An in-depth character analysis of all characters and Vocabulary that will ensure you get the best mark that you possibly can. For all English students that struggle to understand what is being said. A complete and in-depth summary of all 25 chapters of Asem, and is very useful if you have not read ...
Detailed summary of Asem: includes character sketches, relevant themes and summary of ALL CHAPTERS
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Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
Asem Opsomming
Deur Jan Vermeulen
1|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
,Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
Table of Contents
Charakters: ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Hoofstuk een ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Hoofstuk twee ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Hoofstuk drie ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Hoofstuk vier ................................................................................................................................................. 14
Hoofstuk vyf .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Hoofstuk Ses .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Hoofstuk Sewe .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Hoofstuk Agt .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Hoofstuk Nege............................................................................................................................................... 26
Hoofstuk Tien ................................................................................................................................................ 28
Hoofstuk Elf ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Hoofstuk Twaalf ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Hoofstuk Dertien ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Hoofstuk Veertien ......................................................................................................................................... 41
Hoofstuk Vyftien ........................................................................................................................................... 44
Hoofstuk Sestien ........................................................................................................................................... 46
Hoofstuk Sewentien...................................................................................................................................... 49
Hoofstuk Agtien ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Hoofstuk Negentien ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Hoofstuk Twintig ........................................................................................................................................... 55
Hoofstuk Een-en-twintig .............................................................................................................................. 59
Hoofstuk Twee-en-twintig............................................................................................................................ 62
Hoofstuk Drie-en-twintig .............................................................................................................................. 64
Hoofstuk Vier-en-twintig .............................................................................................................................. 68
Hoofstuk Vyf-en-twintig ............................................................................................................................... 71
Vocabulary: .................................................................................................................................................... 73
Lang vrae: ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
Barries en sy ma se verhouding:.............................................................................................................. 76
Stef en Paul se verhouding: ..................................................................................................................... 76
Barries en Paul se verhouding: ................................................................................................................ 76
Hoekom was Paul tronk toe? : ................................................................................................................. 76
2|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
,Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
Barries Barnard:
• Lyk soos sy ma, grysbloue oë, donker hare, maer gesig, atleties gebou. Hy is growwe
en sterker as sy ma.
• Hy is hardkoppig en luister nie vir sy ma oor sy dwelemsmisbruik.
• Neem nie meer deel aan sport nie.
• Hy dink dat dagga goed vir jou is.
• Impulsief.
• Hy het ‘n African Grey, Nelson.
Floris De Kock:
• Blond, probleem vel (het puisies oor sy wange en voorkop)
• Knip sy oë baie.
• Onseker van homself.
Theo De Kock:
• Aantreklik en blond.
• Gladde bruingebrande vel.
• Goed gebou.
• Een jaar ouer as floris.
• Hou van Lizette en Barries se ma.
Lizette Kleyn:
• Donker oë en hare, skraal gebou.
• Seksueel aktief.
• Beslis.
• Hou van fliteer, nie lojaal nie.
• Barries se meisie.
3|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
,Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
Fillie Booysen:
• Bly in ‘n plakkerhuis op See Plaas.
• Word Barries se vriend
Vera Barnard:
• Barries se ma.
• grysbloue oë, donker hare
• mooi.
Sersant Nicolene (Nico) Schreuder:
• Werk met Kaptein Mfeka, 'n polisievrou.
• blonde hare wat net haar skouers raak, Sy is baie skraal.
• 24 jaar oud
Paul Barnard:
• Barries se pa
• Eienaar van SeePlaas.
• Paul het langerige donker blonde hare, donkerbruin oë en 'n growwe gesig.
• Hy het tatos op sy boarms.
Stef Jonker:
• Paul se vriend
• Bly op See Plaas
• lang rooiblonde hare en groen oë
• 23 jaar oud
• Stef se Meisie
4|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
,Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
Kaptein Mfeka:
• Hoof van narkotika.
