A 32 year old woman, who had her last period 8 weeks ago, returns for review. She presented 2 days ago with light vaginal bleeding, but no pain. A pelvic ultrasound scan showed an empty uterus and a 2cm x 1.6cm echogenic mass around the left ovary. No free fluid was seen. Her beta HCG was 625 iu/L 48 hours ago. On examination today, she is non tender with blood pressure of 116/68 mmHg and a pulse of 80 beats/min. Her repeat beta HCG is 642 iu/L. What is the most appropriate management in this case?
Answer: METHOTREXATE INJECTION - this patient has been managed as expectantly with 48 hour review as she is clinically stable. The ultrasound scan suggests an ectopic in the left ovary but there is no evidence of rupture, as she is haemodynamically stable and there is no free fluid in the pelvis. Her serum HCG has plateaued, which suggests ectopic pregnancy rather than an intrauterine pregnancy (where levels would be expected to double) or a miscarriage (where levels would fall)