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ATI Predictor Q&A Test 2022

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ATI Predictor Q&A Test 2022

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  • February 9, 2022
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  • 2021/2022
  • Exam (elaborations)
  • Questions & answers
2 A iinurse iiis iiplanning iicare iifor iia iinewborn iiwho iihas iihyperbilirubinemia iiand iiis iito iireceive
iiphototherapy.iWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiinterventions iishould iithe iinurse iiinclude?

Place iithe iinewborn ii45 iicm ii(18 iiin) iifrom iithe iilight iisource

3 an iiassistive iipersonnel iitells iithe iinurse iithat iiseveral iiclient iimeasurements iiwere iiobtained iiwith
iimorningivital iisigns. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiclients iishould iithe iinurse iiplan iito iiassess? iiHead iiinjury iiHR


5 A iicommunity iihealth iinurse iirecognizes iithat iithe iiteen iipregnancy iirate iiin iithe iicommunity iihas
iiincreased.iWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiprogram-planning iistrategies iishould iithe iinurse iiimplement iifirst?

Arrange iia iimeeting iiwith iiteenage iimothers iiwho iiare iihigh iischool iistudents iiin iithe iicommunity

6 After iimaking iimorning iirounds, iithe iicharge iinurse iion iia iisurgical iiunit iidelegates iithe iifollowing iitask iito
iitheiassistive iipersonnel, iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iitask iidoes iithe iinurse iidirect iithe iiAP iito iicomplete iifirst?

Place iian iiNPO iisign iion iithe iidoor iiof iia iiclient iischeduled iisurgery

7 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iiwho iiis iireceiving iia iilocalized iiepidural iianalgesia iiinfusion. iiWhich iiof
iitheifollowing iinursing iiactions iiis iiappropriate?

Covering iiinsertion iisite iiwith iia iitransparent iidressing

8 A iinurse iiis iiperforming iidisaster iitriage iifollowing iia iinatural iidisaster. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iishould
iitheinurse iiidentify iias iithe iihighest iipriority iito iireceive iicare?

A iiclient iiwho iihas iiagonal iirespirations

9 A iinurse iiis iiplanning iito iiprovide iicommunity iieducation iiabout iiviral iihepatitis. iiWhich iiof iithe
iifollowingishould iithe iinurse iiplan iito iiinclude iiin iithe iiteaching?

Series iiof iifour iihepatitis iivaccines iiis iirecommended iito iiprevent iiviral iihepatitis

10 A iinurse iiin iithe iiemergency iidepartment iicaring iifor iia iiclient iiwho iihas iiabdominal iipain. iiWhich iiof
iitheifollowing iiactions iiby iinurse iidemarcates iiveracity?

The iinurse iiexplains iithe iipotential iirisks iiof iitreatment

11 A iinurse iiis iiabout iito iiadminister iian iiinjection iito iia iiclient iiwho iistates, ii“I iidon’t iiwant iithat iiinjection. iiThe
iilastitime iiI iigot iithat iiI iiwas iisore iifor iia iiweek.” iiThe iinurse iigoes iiahead iiand iiadministers iithe iiinjection

iiagainst iithe iiclient’s iiwishes. iiThe iinurse iicommitted iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing?


12 A iihome iihealth iinurse iiis iiassessing iia iiclient iiwho iiis iireceiving iifrom iian iiacute iimyocardial iiinfarction
ii(MI).iWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiassessment iifindings iishould iithe iinurse iireport iito iithe iiprovider iias iia

iipossible iiindication iiof iileft-sided iiheart iifailure?

Bilateral iilung iicrackles


14 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iigroup iiof iiclients. iiThe iinurse iishould iirequest iia iireferral iifor iia iispeech
iilanguageipathologist iifor iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiclients?

,A iiclient iiwho iihas iidifficulty iiswallowing

15 A iinurse iiis iipreparing iito iiprovide iieducation iiabout iielectroconvulsive iitherapy ii(ECT) iifor iia iiclient iiwho
iihasimajor iidepressive iidisorder. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iishould iithe iinurse iiinclude iiin iithe iiteaching?

A iigeneral iianesthetic iiis iiadministered iiprior iito iiECT iitreatments

16 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iimother iiwho iiprescribed iimethadone iiduring iipregnancy. iiThe iinurse iishould
iiassessithe iinewborn iifor iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iimanifestations iiof iineonatal iiabstinence iisyndrome


17 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iifollowing iian iiopen iicolectomy. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iifindings iiplaces
iitheiclient iiat iirisk iifor iidelayed iiwound iihealing?


18 A iinurse iiwho iitypically iiworks iion iithe iipostpartum iiunit iiis iiassigned iito iifloat iito iithe iimaternal iinewborn
iiunit.iThe iinurse iiis iivery iianxious iiabout iifloating iiand iiuncomfortable iiwith iithe iiassignment iithe iicharge

iinurse iihas iiselected. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiactions iiis iiappropriate iifor iinurse iito iitake?

