I•f\TP binds to comer prote·•"
.,-'• ATP: h4dro14scd into rrADPond P
ii bound
ft... ~,,..__~
\ mott conctntrotrcl
\ Som
'' .• , c. Orthr
, - ct;1utf
\ moit ~. ,,tha,,"w,
1hr PlAMA membrane scporot rI
S. ~he phi:rn~~~~;~~~romrr ~tin SOiution than thcrt11 ('t"no f<ltOC, ifl '°l \I> inside thtcrll vitO.tell ( tht Cl'II from thC t'nViYOnmcnt
\~ ~hOP' . f'~ instdt cell ljJ in!.ld:. outs1drcell C"'tbO ,nOVf/ lintOctll 7rta ·. sm . ,\ \ mod< ff a \ ••. C u • .:, :
1hiro~niup the protein totht ~tO mo-<1wtq.cc11 r'no nftmovtmtn1Cf_t110 rren vo1urnc f LQIIOWS d•ff~rtnl OrtOd.f Cf -·
... ~ddout5idc ct tnc tel\ , J -l, <ctll "' ,1umr r(ma,ru <ttn IIJSiS (.'.tllf to ha\! tncrr own ir ,net
·"sS•Th ""01ecu1c/10nt"'- rtltOStd
• ( "' jnta,out
Cttnu1• "
c· "i'\Sl'tlflt
t -11-fl..nfd
.... - ·- '2 I d conditions whfth Qt( ptrf(Ct
cf inr m• OR CO le ttactions
, . Tor phOSPhClte iS tflfQScd fl't>O\
th r ccu ,s I , "( ,--__/ - "''""' thQt tak.t p1oce
comer protCil'' . '1 ismo lfX ·dr
' • The phOSPtiat<" .,«ornbinrr l'lltnADPendOcytOSiJ df~grr:r~~,:~~%~d. .~" ,- mcasurtdin th<lf l<Pe. - hiqhcS ~ QtCS / prOV1
tJJrritr 0
S1tC for
Tcoflid< N'ithH,urfOCI QISO separ
t"O fOYTl"I
ATP . lioto
when phOfpt)Otc::_lflCQStd, tht romer ( WI l mo-.c:r across
..atcr o~onelltr fl1>nt eqc.n 01-her + ( / ttOCtiOY\I + crn.commun
• protein rtvtl11 JI its oriq1no1 shopr bulk t . -----.. phOSl)hOUpfd bifOlj(r it's PASSIVE, '--, the (YTOfOl (
h scPRRATE $
11101ecu,c1 Ott qrnnq
aqainstConc. graditril
rrlf!S'f)O(t. -n .
q attn< tmnf.,.,,.
nttdtd fOr th(
thr1)u11n protein thanricll
co,ncd oqi.iaft)l1ns
acrotf O
pOrtio1111 ptrmnablt
• •
' struct Utt wh1C
requirt1 . 0suppticd bc.i. mo~meni A~::~ ~E ( \mo\'tmcnr '¥ ,,. /mrmb the contents cf tnt ~II fl'Om ~he environmc
earner ro . ATPPtoductil durinq larqe morrcu. 1<1 · "'-"4Qtrt mo,rcurrs from I Nater .
< P """' "'"'"'"'" ;"'"' mu,thondno i:::,:,:,~? • "wm,u, +,...,........,1 JPho1ph ot< hrods , h4d n:,ph• U',___ \lO 01 outwo rds
to·,11 •• h11d""phobic
Pl As MA
'!',ov,mtnt q moiecu,ct/,on1 from a rrqi<m r-- . nodule "' 1
c.. Lipid
t cone. _ __,.
--r .,_ COl'lc. to l(ocytcC Ol • • -..J '1 'v .
'-\ ~Pit 11'nNSPOi~ 1 ~·•hell n· cortfo~a ~ARRt£.R '\.point 1nwC1 s
....._, U to watrr SolUblt
num_bc;, <¥ channel:_; 1ro_t~s
1 protein Channels= :---------------- 1..-rn--
(n.... ~a.!
mc~~r:1nt until tt ~rtOi
PAssw corit1nut1
eon·t l'f\O\/t fttclq
( ~~w;.,ftrotd l'\S · d,nurion Ott ifl )
Lte ,.....COr1C•qrnd,~nt tniC/,n(IJ conccntf'OliOr -11 ..... ...... ..
