs Bout, 2646780
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Overview Articles and Cases
Week Articles (mandatory) Cases (not mandatory)
1 Types and patterns of innovation. Chapter 3, In: Schilling, M. Pachidi S. (2017) Introducing data analytics in
L1 (2016). Strategic management of technological innovation (5th Telco Sales Medium. Case study. Cambridge
ed). Boston: McGraw-Hill. Pp. 43-63 Judge Business School.
1 Yoo, Y., Boland, R. J., Lyytinen, K., & Majchrzak, A. (2012).
L2 Organizing for innovation in the digitized world. Organization
Science, 23(5), 1398-1408. [Only pages: 1398-1403]
Quiz 1 05/02/2021
2 O'Leary, M. B., & Cummings, J. N. (2007). The spatial, temporal,
L3 and configurational characteristics of geographic dispersion in
teams. MIS quarterly, 433-452.
Haas, M., & Mortensen, M. (2016). The secrets of great
teamwork. Harvard business review, 94(6), 70-76.
2 Johnson, M. W., Christensen, C. M., & Kagermann, H. (2008).
L4 Reinventing your business model. Harvard Business Review, 86
Teece, D. J. (2010). Business models, business strategy and
innovation. Long range planning, 43(2-3), 172-194.
3 Wilson, K., & Doz, Y. L. (2012). 10 rules for managing global Malhotra, A., Majchrzak, A., Carman, R., & Lott,
L5 innovation. Harvard business review, 90(10), 84-90. V. (2001). Radical innovation without
A case study at Boeing-Rocketdyne. MIS
quarterly, 229-249.
3 Chesbrough, H. W. (2003). The era of open innovation. MIT Cozzolino, A., Verona, G., & Rothaermel, F. T.
L6 Sloan Management Review, 44(3), 35-42. (2018). Unpacking the disruption process: New
Open technology, business models, and incumbent
Inno- Vanhaverbeke, W. and Chesbrough, H. (2014). ‘A classification of adaptation. Journal of Management Studies,
open innovation and open business models’ In Chesbrough, H., 55(7), 1166-1202.
Vanhaverbeke, W. and West, J. (Eds), New Frontiers in Open
Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 50–68.
Quiz 2 19/02/2021
4 Boudreau, K. J., & Lakhani, K. R. (2013). Using the crowd as an
L7 (G) innovation partner. Harvard business review, 91(4), 60-69
canvas Di Gangi, P. M., Wasko, M., & Hooker, R. (2010). Getting
customers’ ideas to work for you: Learning from Dell how to
succeed with online user innovation communities. MIS Quarterly
Executive, 9(4), 213-228
5 Newell, S. (2015). Managing knowledge and managing
L9 knowledge work: what we know and what the future holds.
Know- Journal of Information Technology, 30(1), 1-17.
5 Pachadi (2018) Implementing analytics at
L10 (G) TelCo. Cambridge business case
, Created by Matthijs Bout, 2646780
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Quiz 3 05/03/2021
L11 Volti, R. (2011). Professions and professionalization. Chapter in:
“An introduction to the sociology of work and occupations” Sage
L12 Publications.
Orlikowski, W. J., & Iacono, C. S. (2000). The truth is not out
there: an enacted view of the ‘digital economy’. In: Brynjolfsson
E. and Kahin B. (eds). Understanding the Digital Economy: Data,
Tools, and Research. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 352–380.
Exam Practice exam 22/03/2021
Resit 17/05/2021
, Created by Matthijs Bout, 2646780
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Week 1 – Basics of Innovation and Digitalization (Fundamentals of Innovation)
- Lecture 1 - Fundamentals of Innovation
- Lecture 2 - Innovation in the Digital Age
- Types and patterns of innovation. Chapter 3, In: Schilling, M. (2016). Strategic management
of technological innovation (5th ed). Boston: McGraw-Hill. Pp. 43-63
- Yoo, Y., Boland, R. J., Lyytinen, K., & Majchrzak, A. (2012). Organizing for innovation in the
digitized world. Organization Science, 23(5), 1398-1408. [Only pages: 1398-1403]
Lecture 1 – Fundamentals of Innovation
Strategic importance of innovation:
• Economies - Innovation sustains growth end economic development
• Society - Innovation helps to solve sustainability challenges
• Firms - Innovation ensures survival and competitiveness
• Kondratieff Waves of Innovation:
o 1st wave: Industrial Revolution (train)
o 2nd wave: Industrial Production (steel)
o 3rd wave: Scientific Revolution (electricity)
o 4th wave: Scientific-technical Revolution (car)
o 5th wave: Information and Telecom revolution (computer)
Innovation as a necessity for businesses:
• Globalization
• Increased competition (differentiation)
• Speed of knowledge development
• Shortened product development cycles and product life cycles
• Enabling technologies (computer-aided design, 3D printing, etc.)
Innovation: the practical implementation of an idea into a new device or process
Historical view on innovation:
Innovation has not always been valued in the past. It usually was conflicting with
authorities’ thoughts.
- Godin (2012): An Old Word for a New World
- The De-Contestation of a Political and Contested Concept
• Nikolai Kondratieff (1925): Theory of long waves (controversial theory, but it puts
“technological innovation” center stage