• Sy seun het dwelms misgebruik
Charles De Kock:
• ‘n Prokureur.
• Theo en Floris se pa.
Eunice Du Toit:
• 16 jaar oud.
• Die regte eienaar van Jona (Bart).
• Swart hare en suiwer grysblou oë.
• Sy is blind.
• Dokter Jassie Du Toit is haar pa en Hermine Du Toit haar ma.
• Was vas in die rotse, Barries het hom gered.
• Hy is Is Eunice se opgeleide gidshond.
• Sy regte naam is Bart.
• Het von willebrand siekte.
• Het Barries gered. (figuurlik)
• Dokter Gretha Hakinin is sy Dokter
• labrador-golden retriever-mengsel
• Besuit ‘n winkel wat dwelms verkoop.
• Hy het iemnad gestuur om Vera in die nek te steek.
• Het ‘n geweer en almal is bang vir hom.
5|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
,Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
Hoofstuk een
• Dit is vandag Barries se 17de verjaarsdag, hy en sy vriende (Theo en Floris) en
sy meisie (Lizette) sit op sy bed en praat oor hoe hy sy pa wil vermoor.
• Today is Barries's birthday and he, his friends and his girlfriend are sitting on his
bed talking about how he wants to murder his father.
• Dit is ook amper kersfees.
• It is also almost Christmas.
• Barries wil sy pa vermoor met rottegif Omdat Barries en sy pa ’n slegte
verhouding gehad het toe Barries jonk was. Paul was jaloers omdat Barries nie
sy kind is nie. Hy het altyd baie gedrink en het dronk geword en Barries geslaan
met 'n belt. Vir die res van sy kinderdae was sy pa afwesig en dit het Barries
baie hartseer gemaak.
• Barries wants to poison his father with rat poison because Paul and Barries had
a bad relationship when he was younger. Paul was jealous because Barries
wasn't his child. He always used to drink and get drunk and hit Barries with a
belt. His father was also absent for the rest of his childhood and this made
Barries very sad.
• Hulle wil klub toe gaan met Vera se mercedes.
• They want to go to the club with Vera’s Mercedes.
• Barries en sy ma (Vera) bly alleen in ‘n woonstel in Houghton, Johannesburg.
• Barries and his mother stay alone in a flat in Houghton, Johannesburg.
• Paul bel Gereeld vir Vera vir die afgelope jaar, en vra vir Barries om vir hom te
kom kuier, maar Barries sê hy sal gelukkig wees as hy Paul in pyn sien.
• Paul has called Vera a lot for the last year and wants Barries to come visit him,
but all Barries wants is to see his father in pain.
• Paul het nooit vir Barries vir 11 jaar op sy verjaarsdag gebel nie, hierdie jaar
was die eerste jaar dat hy hom bel.
6|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
,Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
• His father has not called him for the last 11 years, but this year was the first
year that he called him on his birthday.
• Daarom wil Barries sy ma se van (nooiensvan) aanneem, sy ma se van is Nel.
• Therefore Barries wants to take his mum's surname (maiden name), which is
• Barries was uit die 1ste span krieket gegooi en hy doen baie sleg in skool en hy
en sy ma baklei elke dag hieroor.
• He was thrown out of the first cricket team and is doing very bad in school,
thus his mum fights with him everyday.
• Barries was die man of the match vir krieket.
• Barries rook dagga.
• Barries se African Grey se naam is Nelson.
• Vera dink dat Theo en floris ’n slegte invloed op Barries is.
• His mum thinks that Theo and Floris is a bad influence.
• Barries en sy meisie is seksueel aktief (seks).
• Barries and lizette are having sex.
• Lizette en Barries begin vry (makeout) maar dan stap Vera in die kamer en toe
stop hulle.
• They start making out but then his mother walks in and they stop.
• Theo is baie aantreklik en is baie goed met die meisies en wonder of hy Barries
se ma en meisie sal verlei (seduce).
