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Test Bank Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning Volume I, II & III 4th Edition by Pearson Education | 9780136883395 | | Modules 1-51 & Chapters 1-16 | All Chapters with Answers and Rationals $25.98
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Test Bank Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning Volume I, II & III 4th Edition by Pearson Education | 9780136883395 | | Modules 1-51 & Chapters 1-16 | All Chapters with Answers and Rationals

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Elevate your nursing knowledge with the Test Bank for Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume I, II & III, 4th Edition by Pearson Education. Gain instant access to printable PDFs with authentic content directly from the publisher. Covering chapters 1-16 and the 51 Modules, this resour...

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  • Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4e
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Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to
Learning, Volume I, II & III, 4th Edition Complete Test bank, All Chapters are included. Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material
Table of Contents
Volume I and II 1
Module 1 Acid-Base Balance 2
Module 2 Cellular Regulation 77
Module 3 Comfort 193
Module 4 Digestion 268
Module 5 Elimination 323
Module 6 Fluids and Electrolytes 398
Module 7 Health, Wellness, Illness, and Injury 469
Module 8 Immunity 502
Module 9 Infection 570
Module 10 Inflammation 663
Module 11 Intracranial Regulation 729
Module 12 Metabolism 774
Module 13 Mobility 841
Module 14 Nutrition 948
Module 15 Oxygenation 968
Module 16 Perfusion 1062
Module 17 Perioperative Care 1229
Module 18 Sensory Perception 1242
Module 19 Sexuality 1329
Module 20 Thermoregulation 1399
Module 21 Tissue Integrity 1433
Module 22 Addiction 1484
Module 23 Cognition 1541
Module 24 Culture and Diversity 1595
Module 25 Development 1614
Module 26 Family 1672
Module 27 Grief and Loss 1696
Module 28 Mood and Affect 1723
Module 29 Self 1778
Module 30 Spirituality 1817
Module 31 Stress and Coping 1844
Module 32 Trauma 1898
Module 33 The Concept of Reproduction 1951
Module 34 Assessment 2021
Module 35 Caring Interventions 2039
Module 36 Clinical Decision Making 2050
Module 37 Collaboration 2090
Module 38 Communication 2112
Module 39 Managing Care 2163
Module 40 Professional Behaviors 2195Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material
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Module 41 Teaching and Learning 2230
Module 42 Accountability 2254
Module 43 Advocacy 2271
Module 44 Ethics 2288
Module 45 Evidence Based Practice 2323
Module 46 Healthcare Systems 2342
Module 47 Health Policy 2373
Module 48 Informatics 2383
Module 49 Legal Issues 2407
Module 50 Quality Improvement 2443
Module 51 Safety 2457
Volume III 2491
Chapter 1 Assessment 2492
Chapter 2 Caring Interventions 2504
Chapter 3 Comfort 2519
Chapter 4 Elimination 2534
Chapter 5 Fluids and Electrolytes 2550
Chapter 6 Infection 2566
Chapter 7 Intracranial Regulation 2579
Chapter 8 Metabolism 2590
Chapter 9 Mobility 2602
Chapter 10 Nutrition 2614
Chapter 11 Oxygenation 2625
Chapter 12 Perfusion 2637
Chapter 13 Perioperative Care 2648
Chapter 14 Reproduction 2660
Chapter 15 Safety 2672
Chapter 16 Tissue Integrity 2683Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material
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Distribution of this document is illegalWant to earn $1.236 extra per year? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material Volume I and II ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2023)
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Distribution of this document is illegalWant to earn $1.236 extra per year? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning Vol. 1 & 2, 4e (Pearson) Module 1 Acid-Base Balance The Concept of Acid-Base Balance 1) A client who has been fasting and has ketones in the urine is brought to the emergency department (ED) unconscious. Which acid-base imbala nce would the nurse expect to assess in this client? A) Metabolic acidosis B) Respiratory alkalosis C) Metabolic alkalosis D) Respiratory acidosis Answer: A Explanation: A) A client who is fasting is at risk for development of metabolic acidosis. The body recognizes fasting as starvation and begins to metabolize its own fatty acids into ketones, which are metabolic acids. B) A client who is fasting is at risk for developme nt of metabolic acidosis. The body recognizes fasting as starvation and begins to metabolize its own fatty acids into ketones, which are metabolic acids. Starvation would not result in res piratory alkalosis. C) A client who is fasting is at risk for developme nt of metabolic acidosis. The body recognizes fasting as starvation and begins to metabolize its own fatty acids into ketones, which are metabolic acids. Starvation would not result in met abolic alkalosis. D) A client who is fasting is at risk for developme nt of metabolic acidosis. The body recognizes fasting as starvation and begins to metabolize its own fatty acids into ketones, which are metabolic acids. Starvation would not result in res piratory acidosis. Page Ref: 5 Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need/Sub: Physiological Integrity: Physiolog ical Adaptation Standards: QSEN Competencies: III.A.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. | AACN Domains and Competencies: 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs. | NLN Competencies: Knowledge a nd Science: Relationships between knowledge/science and quality and safe patient care. | Nursing Process: Assessment Learning Outcome: 1.2. Differentiate alterations i n acid-base balance. MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance an d its application to nursing care. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2023)