Ask iithe iicharge iinurse iito iiassign iian iiexperienced iinurse iito iiact iias iia iiresource

19 A iiclient iihospitalized iifor iia iibone iimarrow iitransplant iiis iiin iiprotective iiisolation iiwhile iiundergoing iitotal
iibody iiradiation iiand iiintense iichemotherapy. iiThe iiclient’s iisibling iicomes iivisit iibut iihas iiobvious

iimanifestationsiof iian iiupper iirespiratory iiinfection. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iinursing iiactions iiis iiappropriate

iiat iithis iitime?

Allow iithe iisibling iito iiwave iiat iithe iiclient iithrough iithe iiwindow iior iidoor

20 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iifollowing iiinsertion iiof iia iisubclavian iinontunneled iipercutaneous
iicentral iivenous iicatheter ii(CVC). iiThe iiprovider iiwrites iia iiprescription iito iiinitiate iian iiIV iiinfusion iiringer’s

iilactate iiat ii150imL iiper iihr. iiprior iito iistarting iithe iiinfusion, iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiactions iishould iithe iinurse


Review iithe iichest iix-ray iireport

21 A iinurse iiis iiproviding iiteaching iito iian iiadolescent iiclient iiwho iihas iicystic iifibrosis iiand iihas iia iiprescription
iiforipancrealipase. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iishould iithe iinurse iiinclude iiin iithe iiteaching?

Take iiwith iimeals

22 A iinurse iiis iiassessing iilaboratory iivalues iion iia iiclient iiwho iihas iitaken iian iioverdose iiof iiacetaminophen.
iiTheinurse iishould iiexpect iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iilaboratory iivalues iiindicative iiof iiorgan iidamage iifrom

iithe iioverdose?

Alanine iiaminotransferase ii(ALT)

23 A iinurse iion iian iiorthopedic iifloor iiis iicompleting iimorning iiassessments iion iiseveral iiclients. iiWhich iiof
iitheifollowing iiclients iihas iithe iigreatest iirisk iifor iifat iiembolism iisyndrome ii(FES)?

A ii24-year-old iimale iiwho iihas iia iicasted iifemur iifracture

24 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iiwho iihas iiend iistage iiliver iidisease. iiThe iidaughter iiof iithe iiclient iiasks iiabout
iiherifather’s iido-not-resuscitate iirequest. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iia iitherapeutic iiresponse iiby iithe iinurse?

,“Tell iime iiyour iifeelings iiabout iiyour iifather’s iiprognosis”

25 A iinurse iiis iiproviding iiteaching iito iithe iiparent iiof iipreschooler iiwho iiwas iinewly iidiagnosed iiwith iia
iilatexiallergy. iiThe iinurse iishould iidiscuss iithat iia iicross iireaction iimay iioccur iiwith iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing



26 A iinurse iiis iiplanning iito iiadmit iia iiclient iiwho iihas iihyperthyroidism. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iirooms
iiisiappropriate iifor iithe iinurse iito iiassignment iiclient iito?

A iiroom iiwith iia iitemperature iiof ii20 iidegrees ii(68f)

27 A iinurse iihas iijust iireturned iito iithe iinursing iiunit iifollowing iicardiac iicatheterization. iiIn iithe
iiimmediateipostprocedure iiperiod, iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis iithe iipriority iinursing iiaction?

Monitoring iithe iiinsertion iisite iifor iiinfection

28 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iian iiinfant iiwho iiis iibeing iitreated iifor iidehydration. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing
iifindingsiindicate iithe iitreatment iiis iieffective?

Flat iianterior iifontanel

29 A iinurse iiis iireviewing iimedical iifor iifour iiclients. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iirepresents

Carafate ii1 iig iiPO ii1 iihr iiac

30 A iinurse iiin iithe iiclinic iiis iiproviding iiinformation iito iia iiclient iiwho iihas iimastitis iiof iithe iileft iibreast. iiThe
iiclientiasks iithe iinurse, ii“does iithis iimean iithat iiI iimust iistop iinursing iimy iibaby?” iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiis

iian iiappropriate iistatement iiby iithe iinurse?

“No, iiyou iican iicontinue iito iinurse iifrom iiboth iiyour iibreasts.”

31 A iinurse iiin iia iimental iihealth iiclinic iiis iiobserving iiclients iiin iithe iiday iiroom. iiThe iinurse iisits iidown iito iitalk
iiwith iian iiadolescent iiclient iiwho iiwas iiadmitted iiwith iiclinical iidepression. iiAfter iia iifew iiminutes iiof

iiconversation, iitheiadolescent iiasks iithe iinurse, ii“why iidid iiyou iichoose iito iitalk iito iime iiout iiof iithis iiroom iifull

iiof iikids?” iiwhich iiof iitheifollowing iiresponses iiby iithe iinurse iiis iitherapeutic?

