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Summary A* OCR History A-Level - Wars of the Roses Revision Guide $12.61
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Summary A* OCR History A-Level - Wars of the Roses Revision Guide

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OCR History A-Level - Wars of the Roses Revision Guide. Gained an A*.

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By: helenjoshua26 • 3 months ago


By: yarteytabithaa • 9 months ago


By: ameliabenson • 9 months ago


By: georgejallison • 1 year ago


By: annalysehasanally • 1 year ago


By: werkonikam • 1 year ago

War of the roses 1450-1509

,-successful soldier A successful soldier-king whose victories created EDWARD III = Philippa of Hainault
-Died shortly before his expectations of success in war against France. House of Lancaster
father, Edward III, so the
crown passed directly to his
young son, Richard II
Lionel of Antwerp duke of Edmund of Langley
John of Gaunt duke of =
Edward Prince of Wales (the Clarence = duke of York
Lancaster 3)Catherine Swynford
black prince) = Joan of Kent 1) Blanche of Lancaster
-most powerful and Beauforts are of royal lineage but John and
wealthiest Catherine weren’t married so their right to
of Edward III’s sons. the thrown was stripped.
-Famously blamed for the disappearance (and death) of -Through him the three
the Princes in the Tower Lancastrian kings were
-He usurped the throne from his nephew Edward V in descended from John Breaufort marquis of
= Margaret Holland
1483, by declaring all Edward III. The first wasSomerset
the children of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville 1)Mary de Bohun = HENRY IV = 2) Joan of Navarre his son, Henry.
illegitimate, and became Richard III
-But was killed at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 by
Henry Tudor.

= Catherine de Valois
Humphrey duke of = Elean
HENRY V = Owen Tudor John duke of Edmund Beaufort 1st Beauch
Gloucester John Beaufort duke of= Margaret duke of Somerset - Bea
She married Henry V after -governed in Henry Beauchamp
the Treaty of Troyes in Somerset fiftee
VI minority politic
1420 -Edmund Beaufort (duke of Beauf
Jasper Tudor duke of Somerset) and Richard were
-created Earl of Pembroke by Henry VI - title was lost Katha
HENRY VI Bedford to William Herbert in 1468, but restored to him
Plantageant(duke of York) leads Katha
=His weakness as king led to = Margaret during Henry VI’s readeption in 1470-71 and after to battle of St Albans -not really by Ac
the violence of the 1450s and Henry Tudor’s from
of Anjou Edmund Tudor earl of = Margaret Beaufort a battle.
victory at Bosworth in 1485.
Richmond -her son Henry Tudor had a claim to the throne as Later
criticised for allowing ‘evil
Lancastrian heir, following the deaths of Henry VI and Edward Some
councillors’ to dominate Margaret of Anjou, often shown as a villain and victimised by Prince of Wales in 1471. counc
-virtual coma in 1453 - propaganda, not helped as she was French, fierce powerful -resilient politician whose guiding principle was the future of her son, whether it meant working moth
regained his senses, he never – perhaps played a more positive role than suggested, leads with Edward IV or plotting rebellion, as she did in 1483 with the Duke of Buckingham.
recovered his full vigour. This armies to try and reinstate her husband to the thrown Henry Beaufort 2nd
- Valuable heiress from father’s death in 1455 she was married to Edmund Tudor, half-brother of
sharpened rivalries amongst following the disinheritance of her son, influenced by her
those left to run the kingdom.
Henry VI. Aged only about 13 when she gave birth to her only child, duke of Somerset Edmu
mother, not allowed to be in parliament, described as ‘she -Her second marriage to Henry Stafford -fought at the 1st Battle of St Albans in
- -pious and un-militaristic wolf’ by Shakespeare, niece of King Charles VII so had French
- Her third husband was Thomas, Lord Stanley. His family’s actions won the Battle of Bosworth for 1455 and swore revenge for the death of -main
man, not well suited to the support, returned to France following the final Lanastrian her son, Henry Earl of Richmond, who became Henry VII. his father role of
role of king, especially as he defeat in 1471 -often acted as his lieutenant during hers son’s reign -became the leading Lancastrian 1450 a
was expected to defend the -he w
- She founded Christ’s College, Cambridge. nobleman and, despite the ‘Loveday’
conquests made by his father, stayed
-died in 1509 having seen her grandson succeed to the throne as Henry VIII. reconciliation -
Henry V, in France – an almost counci
-thrived under both Lancastrian and Yorkist courts by befriending powerful people may have been behind the attack on the
impossible task. -rivalry
Elizabeth of York = Earl of Warwick in London n 1458. violenc
HENRY VII - Surprisingly made his peace with Edward Battle
Edward Prince of Wales (Edward IV in 1462, surprising - but defected to the deliber
-defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 and became Lancastrians again in -succe
of Lancaster)
King Henry VII, the first Tudor monarch. After the death of Henry VI, he was the Lancastrian heir as a great- 1463 and was executed after the 1449 w
Son of Henry VI and Margaret of Anjou, married Anne Neville, daughter of grandson of Edward III - albeit through the illegitimate Beaufort line as he was the son of Margaret Lancastrian defeat at the Battle of time o
Warwick ‘the Kingmaker’ in 1470 to cement the alliance between Warwick Norma
Beaufort and Edmund Tudor. Hexham, -blame
and Margaret of Anjou.
- died at the Battle ofTewkesbury 1471. -In 1471, after the Lancastrian defeat, he and his uncle Jasper Tudor were in exile in Brittany. He led an by tha
invasion of England in 1483 and won the throne at Bosworth in 1485.

