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Biol 1040 Exam 1 STUDY GUIDE $18.49   Add to cart

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Biol 1040 Exam 1 STUDY GUIDE

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Unifying Concepts of animal structure and function (20) An animals form is not the perfect design: Girrafes Larynegeal nerve:  Travels from brain, to neck, U-turn around major a major blood vessel in the chest (aorta), back up throat, where It connects to and stimulates muscles of the throat...

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  • February 8, 2022
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  • 2021/2022
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
Unifying IConcepts Iof Ianimal Istructure Iand Ifunction I(20)

An Ianimals Iform Iis Inot Ithe Iperfect Idesign:
Girrafes ILarynegeal Inerve:
Travels Ifrom Ibrain, Ito Ineck, IU-turn Iaround Imajor Ia Imajor Iblood Ivessel Iin Ithe Ichest
I(aorta), Iback Iup Ithroat, Iwhere IIt Iconnects Ito Iand Istimulates Imuscles Iof Ithe Ithroat.

This Iaffects Ithe Igiraffe’s Ivocal Icords, Ibreathing, Iand Iswallowing.
The Igiraffes Ithroat Iis Ia Ifoot Iaway Ifrom Iits Ibrain.
Why Idoes Ithe Ilaryngeal Inerve Imake Isuch Ia Ilong Ijourney?
Evolution Iand Inatural Iselection: Imechanisms Iarise Ifrom Iprevious Istructures.
Tetrapod’s: Ivertebrates Iwith Ifour Ilimbs I(including Ihumans)
The Iearly Iembryos Iof Ifish Iand Itetrapod’s Ishow Ishared Iancestry:
The Ilaryngeal Inerve Iwill Inerve Iconnects Ito Ithe Ibrain Iand Ito Ia Irudimentary Istructure Ithat Iin Ifish
Ibecomes Igills Iand Iin Itetrapods Ibecomes Ithe Ilarynx.

Explain Iwhy Ithe Iprocess Iof Inatural Iselection Iin Itetrapods Iresulted Iin Ia Ilong, Ilooped
Ilaryngeal Inerve Iinstead Iof Ia Ishort Inerve Ifollowing Ia Imore Idirect Iroute?

A Imore Idirect I(shorter) Iconnection Ifrom Ithe Ibrain Ito Ithe Ineck Iwould Irequire Isevering Iand
Irejoining Ithis Inerve, Iwhich Iwould Inot Ibe Icompatible Iwith Isurvival.

Anatomy: Ithe Istudy Iof Ithe Iform Iof Ian Iorganism’s Istructures
Physiology: Ithe Istudy Iof Ithe Ifunctions Iof Ithose Istructures

Emergent Iproperties: Inovel Iproperties Ithat Iwere Inot Ipresent Iat Ithe Ipreceding Ilevel Iof Ithe
Ihierarchy Iof Ilife-arise Ias Ia Iresult Iof Ithe Istructural Iand Ifunctional Iorganization Iof Ieach Ilevel

Icomponent Iparts Iand Ithe Iinteractions Iamong Ithose Iparts

Cells tissue organ organ Isystem
I organism
Muscle Icell:
Contract, Iand Istrands Iof Iproteins Ithat Iperform Ithat Ifunction Iare Iprecisely Ialigned. IEach Icell IinIthe
Imuscle Iis Ibranched Iand Iconnected Ito Iother Icells

Integrated Igroup Iof Isimilar Icells Ithat Iare Ispecialized, Iand Itheir Istructure Iallows Ithem Ito IperformIa
Icertain Itask-in Ithis Iinstance Icoordinated Icontraction

muscle Itissue Ithe Iheart Iincludes Ithree Iother Itypes Iof Itissues: Inervous, Iepithelial, IandIconnective

Made Iup Iof Itwo Ior Imore Itypes Iof Itissues Ithat Itogether Iperform Ia Ispecific Itask.

Organ Isystems:
Consists Iof Imultiple Iorgans Ithat Itogether Iperform Ione Ior Imore Ivital Ibody Ifunctions. IThe Iheart Iis
Ipart Iof Ithe Icirculatory Isystem Ialong Iwith Iblood Iand Iblood Ivessels: Iarteries, Iveins, Iand Icapillaries

, PS INOTES ISLIDE: ITo Ibe Ia Itrue Itissue, Ithe Icells Imust Ibe Iphysically Iconnected Ivia Ia Isticky
Iintercellular Imatrix, Ior Iby Ispecialized Itight, Igap Ior I adhesion Ijunctions. IRecall Ithe Idistinction

Iwith Isponges I– Ithey I“almost” Ihave Itissues, Ibut Ithey Iare Inot I“true Itissues” Ibecause Ithey Iare Inot

Iheld Itogether I– Ii.e. Ithey Ican Idissociate Iand Ifunction Iindependently.

