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Exam (elaborations) The Organisational Background to Business Administration The Management Framework to Business Administration $52.49
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Exam (elaborations) The Organisational Background to Business Administration The Management Framework to Business Administration

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Exam of 7 pages for the course The Organisational Background to Business Administration The Management Framework to Business Administration at OCR (HELPS IN EXAM)

vorschau 2 aus 7   Seiten

  • 15. januar 2022
  • 7
  • 2021/2022
  • Prüfung
  • Unbekannt
Business Management & Administration
Main Aim(s) of the Unit:
The unit introduces the student to a range of studies which are useful in understanding people in the workplace. It examines the
concept of management within the global business environment and through the appraisal of business cases, a variety of approaches
are considered.
The unit prepares students for their likely future roles as managers in organisations. It encourages them to synthesize knowledge and
experience gained in other units by considering competing perspectives on the nature of management. It encourages them to reflect
upon the contribution that they might make as individuals to the management process, and to explore their own skills as potential
managers, within the context of their peer group. The unit touches practical, moral and ethical dimensions of the management role and
examines the key problems and dilemmas that may emerge for stakeholders in contemporary organisations.
Main Topics of Study:
The Organisational Background to Business Administration
The Management Framework to Business Administration
 What are Business Administration and Management?
 The Board of Directors
 Functions within an Organisation
 The ‘Systems’ Approach to Organisation
 Planning-Control Feedback Cycles
Characteristic Features of Organisations
 The Structure of Organisations and the Need for Authority
 The Features of Bureaucratic and Non-Bureaucratic Organisations
 Traditional Principles and Types of Organisation
 More about Systems & Subsystems
The Structure of Business Enterprises
 The Pattern of Organisations
 Business Types including; Sole-Trder Enterprises, Partnerships, Limited
 Partnerships, The Limited Liability Company, Non-Profit-Making Units (Clubs & Societies), Public Enterprises
 Public Sector Organisations; Autonomous Public Corporations, Nationalised Industries, Local Government Institutions,
Central Government Departments
Functions within Organisations
The Production Function:
 The Production Process and Types of Production
 Site Selection & Factory Planning
 Plant & Equipment
 Materials & Materials Handling
 Production Administration
 Costing Aspects of Production
 Work Study
 Maintenance & Production
The Purchasing Function:
 The Nature of Purchasing and the Role of the Purchasing Officer
 Purchasing Department Procedures, Inventory Control, Stores Control and Economic Order Quantity
The Research & Development Function:
 The Functions of the Research & Development Department
 Basic Research
 Problem-Based Research
 Ideas Generation
 Applied Research & Development
 Patents, Trade Marks & Service Marks
 Research & Development in the Business Organisation
The Marketing Function:
 Introduction to Marketing and The Marketing Philosophy
 Market Analysis & Research
 Promotion, Publicity & Public Relations
 Pricing Policy
 Credit Control
 Sales Administration
 Transport & Distribution (Logistics)
 Export Marketing
Personnel Department:
 The Need for Staff
 The Functions of the Personnel Department and a Personnel Policy
 Employee Records

,  Promotion, Transfer, Termination & Dismissal
The Administrative Officer’s Role
 Industrial Relations Practice
 The Remuneration of Staff
Office Administration:
 The Role of the Administrative Officer
 Facilities Management - The ‘New-Look’ Office Administrator
 The Office & its Functions
 The Clerical Function, Business Correspondence, Mail Inwards, Mail
 Outwards, Systems for Producing Business Correspondence.
 Meetings, Conferences, Functions and Delegation
Other Responsibilities of the Administrative Officer:
 The Organisation & Methods Department
 Security Aspects of Business
 Risk Management
 The Environment of Organisations
 What is a Claimant?
 Assessing the Impact of Claimants
Learning Outcomes for the Unit
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
1. Provide critical evaluation of the major functional areas of a business and describe their interrelationship.
2. Evaluate competing perspectives on the nature of management as both a function and process within organisations
3. Discuss the concept of managerial power and authority, in the context of the work of individual managers, and organisations
within their social and cultural contexts.
4. Discuss models of managerial decision-making
5. Discuss the development of organisations in their historical, social and cultural contexts, and the choices that this creates for
the management of organisations
6. Explain the process of organisational change and development.
7. Discuss management as a moral and ethical process
8. Demonstrate an appreciation of the role of the Administrator as part of the Managerial process
The numbers in the boxes below show which of the above unit learning outcomes are related to particular cognitive and key
Knowledge & Understanding 1-8
Analysis 1,2,4,7
Synthesis/Creativity 1,2
Evaluation 1,2,7,8
Interactive & Group Skills -
Self-appraisal/ Reflection on Practice -
Planning and Management of Learning -
Problem Solving 1,2
Communication & Presentation 1-8
Other skills (please specify): -
Learning and teaching methods/strategies used to enable the achievement of learning outcomes:
Learning takes place on a number of levels through lectures, class discussion including problem review and analysis. Formal lectures
provide a foundation of information on which the student builds through directed learning and self managed learning outside of the
class. The students are actively encouraged to form study groups to discuss course material which fosters a greater depth learning
Assessment methods which enable the student to demonstrate the learning outcomes for the Unit:
Examination: 3 hours duration 100%
Indicative Reading for this Unit:
Main text: Business Management & Administration - G Whitehead & G Whitehall (Institute of Commercial Management)
Alternative Texts and Further Reading:
Modern Business Administration - R C Appleby (Pitman)
The Structure of Business - M Buckley (Pitman)

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