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Reading Questions Philosophy of Humanities (1) - All you need for the Multiple Choice Questions $13.26
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Reading Questions Philosophy of Humanities (1) - All you need for the Multiple Choice Questions

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 49 mal verkauft
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  • Hochschule

All weekly reading questions with clear answers including all keywords, concepts, and examples in some cases. This includes; Logical Empiricism, Critical Rationalism, Hermeneutics, Practice Turn, Kuhn, Foucault, Hegel, Gadamer, Dilthey, Critical Theory, Benjamin, Adorno, Leezenberg, Wittgenste...

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von: silkejansen2 • 1 Jahr vor


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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


What POV do the cave-dweller have?

Antwort: Limited, dependant on forms, opinion-based


What is the reaction of the cave-dwellers?

Antwort: Violence, Resistance, Think he\\\\\\\'s crazy


What difficulty does the escaped prisoner face when coming back to the cave?

Antwort: Adjusting his vision: needed to adapt to govern. Speak to the cave-dwellers in their own dialogue (eg. Socratic method)


How is Spinoza\\\\\\\'s God?

Antwort: Non-anthropomorphic, acts in accordance to the laws of nature, unfolds without purpose but with necessity.


What is monism?

Antwort: Thoughts and extensions are parallel aspects of the same substance. Opposite to dualism


How are the faculties divided?

Antwort: Higher faculty: Theology, Law, Medicine. Lower faculty: Philosophy


What are the roles and responsibilities of the higher faculty?

Antwort: Can give commands. Serves the interest of the people. Teachings can be sanctioned by the government.


What are the roles and responsibilities of the lower faculty?

Antwort: No one under its comand. Serves the truth (have freedom of expression). Teaching is based on the faculty\\\\\\\'s own use of judgment and reason.


According to the enlightenment, prejudice is an error of what?

Antwort: Overhastiness and Authority


What are legitimate prejudices according to Gadamer?

Antwort: Authority and Tradition

Book: History and Philosophy of the Humanities: an Introduction (Leezenberg 2018)


Week 1: Logical Empiricism, Critical Rationalism, and Kuhn
1. Both philosophy of science and philosophy of humanities have a double task, viz. a
descriptive task and a normative task (pp. 16-18 Leezenberg 2018). Explain these tasks.

Descriptive: description and explanations.

- Eg: The river is flowing quickly” “Brutus killed Ceasar”.

Normative: How things should be, it provides an evaluation.

- Eg: Jazz is better than classical music.

→ Are normative claims anything more than opinions? That’s what philosophers are debating.

2. What is the problem of demarcation (p. 91)?

The demarcation problem attempts to distinguish good science from pseudoscience and

Series of debates that differentiates between:

- Episteme vs Doxa (Certain knowledge vs common opinion)
- Platos’ Rationalism vs Aristotles’ Empiricism

3. Logical Empiricism endorsed a verification criterion of meaning (p. 77). Explain what this
criterion entails.

Verification criterion: the only verifiability is through sensory experiences, such as observations
that are done through neutral observation.

, - Eg.: All swans are white

4. According to Popper, the verification criterion is useless for distinguishing universal laws
from metaphysical statements (p. 90). Explain Popper’s argumentation for this claim.

Useless because:

1) The criterion itself is not verifiable
2) The problem of induction: universal laws resist verification and confirmation
3) The neutral experience assumption is false

→ There is always something that can counter a universal law.

- Eg: All swans are white is not verifiable, there could always exist a black swan.

5. Popper endorsed falsifiability as a solution to the problem of demarcation (p. 91). Explain
what this criterion entails.

Falsifiability: begin with a larger hypothesis, then find an example that proves it and falsifies it.

- Use deduction
- Critical rationalism approach

The idea is:

- Knowledge is not founded on observation but can be corrected by it
- A good theory is not one that explains everything but that allows science to grow

6. How does the inductive method of verification differ from the deductive method of
falsification (p. 92)?

Inductive: Based on observation which leads to → general conclusions

Deductive: Starts with theory then uses → observations to falsify it

, 7. What is the key difference between an observation sentence (Logical Empiricism) and a
basic sentence (Popper) (p. 94)?

Observation sentence: argues that observations are neutral.

Basic sentence: argues sentences are theory-laden (affected by the presupposition of the

8. Kuhn distinguished two different meanings of the term paradigm (pp. 118-119). Which

1) Exemplar: a model of good scientific practices
- Sets the example that scientists will come back to
2) Disciplinary Matrix:
- Broader than Examplar
- Shared across disciplines
- Normalized practices across the field
- Is hostile to anomalies (being proven wrong)
- They can always find a way to explain deviations

9. Kuhn’s notion of normal science contradicts Popper’s views on falsification (p. 119). Explain
why this is the case.

Kuhn: there is no real falsification in practice.

- Normal science is in a constant state of puzzle-solving to elaborate and refine theories
- Scientists attempt to ward off falsification, attempt to not refute theories

10. Kuhn argued that: “When paradigms enter, as they must, into a debate about paradigm
choice, their role is necessarily circular. Each group uses its own paradigm in that paradigm’s
defense.” (Kuhn 1962, p. 91; quoted in Leezenberg 2018, p. 122). Explain what Kuhn meant
with his claim that the use of one’s own paradigm in defending that paradigm is circular.

Kuhn argues that:

- Paradigm choice: you only reject a paradigm when they have accepted another one as
suited to ‘solve the puzzle’.

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