2023 CALT ALTA Exam __ Questions And Answers
decoding Correct Ans - recognition of the visual symbol, symbol/sound
correspondence, and blending sounds into a word are all part of-
Pre-Reading Stage Correct Ans - language appreciation, awareness of printed
words, mastery of alphabet and simple words
Greek elements Correct Ans - eu, chloro
Current Research on the brain and developmental dyslexia Correct Ans - A "glitch"
may have taken place during fetal development
Dyslexia and Social Development Correct Ans - May see: a lack of good judgement,
the inability to stick with a game, erratic emotional behavior
Grade equivalent scores Correct Ans - Not a dependable representation of progress
Woodcock Johnson Psycho-Education Battery Correct Ans - a cognitive/ norm
referenced test
Synthetic instruction Correct Ans - Teaching phonics by taking sounds and blending
them together into words.
Analytic instruction Correct Ans - Teaching phonics by taking words and breaking
them into parts. Whole to part approach.
Linguistics Correct Ans - Study of production, properties, structure, meaning and or
use of language.
% of students with specific learning disabilities receiving special education services that
have a deficit in reading Correct Ans - 70-80%
According to the National Reading Panel (2000) this represents the strongest indication of
a reading disability Correct Ans - a deficit in phonology
Section 504 and IDEA Correct Ans - A person who has, has a history of having, or is
regarded as having an impairment that significantly limits one or more of life's major
functions receives benefits under these
Appropriate education under Section 504 may include Correct Ans - regular
classroom, regular classroom with accommodations, or special education and related
,ALTA Code of Ethics and IMSLEC Correct Ans - provide reasonable expectations of
student outcomes to parents and students
Recommendations for private students Correct Ans - give parents documentation of
the services received from you and discuss gradual transition into the classroom
Professional Communication Correct Ans - Personal pronouns are unprofessional
ADHD Correct Ans - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ALTA Correct Ans - Academic Language Therapy Association
ESL Correct Ans - English as a Second Language
IDEA Correct Ans - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP Correct Ans - Individualized Education Plan
IMSLEC Correct Ans - International Multi-sensory Structured Education Council
MSL Correct Ans - Multisensory Structured Language
MSLE Correct Ans - Multisensory Structured Language Education
NICHD Correct Ans - National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
VAKT Correct Ans - Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic/Tactile
WRAT Correct Ans - Wide Range Achievement Test
Swing up, stop Correct Ans - i,t,p,u,w,j,r,s
Push up and over Correct Ans - m,n,v,x,y,z
Curve under, over, stop Correct Ans - a, ca, d,g,o,q
Curve way up, loop left Correct Ans - b,f,h,k,l,e
Grapheme Correct Ans - single letters or groups of letter groups that represent
specific phonemes or speech sounds
Closed syllable Correct Ans - napkin, button
Open syllable Correct Ans - lilac, tulip
Vowel- consonant e Correct Ans - shake, shine
, Vowel pair Correct Ans - bread, nail
Vowel-r Correct Ans - doctor, dollar
Final Stable Correct Ans - cable, sandle,stle
Inflectional suffixes Correct Ans - when added to a base word change the number,
tense, voice, mood, or comparison.
-s, -er (more than), -ed, -est -ing
Derivational suffixes are Correct Ans - added to a base word or root and change the
part of speech or the function of the base word.
-less, -ful, -ness, - cian
Doubling rule Correct Ans - one vowel, one consonant, one accent, and a vowel
suffix is being added
Silent e situations Correct Ans - to make a vowel long, to make a c or g soft, part of
consonant le, added when the word ends in a final vowel
Norm-referenced test Correct Ans - assessment that measures performance in
relation to a norm cohort or group
Criterion referenced test Correct Ans - assessment that measures knowledge
attained and knowledge yet to be acquired in a domain
Curriculum-referenced test Correct Ans - assessment that measures knowledge that
has been taught
Screening Correct Ans - brief assessment that identifies students who may need
additional or alternate forms of instruction
Progress monitoring Correct Ans - periodic assessment that measures progress in
response to specific intstruction
Diagnostic measure Correct Ans - assessment that provides a detailed analysis of a
student's strengths and weakenesses
Outcome measure Correct Ans - assessment that classifies a student in terms of
achievement or improvement of grade-level performance
Formal assessment Correct Ans - standardized assessment that must be
administered and scored according to prescribed procedures
Informal assessment Correct Ans - assessments that are not standardized