\t'QUI ..,.,um
. ll • \; r- .
1n"olvtd .,n acrorsHir ·
membrane :"'..;...-
- ;- -\ 1 \ ..=
~\_ - .
~fOph -_ mpcratw•c 51,-.,PLE DIFfUf~ \...
, ......} • ' I.,.' WI rtcoqnlt~on~ \ ,_
~d'tcau' rACIUTATED r..1 nrtmovtm('nt loccu11 _ 1
commuru~ri '-- embrdd.ed within rnernbmnt a~
1tnu 111bv DIFFUSION obstnu~obom·er/ _q!OtOml'/momu1cr/ ~ause~1c,cir EXTRINSICJi\ - ,
'f C.hanne ~
f)rotcinrocros1 Q mcrnbro11r .
(rnovcmW J,th"
rom from a itg;cm
in gas,. UQUJd
nave .\1, ., peripheral pn,ttlOS
Clnd •
• •
• '
through f" - .. 1 cone. gmcilent to Q rtgiori cf LOWER Erobe ddtd on oncsidC q. Octa( Cfll . in'Jolvtd in
. • •· 'toKctlcc!OltrTJ~tt'1Q~ CONCENTRAnoN •· ., " ttlfbita4cr rnaYl<rnfor CCII odhtsfon-t
; _/ .. ..... k mOV\~-ttl'\e'qrll!fiCOf l QNL'iOCCLll'l rnovement;RANDOM ant; Qet ctr ttccpto.,
membmnts with thm" \ Small, non· poior, betwc • rt:nt ( VNeq_uat involved gtru
~El.E.CTIV£L'Y PF..R~E.A~Li:" \ nM-ctiarqcd pol1'Wt1 canc.cnr~i~T ~ tht distnbutiooW\11 _in f~cil;tattd'\. ~TRINSIC
_. ,.q~yqcn SAHE su1osranu 11
0~vcn~~f ~ b~com, a~~J~~~f0:P~'- thcmnel~ tanin-
) "
,roi sprc,fiC to .
t ,f,. 1
cmperotutt, I rotc_rfl<ftmo-.c
EQlJ1 ~R eq diJl'ribUti<rn
th U/3_ IUH:movt.mtnts
po10.r mOltCUltl.. 'Proteins
ionnornO';tocrou r---,/
0invoMe Sf\ \ ct diffusion at fOStcrspe,cdr dffcch~t~rt•CIC! Off eq_uOJ in both rnembmn< hn\'t a rolt in ( bt'twtcn phoSpholi ·d
CRR~• ER PROTEINS '-"' \.. the PQrtl"GICI (jrt Still moving . d 'ffbo_th fQci U_tated p, r
'-chanqcshapc nc/ ,- -...1 •MM--:-. .. r--1 ,us,on-tact,'llt t1rmbroncmodcl=
w~cna sPrcificmoiccwr disto n, ~t,_u:~•~; mo\'C at 1SPtcds coll;de t¥te;-'" lase l<.E.JSfOh'iOq them trnmpcm t I , .._OSQfC
bnds r' ,-.., tlot-tn r '"
,movtmenr Cl- mo1ccuH:s The greater the difftttna it'\ • •. ovc, SHORT d,itanw diffusion ir rnrr .:cntrt1t1on 1 mod~I Pri>ttinr
c~tdc. qro~i~~ r
ocJ no t-t"'t.pc
conc~ntm.tion~etwccn J rtqions (Mr lJIRGfRdirtonw rote Cf drffuS'i()"l .J,
the fQHerthe ratt qdif~, ;on
emkxddcd ifl -... ,, ~..cncc-= es
Obie o mo\'C" u
.,?; rnrmbrnne differ
~liltt:ma.J rncrg11 C.. ovcrQ\I movement frT>Wlu~.,~ tconc.. to J. cone. 1... ll'tott co111sror1I grnru e.l'\t to one another inst-cc, ~hope +
will be LARG-£R ha\lC taken p1acr Position