As Ian I“organ”, Iin Iaddition Ito Ibeing Icomprised Iof Icardiac Imuscle Itissue, Iit Iis Ialso Icomprised Iof
Iconnective Itissue I& Iadipose Itissue Ion Ithe Ioutside, Ispecial Iepithelial Itissue Ion Ithe Iinside.

Vital IFunctions Iof Ithe ICirculatory ISystem IInclude I. I. I.
• Carry IO2 I& ICO2 Ito/from Itissues I& Ilungs; Ihelp Iregulate Iblood IpH.
• Carry Idigestion Iproducts Ito Iother Itissues I& Iorgans;
• Carry Iexcess Iwater I& Iwastes Ito Ithe Ikidneys Ifor Ielimination.

The Iorganism Iforms Ithe Ifinal Ilevel Iof Ithis Ihierarchy. IAn Iorganism Icontains Inumber Ior Iorgan
Isystems, Ieach Ispecialized Ifor Icertain Itasks.

Four Itypes Iof Iepithelial Icells:
Epithelial Icells:
◆ Sheets Iof Iclosely Ipacked Icells Ithat Icover Ithe Ibody Isurface Iand Iline Iinternal Iorgans Iand

PS: Iif Iyou Iknow Isomeone Iwith Icancer Iit Iis Ivery Ilikely Ithey Ihave Irisen Ifrom Iepithelial Icells
◆ The Itightly Iknit Icells Iform Ia Iprotective Ibarrier
◆ One Iside Iof Ithe Iepithelium Iis Iattached Ito Ia Idense Imat Iof Iextracellular Imatrix IconsistingIof
Ifibrous Iproteins Iand Isticky Ipolysaccharides

Stratified Isquamous Iepithelial Icells:
Multiple Ilayers Iof Icells
I(lining Iof Ithe Iesophagus)

PS: I Replacement I– Ii.e. Ithe Iproduction Iof Inew Icells Ivia Idivision Iof Istem Icells Ithat Ireplace
Ithose Iat Ithe Isurface Ithat Iare Icontinuously Ibeing Ished Ior Ilost; Idandruff I is Ia Igood Iexample Iof

Iexcessive Iloss Iof Iepithelial Icells Ifrom Ithe Iscalp.

Stem Icells Iare Ilocated Iadjacent Ito Ithe Ibasement Imembrane.

Simple Isquamous Iepithelial Icells:
Single Ilayer Iof Icells
(lining Iof Ithe Iair Isacs Iof Ithe Ilungs)
PS: I Here, I“protection” Iis Itaken Ito Ibe Imainly Istructural I(or Ibarrier) Iprotection I– Ii.e.
Iselectively Ikeeping Isome Isubstances Iseparated, Iwhile Iallowing Iother Isubstances Ito Ipass.

Simple Icuboidal Iepithelium:
(forming Ia Itube Iin Ithe Ikidney)
PS: IExocrine Iglands Icharacteristically Isecrete Imaterials Iinto Ia Icavity, Iduct Ior Ichamber.
Shown Iis Ia Ipancreatic Iexocrine Igland Ithat Isecretes Idigestive Ienzymes Iinto Iducts Ithat Ilead Ito Ithe

Simple Icolumnar Iepithelium:
I(lining Iof Ithe Iintestines)

, Connective Itissue:
Consists Iof Ia Isparse Ipopulation Iof Icells Iscattered Ithroughout Ia Imatrix, Iwhich Iusually Iconsists IofIa
Iweb Iof Ifibers Iembedded Iin Ia Iliquid, Ijelly, Ior Isolid.

Six Imajor Iconnective Itissues:

Loose Iconnective Itissues:
Serve Imainly Ito Ibind Ithe Iepithelia Ito Iunderlying Itissues Iand Ihold Iorgans Iin Iplace. I(under ItheIskin)
Its Imatrix Iis Ia Iloose Iweave Ifibers Iin Ia Iwatery Ifluid.
IMany Iof Ithe Ifibers Iconsist Iof Icollagen, Istrong

Iropelike Iprotein

(most Iabundant Iconnective Itissue)

Fibrous Iconnective Itissue:
This Itissue Iforms Itendons, Iwhich Iattach Imuscles Ito
Ibone, Iand Iligaments, Iwhich Iconnects Ibones Iat


Has Ia Imatrix Iof Idensely Ipacked Icollagen Ifibers Iand
Iarrangement Ithat Imaximizes Iits Istrength.