• Theo is very handsome and wonders whether he will seduce Barries’s mother
and his girlfriend.
• Floris is Theo se broer en hy het 'n probleem vel en is onseker van homself.
• Floris is Theo's younger brother and he has acne and is insecure about himself.
• Oom Charles is Floris en Theo se pa en hy is ‘n prokureur.(lawyer)
• Uncle Charles is Theo and Floris’s father and he is a lawyer
• Barries noem die twee broers die “blonde” broers.
• Barries names the two brothers the “blonde” brothers.
7|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
,Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
Hoofstuk twee
• Almal gaan na die Gold miners delight klub in Houghton.
• Everybody goes to the gold miners delight club in Houghton.
• Die uitsmyter (bouncer) se naam is Jumbo Kruger.
• Hulle kom in met vals IDs
• Theo en Floris kry meisies vir die aand wat saam met hulle rook.
• Theo and Floris gets girls for the night that smokes with them.
• Hulle rook by die lae ronde tafels en vir 'n uur of twee gaan alles plesierig.
• They Smoke by the tables for an hour or two and everything is going smoothly.
• 'n Man vat aan lizette se boude.
• A man touches lizette's bum.
• Die man (wie lizette bevoel) het 'n harde baard met papperige oë, 'n bier
pens, sleeptong en ghries onder sy naels.
• The man (that touches Lizette) has a hard beard with mushy eyes, a beer belly,
trailing tongue and grease under his nails.
• Barries is dan baie kwaad en slaan die man met sy kop tussen die oë. Die man
het toe agteroor geval en bly op die vloer lê.
• Barries becomes angry and hits the man with his head between his eyes, the
man then Falls to the floor
• Jumbo Kruger dra Barries en sit hom dan uit van die klub waar Jumbo Kruger
Barries ook slaan.
• The bouncer carries Barries outside and hits him.
• Almal moes ook die klub verlaat het, Jumbo Kruger het Barries uitgergooi.
• Everyone else also left the club with Barries, Jumbo Kruger threw him out of
the club.
• Barries is so hoog op dwelms en het seergekry toe Jumbo hom geslaan het, so
Floris en Theo laai hom in die kadett (kar).
• Barries was too high and too hurt to walk to the car, so they carried him.
8|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
, Asem Opsomming Jan Vermeulen
• Theo en Floris se meisies van die klub is nog saam met hulle en is in Theo se
• Floris and Theo's girls that they met at the club are also in the car.
• Theo bestuur.
• Theo is driving.
• Lizette wil huis toe gaan maar Barries sê nee.
• Lizette wants to go home but Barries says no.
• Hulle besluit om by Butcher se winkel 'n draai te maak.
• They stop at Butcher’s shop.
• Butcher het 'n haelgeweer onder sy toonbank.
• Butcher has a shotgun behind the counter.
• Butcher verkoop tydskrifte (magazine), lekkergoed, sigarette, ou radio’s flitse,
batterye, ou selfone (important, this is how Barires later knows that Butcher
hurt his mom), knoppies en biltong.
• Barries koop Kakkerlak gif (to kill his father with), vyf tablette (MDMA,
ecstasy), rookgoed (dagga), ‘n rolmajientjie en rolling papier.
• Barries buys cockroach poison, 5 tablets, dagga, a rolling machine and rolling
• Barries gebruik Vera se geld om te betaal.
• He uses his mom's money to pay.
• Barries is baie hoog op dwelms.
• He's very high on drugs.
• Hulle gaan nou na ‘n ander klub wat in die agterstaat van Houghton is.
• They now go to the backstreets to another club.
• Die tweede klub se naam is Rainbow delight.
• Na ‘n rukkie gooi die uitsmyters hulle ook uit van Rainbow delight.
• After a while the bouncers tell them to leave Rainbow delight club.
• Barries lê oor die drie meisies (Lizzette, Theo en Floris se meisies van die klub)
agter in die kar.
9|P age
R a c h e l J o n e s
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