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PYC4804 MOCK EXAM _3 $2.60
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PYC4804 MOCK EXAM _3 PYC4804 MOCK EXAM _3The scenario You own a company specialising in psychological consultation. The company is called PsyCorp. You employ a number of professional psychologists, as well as student psychologists who do their practical at the organisation. The South African Sport...

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  • 26. oktober 2021
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  • Fragen & Antworten

Date: 2019.09.26
Time: 08:30 – 12:00
Duration: 3 hours


This document contains the scenario information required to answer the examination
questions online. Note that the procedure required to complete and submit the online
examination differs from the procedures normally used to submit assignments on
myUnisa. Make sure you understand the procedures described below. The online
examination paper consists of scenario information (contained in this document) and
80 multiple choice questions (presented online). The questions cannot be completed
without the scenario information contained in this document.

How to complete and submit the examination questions

To complete the online examination:

o Logon to https://myexams.unisa.ac.za/portal using your UNISA credentials when
the examination is about to begin
o Access the “PYC4804 Mock Exam 26 Sep 2019” site
o Access the Self- Assessments tool/Online exam tool (You will find Self-
Assessments/Online exam on the left side of the page under the announcements
o Click on the assessment you have to complete (Note that an assessment will not
be visible before the date and time of the assessment)
o Complete each question online. Also see the file called: How to answer the
examination questions in SAmigo. It provides an explanation of the submission
o Note that the examination has to be completed online. You cannot submit a hard
copy of the answers
o Please make sure you keep a record of your answers in case you have to
resubmit them.
The mock examination will remain available for 24 hours. You can therefore complete the
exam at any point between 08.30am on 26 September and 08.30am on 27 September. It
remains a timed assessment and you therefore still only have 3.5 hours to complete the
exam but you can do so at any point during the 24 hour period.
Please note that the final exam (on 3 October) has to be completed on the date/time as
specified in TL203. The final exam will only be available from 08.30am to 12.00pm on 3


, 2 PYC4804

The format of the paper
The paper is based on a scenario.

Question 1 Declaration of honesty

Questions 2 to 20 entail a discussion of particular aspects of the scenario based on various
personality theories
Questions 21 to 35 entail the assessment of five questionnaire items based on social cognitive
learning theory
Questions 36 to 50 entail the assessment of five questionnaire items based on Jung’s analytic
Questions 51 to 65 entail the assessment of five interview questions based on Frankl’s
existential theory
Questions 66 to 80 entail the assessment of five interview questions based on the ecosystemic

Examination fraud is viewed in an extremely serious light and may result in
disciplinary action and refusal of reregistration as a student.
You are not allowed to receive help from anybody or assist anybody else when you
complete the examination. Also note that when you are logged on all activities are
recorded on a server at Unisa. This means we can see exactly when you log on and
off, the questions you respond to, the time you use per question etc. During and after
the examination students’ response patterns and responses may be subjected to
integrity testing. If any irregularities are found your examination paper may be

The first question in your examination paper requires you to declare that the following
statement (see below) is true.
“I declare that the work I submit in this examination is my own. I am not receiving
help from anybody, nor am I assisting anybody else in completing this examination.”

NOW ANSWER QUESTION 1 (Declaration of honesty)
NOTE: If your paper does not contain a “True” response (i.e. option ‘A’) to this
question, your examination will be nullified.

After answering Question 1 read the following scenario:


, 3 PYC4804

The scenario
You own a company specialising in psychological consultation. The company is called PsyCorp. You
employ a number of professional psychologists, as well as student psychologists who do their practical
at the organisation.
The South African Sports Association (SASA) has approached PsyCorp to assist in the selection of a
team of specialists who will make up the pit crew for the South African team at the 2020 NASCAR

The consultation problem

At PsyCorp every day begins with a morning meeting to discuss the business of the day. The meeting
is attended by qualified psychologists working for your organisation as well as the student
psychologists. This morning’s meeting is attended by two of the senior psychologists, Banti and Piet,
and four student psychologists, Andy, Jill, Sarah and Mike. You chair the meeting.