Adipose Itissue:
This Itissue Ipads Iand Iinsulates Ithe Ibody Iand Istores

Each Iadipose Icell Icontains Ia Ilarge Ifat Idroplet Ithat
swells Iwhen Ifat Iis Istored Iand Ishrinks Iwhen Ifat Iis Iused Ias Ifuel

It Isupports Ithe Iears Iand Inose Iand Iforms Ithe Icushioning Idisks Ibetween Ithe Ivertebrae.
Forms Ia Istrong Ibut Iflexible Iskeletal Imaterial, Iand Iits Imatrix Iconsists Iof Icollagen Ifibers IembeddedIin
Ia Irubbery Imaterial

Commonly Isurrounds Ithe Iends Iof Ibones, Iproviding Ishock-absorbing Isurface

Bone Imay Inot Iseem Ialive, Ibut Iit Iconsists Iof I“living Icells, Ithat Igrows Ias Iyou Igrow”
Calcium, Imagnesium, Iand Iphosphate. IThe Icombination Iof Ifibers Iand Iminerals Imakes IbonesIstrong
Iwithout Ibeing Ibrittle.

Transports Isubstances Ithroughout Ithe Ibody Iand Ifunctions Idifferently Ifrom Iother Iconnective

Extensive Iextracellular Imatrix Iis Ia Iliquid Icalled Iplasma, Iwhich Iconsists Iof Iwater, Isalts, IandIdissolved

, Suspended Iin Ithe Iplasma Iare Ired Iblood Icells, Iwhich Icarry Ioxygen, Iand Ithat Ifunctions Iin Idefense
Iagainst Iinfections, Iand Iplatelets, Iwhich Iaid Iblood Iclotting.

Why Idoes Iblood Iqualify Ias Ia Itype Iof Iconnective Itissue?
Because Iit Iconsists Iof Ia Ipopulation Iof Icells Isurrounded Iby Ia Inon-cellular Imatrix, Iwhich Iin IthisIcase
Iis Ia Ifluid Icalled Iplasma.

Muscle Itissue:
The IMOST Iabundant Itissue Iin Inearly Iall Ianimals. IIt Iconsists Iof Ilong Icells Icalled Imuscle Ifibers,Ieach
Icontaining Imany Imolecules Iof Icontractile Iproteins.

• moves Ithe Ibody Iand Iits Ivarious Iparts Iby Ieither Ivoluntary Ior Iinvoluntary Imechanisms.

Skeletal Imuscle:
is Iattached Ito Ibones Iby Itendons Iand Iis Iresponsible Ifor Ivoluntary Imovements Iof Ithe Ianimal Ibody.

Cardiac Imuscle:
◆ Found Ionly Iin Ithe Iheart.
◆ Comprised Iof Ibranched Istriated Icells Iwith Ione Inucleus Iper Icell.
◆ Specialized I(gap I& Idhesion) Ijunctions Ibetween Icells.
◆ Involuntary Imuscle Ithat Ifunctions Iin Ipumping Iblood.

Smooth Imuscle:
Comprised Iof Ispindle-shaped Icells Iwithout Istriations, I& Ihave Ione Inucleus Iper Icell.
IFound Iin Ithe Iwalls Iof Iblood Ivessels I& Ithe Idigestive Itract.

Functions Iin Ithe Iinvoluntary Imovement Iof Isubstances Iin Ithe Ibody.

Nervous Itissue:
Tissue Icomprising Ithe Ibrain, Ispinal Icord Iand Iperipheral Inervous Isystem.
IThree Ibasic Ifunctions:

Sensory Iinput I– Ii.e. Ithe Iperception Iof Istimuli.
Integration Iof Idata I– Ithe Ianalysis Iof Istimuli Iin Ipreparation Ifor Ia Iresponse.
Motor Ioutput I– Ithe Ielicitation Iof Ia Iresponse Iappropriate Ifor Istimuli.
Composed Iof Itwo Ibasic Icell Itypes:
Neurons I– Icells Ithat Iperceive Istimuli Iand Itransmit Ior Iconduct Iinformation I(impulses) Ito Iother

Neuroglia I– Ian Iassortment Iof Inon-conducting Icells Ithat Isupport I& Inourish Ineurons I(see Ilater).

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