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Distribution of this document is illegalWant to earn $1.236 extra per year? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 2) The nurse is caring for a client in the emergenc y department. Which factors will the nurse identify that increase the client's risk for metabo lic acidosis? Select all that apply. A) Abdominal fistulas B) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease C) Pneumonia D) Chronic renal failure E) Hypovolemic shock Answer: A, D, E Explanation: A) Metabolic acidosis is rarely a prim ary disorder. It usually develops during the course of another condition such as an abdominal fi stula which can cause the loss of bicarbonate from the intestine. B) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease places the c lient at risk for respiratory acidosis with the increased retention of carbon dioxide in the blo od. C) Pneumonia places the client at risk for respirato ry acidosis with the increased retention of carbon dioxide in the blood. D) Metabolic acidosis is rarely a primary disorder. It usually develops during the course of another condition such as chronic renal failure. In this health problem, the kidneys are unable to excrete a normal amount of hydrogen ions in the uri ne. This results in an excessive amount of hydrogen ions in the blood, which produces metabolic acidosis. E) Metabolic acidosis is rarely a primary disorder. It usually develops during the course of another condition such as hypovolemic shock. With a severe blood loss, there is a lack of blood flow throughout the body and a lack of oxygen in eve ry cell. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) must produce energy anaerobically without the presence of oxygen; lactic acid is a by-product. This produces systemic lactic acidosis, a type of metabo lic acidosis. Page Ref: 5-6 Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need/Sub: Physiological Integrity: Physiolog ical Adaptation Standards: QSEN Competencies: III.A.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. | AACN Domains and Competencies: 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs. | NLN Competencies: Knowledge a nd Science: Relationships between knowledge/science and quality and safe patient care. | Nursing Process: Assessment Learning Outcome: 1.2. Differentiate alterations i n acid-base balance. MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance an d its application to nursing care. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2023)
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Distribution of this document is illegalWant to earn $1.236 extra per year? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 3) A client with acute asthma has a PaCO 2 of 48 mmHg, a pH of 7.31, and a normal HCO 3 arterial blood gas value. Which condition will the n urse associate with these values? A) Metabolic acidosis B) Respiratory alkalosis C) Respiratory acidosis D) Metabolic alkalosis Answer: C Explanation: A) Uncompensated metabolic acidosis h as a decreased pH, normal PaCO 2, and decreased HCO 3. B) Uncompensated respiratory alkalosis has an incre ased pH, decreased PaCO 2, and normal HCO 3. C) If the pH is decreased and the PaCO 2 is increased with a normal HCO 3, it is uncompensated respiratory acidosis. D) Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis has an increas ed pH, normal PaCO 2, and increased HCO 3. Page Ref: 7 Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need/Sub: Physiological Integrity: Physiolog ical Adaptation Standards: QSEN Competencies: III.A.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. | AACN Domains and Essential Competen cies: 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs. | NLN Competencies: Knowle dge and Science: Relationships between knowledge/science and quality and safe pati ent care. | Nursing Process: Assessment Learning Outcome: 1.2. Differentiate alterations i n acid-base balance. MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance an d its application to nursing care. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2023)