, EDWARD III = Philippa of Hainault

Edward Prince of Wales (the Lionel of Antwerp duke of Edmund of Langley = 1) Isabella of Castille Thomas
John of Gaunt duke of
black prince) = Joan of Kent Clarence Important because he was the eldest of Lancaster
duke of York Glouces
Edward III’s sons to have heirs and so his -governed England while his
leading opponent of Richard
descendants could claim the strongest links nephew, Richard II, led a campaign 1386-9
back to in Ireland. -one of the five Appellants w
Edward III. (see line for house of york) -He failed to halt the invasion by accused Richard’s favourites
another nephew, Henry treason at the Merciless
= Edmund Mortimer Parliament of 1388.
Philipa Bolingbroke, which led to the -1397 murdered by Richard I
earl of March overthrow of Richard II. -daughter Anne married Edm
Earl of Stafford –their
descendants included the Sta
dukes of Buckingham. Hump
Stafford (1st Duke) played a

Roger Mortimer earl= Philipa of House of Neville Edward, leading role from the 1430s t
1460 and
of March duke of York Henry Stafford (2nd Duke) pl
Clarence an important part in the eve
Ralph Neville = Joan Beaufort 1483 when Richard III becam

Edmund Mortimer Ann Mortimer = Richard, earl of ‘Kingmaker’because his support was vital to the success of Edward IV’s seizure
of the throne in 1461.
earl of March Cambridge -very wealthy but his feud over lands with Edmund, Duke of Somerset in the
early 1450s led to him supporting York against Somerset.
-Edward IV’s leading adviser Warwick was given many more rewards and postsRi
-She married Edward IV secretly in 1464, a marriage widely
Richard Pantagenet, duke= Cecily Neville Duchess but seems to have resented Edward’ independence from his advice, his
viewed of York of York promotion of other advisers and refusal to allow Warwick’s daughters, Isobel of
as unsuitable (she was English, a widow, her first husband had and Anne, to marry
-Edmund Beaufort Edward’s own brothers.
fought for Henry VI)- and it stopped Edward marrying foreign
to make connections abroad. This contributed to the breach (duke of Somerset) and Therefore he rebelled in 1469-71, ultimately reinstating Henry Rich
between Edward IV and Warwick. Richard VI as king.
He died in the Lancastrian defeat at the Battle of Barneti n 1471.
- Warwick portrayed the Woodvilles as grasping as she had lots
of siblings who all had advantageous marriages. As well as two
Plantageant(duke of
sons from her previous marriage. York) leads to battle of
St Albans – not really a
= Isobel Neville

= Elizabeth Woodville
Anne of York EDWARD IV Edmund, earl of Elizabeth = John de la Pole, duke of Margaret of York, duchess of George duke of RICHAR
Rutland Suffolk Burgundy Clarence

HENRY VII = Elizabeth of York EDWARD V (prince in
-eldest daughter of Edward IV and by marrying
the tower) Richard, duke of York(
John de la Pole Richard de la Pole, (The Margaret Countess of Edward, ear
Henry VII she united the two sides of TWOTR. prince in the tower) Edmund de la Pole, Sir Richard Pole =
earl of Suffolk White Horse) Salisbury Warwick