“you’re iicurious iiwhy iiI iiam iiinterested iiin iiyou iiand iinot iithe iiother?”

32 A iinurse iiworking iiin iian iiinpatient iimental iihealth iifacility iiobserves iia iiclient iiwho iiis iiagitated iiand
iithreatening iistaff iimembers iiin iithe iiday iiroom. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiactions iishould iithe iinurse iitake


Accompany iithe iiclient iiaway iifrom iithe iicommon iiarea

33 A iiclient iiwho iiis iiprecepting iia iinursing iistudent iiis iibrings iithe iifollowing iiclient iiobservation iito iithe
iinurse’siattention. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiclient iishould iithe iinurse iiassess iifirst?

A iiclient iiwho iiis ii3 iidays iipostoperative iicolectomy iiwith iia iilarge, iiloose iimelena iistool

34 A iinurse iiis iiplanning iiteaching iifor iia iiclient iiwho iiis iiat ii10 iiweeks iigestation iiand iihas iia iihistory iiof iiurinary
iitractiinfections ii(UTIs). iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiinformation iishould iithe iinurse iiplan iito iiinclude iiin iithe

iiteaching iiabout iiUTI iiprevention?

, Empty iithe iibladder iibefore iiand iiafter iiintercourse

35 A iinurse iiin iithe iiemergency iidepartment iiis iiproviding iidischarge iiteaching iito iia iiclient iiwho iihas iia
iisprainediankle. iiFor iithe iifirst ii24 iihr iifollowing iiinjury, iithe iinurse iishould iiinstruct iithe iiclient iito iido iiwhich

iiof iithe iifollowing?

Intermittently iiplace iiice iion iithe iiankle

36 After iievaluating iithe iimorning iilaboratory iiresults iion iiseveral iiclients, iithe iiprovider iiwrites
iiprescriptions ifor iifour iiclients iiassigned iito iithe iinurse’s iicare. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiprescriptions iiis iithe

iinurse’s iihighestipriority?

Administer iivitamin iiK ii10 iimg iiIM iito iia iiclient iion iiwarfarin iiwith iiand iiINR iiof ii6

37 a iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iiwho iihas iiruptured iiribs, iihas iideveloped iithrombophlebitis, iiand iiis
iibeing iitreated iiwith iia iiheparin iidrip. iiThe iiclient iidevelops iihematuria iiand iihas iian iiactivated iipartial

iithromboplastinitime ii(aPTT) iiof ii100 iiseconds. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iishould iithe iinurse iitake iifirst?

Turn iioff iithe iiheparin iidrip

38 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iiwho iihas iia iihearing iiimpairment. iiWhen iispeaking iito iithe iiclient, iithe
iinurseishould iiincorporate iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iicommunication iimethods?

Exaggerate iilip imovements

39 A iinurse iiis iireviewing iimorning iivalues iiof iiseveral iiclients. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iifindings iiis iithe
iihighestipriority iifor iithe iinurse iito iireport iito iithe iiprovider?

A iiclient iiwho iiis iiprescribed iidigoxin iiand iifurosemide iiand iihas iia iipotassium iilevel iiof ii3.1 iimEq/L

40 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iiwho iihas iia iinew iiprescription iifor iichlorpromazine iiby iiIM iiinjection. iiWhich
iiofithe iifollowing iiis iian iiappropriate iiaction?

Check iiorthostatic iiblood iipressure ii1 iihr iiafter iiadministration

41 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iipostoperative iiclient. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiinterventions iiwill iireduce iithe iirisk
iiofideep-vein iithrombosis?

Apply iivenous iiplexus iifoot iipumps

42 A iinurse iiis iicaring iifor iia iiclient iiwho iiis iimanic. iiWhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiactivities iiis iiappropriate iifor
iitheinurse iito iisuggest?

Taking iia iidaily iiwalk iion iithe iihospital iigrounds

43 A iinurse iiis iiplanning iito iiperform iiwound iiirrigation iifor iia iiclient iiwho iihas iian iiopen iisecondary iiwound.
iiWhenicreating iia iisterile iifield, iiwhich iiof iithe iifollowing iiactions iishould iithe iinurse iitake?

Hold iithe iibottle iiof iisterile iisolution iiwith iithe iipalm iiover iithe iilabel iiwhile iipouring

44 A iinurse iiis iireviewing iithe iihistory iiand iiphysical iion iia iiclient iiwho iihas iiright iiventricular iiheart iifailure.
iiWhichiof iithe iifollowing iiis iian iiassociated iifinding?

Elevated iipulmonary iiartery iipressure

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