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Distribution of this document is illegalWant to earn $1.236 extra per year? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 4) The nurse is reviewing the latest arterial blood gas results for a client with metabolic alkalosis. Which result indicates that the metabolic alkalosis is compensated? A) pH 7.32 B) PaCO 2 18 mmHg C) HCO 3 8 mEq/L D) PaCO 2 48 mmHg Answer: D Explanation: A) A normal pH level is 7.35-7.45. A pH of less than 7.35 is acidosis. B) A PaCO 2 level of 18 mmHg is low and is seen in respiratory alkalosis. C) A HCO 3 level of 8 mEq/L is low and is most likely associa ted with metabolic acidosis. D) In metabolic alkalosis, there is an excess of bic arbonate. To compensate for this imbalance, the rate and depth of respirations decrease, leadin g to retention of carbon dioxide. The PaCO 2 will be elevated. Page Ref: 8 Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need/Sub: Physiological Integrity: Physiolog ical Adaptation Standards: QSEN Competencies: III.A.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. | AACN Domains and Essential Competen cies: 2.4 Diagnose actual or potential health problems and needs. | NLN Competencies: Knowle dge and Science: Relationships between knowledge/science and quality and safe pati ent care. | Nursing Process: Evaluation Learning Outcome: 1.2. Differentiate alterations i n acid-base balance. MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance an d its application to nursing care. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2023)
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Distribution of this document is illegalWant to earn $1.236 extra per year? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 5) A client is diagnosed with chronic obstructive p ulmonary disease. Which test provides the most accurate indicator of the client's acid-base ba lance? A) Arterial blood gases (ABGs) B) Pulse oximetry C) Sputum studies D) Bronchoscopy Answer: A Explanation: A) Acid-base balance is assessed primar ily by measuring arterial blood gases (ABGs). Arterial blood is most often used because it reflects acid-base balance throughout the entire body better than venous or capillary blood that has dispersed oxygen into the tissues and has collected carbon dioxide. B) Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive test that evalua tes the oxygen saturation level of blood. C) Sputum studies can provide specific information a bout bacterial organisms. D) A bronchoscopy provides visualization of internal respiratory structures. Page Ref: 10 Cognitive Level: Applying Client Need/Sub: Physiological Integrity: Reduction of Risk Potential Standards: QSEN Competencies: III.A.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic scientific methods and processes. | AACN Domains and Competencies: 2.3 Integrate assessment skills in practice. | NLN Competencies: Knowledge and Science: Relationsh ips between knowledge/science and quality and safe patient care. | Nursing Process: Ass essment Learning Outcome: 1.5. Differentiate common assess ment procedures and tests used to examine acid-base balance. MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance an d its application to nursing care. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2023)
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Distribution of this document is illegalWant to earn $1.236 extra per year? Stuvia.com - The Marketplace to Buy and Sell your Study Material 6) The nurse is instructing a client with a history of acidosis on the use of sodium bicarbonate. Which client statement indicates that additional te aching is needed? A) "I should contact the doctor if I have any gastr ic discomfort with chest pain." B) "I need to purchase antacids without salt." C) "I should use the antacid for at least 2 months. " D) "I should call the doctor if I get short of breat h or start to sweat with this medication." Answer: C Explanation: A) The client should be instructed to immediately contact the primary healthcare provider if gastric discomfort occurs with chest pai n. B) The client should be instructed to use non-sodium antacids to prevent the absorption of excess sodium or bicarbonate into systemic circulation. C) The client should be instructed to not use any bi carbonate antacid for longer than 2 weeks. D) The client should be instructed to immediately co ntact the primary healthcare provider if dyspnea or diaphoresis occurs. Page Ref: 6 Cognitive Level: Analyzing Client Need/Sub: Physiological Integrity: Pharmacol ogical and Parenteral Therapies Standards: QSEN Competencies: I.A.1. Integrate und erstanding of multiple dimensions of patient-centered care: patient/family/community prefe rences, values; coordination and integration of care; information, communication, an d education; physical comfort and emotional support; involvement of family and friends; Transit ion and continuity. | AACN Domains and Competencies: 5.2 Contribute to a culture of patient safety. | NLN Competencies: Knowledge and Science: Relationships between knowledge/science and quality and safe patient care. | Nursing Process: Evaluation Learning Outcome: 1.7. Summarize collaborative the rapies used by interdisciplinary teams for clients with alterations in acid-base balance. MNL LO: Analyze the concept of acid-base balance an d its application to nursing care. ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2023)
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