, Key Events of the War of the Roses: • First battle of St Albans (1455)
• Six Battles (1459-1461) Lancaster – Red
-White Rose = York • Two Battles (1464) York – White Ro
-Red Rose = Lancaster • Four Battles (1469-1471) Tudor – Red an
-Mixed = Tudor Rose, propaganda Henry VII • Epilogue (including Bosworth)
• Various further outbreaks during the reign of Henry VII
Success Strong decisive l
Strong defence against France United nobility Impressive Wealthy court Low levels of crime or disorder
and Scotland
7.1461-64 Edward IV
1. 1412-22 King Henry V 2. 1422-37 A child king 4.1455 The First Battle
Henry V was extremely The First battle of the Wars takes control 10.1471-83 Edward
Henry VI became King at 9 Edward gradually
successful. He beat the French at months old, so his council of of the Roses was between IV’s Next Success
the Battle of Angincourt, nobles ruled until he was 16. the Dukes of Somerset and restores peace, working Again Edward made
conquered Northern France and There was fighting amongst York over who should be closely with the England more
there was peace and order in the nobles and some defeats Henry’s chief councillor. York powerful Earl of peaceful and battles
England. He was seen as the in France but overall there won and somerset was killed. Warwick. Any remaining appeared to be
Ideal King – but could his was success. The nobles There was hope that this Lancastrians were
would bring peace. over.
successors recreate his success? placed loyalty to the young defeated in1464 and
king ahead of their own Henry IV was 8.1464-68 Edward’s First
ambitions. imprisoned. Success
5. 1455-59 A Phoney Peace With battles over, Edward
There were no more battles seemed safe as king. But he
Survival 3. 1437-50 Henry VI failures
For 4 years. Nobles wanted to stay
loyal to Henry VI despite his failures 6.1459-61 The fight for the
failed to give Warwick the
influence that he wanted and 9.1469-71 Warwick’s Rebellion
crown – Turning Point 11.1483 R
as an adult in the aim to maintain peace. But they disagreed on foreign Warwick failed in rebellion in
The Lancastrians (supporters of King: Edw
Henry VI ineffective king. there was distrust between the 1469, then tried again in 1470.
policy. He also married Edward IV
He always remained child- leaders and War broke out in 1459. Henry VI) feared that York Edward was forced to flee to
wanted to overthrow Henry. Elizabeth Woodville, 1483. His
like, lacked authority in war Burgundy in France. Warwick became K
and government. French York feared that Henry would surprisingly and in secret. made Henry VI King again, but
attack. Mutal fears lead them to uncle Rich
lands were lost and violent Edward killed Warwick at the and becam
disorder increased. In 1450 build up armies, 6 battles were battle of Barnet, killed Henry’s
fought in 18 months. York was The young
rebellion ensued as people son at the battle of Tewksbury
grew angrier with the killed, his son Edward won and had Henry VI murdered in
failures. Towton, deposed Henry and the tower of London.
became King Edward IV. Henry
and his wife Margret of Anjou
fled to Scotland.

Few signs of wealth or
Danger of attack from High levels of crim
Failure Weak, Indecisive Divided rebellious slendour at court
France or Scotland disorder
leadership nobility

, The Role and Power of the King in 15th Century Government
Great Chain of Being:
-The belief that every man was born toa specific place in the strictly hierarchy of society and had a duty to remain there.
-It formed the idea of god punishing those who rebelled against their prince as treason. Or those who questioned it as heresy.
Role in Government Limits on Po
King Overarching rule Had to consult his
Government and Power over People:
Ran government if the king was too young. Impact of a we
King: The Nobility To advice the king on matters of state,
Takes their advice bu
-obliged by coronation oath to consult his senior through formal councils or as more informal
advice. When there was an absence of police with it. Makes the fin
noblemen on matters of state, formally through a or army king relied on them to enforce the resolve disagreemen
composed council or more informally – it was only law and to provide an army from tenants lead to disorder in g
advice though and he had the final say so the smooth who rented land from the lord. Justice of the
Peace resolved minor cases and they held
running of government and therefore the country as a quarterly sessions.
whole depended on the competence of the king.
-however this also meant that he could break up
Responsible for looking after the king –
disagreements and settle the realm, correct corruption The King’s household feeding and clothing him. Most senior was
No power
and give a sense or direction and leadership. the Lord Chamberlain who controlled access
-when taxes were required he had to work in to the king. Ensure equal access to the king
for the nobility so that it was not felt that
partnership with the realm via the gathering of lords one faction was dominating the influence
and commons. over the king, this could cause disputes.
-Justice was dispensed by public servants answerable
to the court of chancery
Very different to today, met only when the Power was very limi
-finance managed through the exchequer. Parliament king called, brief sessions focused mainly power in that the kin
on business and taxes, which usually or demand taxes wit
provided him with money. Made up of
lords and commons

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