You inform everybody that you were contacted by the head of the South African Sports Association
(SASA), Dr Mubiana, and that you met with her the previous afternoon. According to Dr Mubiana
South Africa will be represented at the 2020 NASCAR Rally and SASA has been tasked with
assembling the pit crew that will accompany the South African team. Due to the high risk nature of the
work potential candidates need to be thoroughly screened for psychological stability. This makes the
selection process very difficult, especially because hard evidence has to be produced to justify the
selection of some candidates and the rejection of others. This requires scientific and objective
procedures. Dr Mubiana needs PsyCorp to assist with the selection process.

During your meeting with Dr Mubiana she explained the selection process that is required. Pit crew
members need to be suitably qualified, academically and professionally, with at least five years’
experience working in the pit as crew members. Apart from being suitably qualified pit crew members
also have to be of a particular psychological and behavioural profile. This profile requires that
successful candidates have the ability to manage a high-risk and psychologically demanding job.
Applicants are profiled, using psychological questionnaires specifically developed for this purpose.
Candidates are then short listed on the basis of their psychological profiles, and are interviewed for
final selection.

The questionnaires and the interview protocols that are to be used for screening and selection purposes
were obtained from an American based recruitment agency. According to Dr Mubiana her department
conducted a pilot study in which they used the questionnaires and interview protocols. The pilot
showed that there may be problems with the instruments. Therefore Dr Mubiana wants PsyCorp to
review the questionnaires and the interview protocols.

Discussing the problem …

Banti: So, they use questionnaires and interviews as selection instruments?
You: Yes. According to Dr Mubiana the applicants have to complete two questionnaires and are
also required to sit for an interview.
Piet: And I presume these questionnaires are psychological questionnaires – I mean, they are
based on proper theory?
You: Yes, both questionnaires and the interview protocol are based on psychological theory. The
appropriateness of these theories is part of what we have to look at in our review.


, 4 PYC4804

Banti: I agree. And, I assume we have to check this in relation to the purpose the instruments are
intended for.
You: Exactly! I obtained the statistical information generated by the pilot study. So, I suggest we
focus on those questionnaire items and interview questions that look really bad in terms of
their statistical indicators.
Piet: Perhaps we should start by discussing the circumstances and working conditions that the pit
crew will experience so that we can form a better understanding of the context and purpose
of the questionnaires and the selection interview.
You: I agree. Maybe I can begin by asking our student psychologists for their opinions.

Questions 2 to 20
Assess the following discussion of the consultation scenario and answer the questions that follow.
In each of the questions in the following discussion somebody states a problem or asks a question.
Three people respond to the problem or question. As the senior psychologist you have to indicate who
you agree with and who disagree with.
For example, suppose Piet asks a question and Jill, Sarah and Andy respond. Decide which of the
statements made by Jill, Sarah and Andy you agree with and which you disagree with. Select the
option that corresponds with the statements with which you agree and those with which you disagree.

Question 2

Mike: Working as a member of the pit crew requires psychological resilience. What if one of the
crew members cannot handle the stress that comes with the job and experiences a psychotic
breakdown? How do we explain this in terms of systems and cybernetics?

Sarah: Systems theory says unhealthy systems tend to be relatively closed to information from
outside the system and that such systems are caught up in patterns of unhealthy feedback
Jill: Feedback loops become unhealthy when they keep the system balanced between stability and
Andy: We cannot use systems theory to explain psychosis. We need a depth psychological theory to
talk about psychosis.

Indicate with whom you agree and disagree:

1. You agree with Sarah but disagree with Jill and Andy
2. You agree with Jill but disagree with Sarah and Andy
3. You agree with Andy but disagree with Sarah and Jill
4. You agree with Sarah, Jill and Andy
5. You disagree with Sarah, Jill and Andy


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