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Summary Political Science 212

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Comprehensive summary on ALL prescribed work; slides, class notes, textbook & articles. Everything you need to know for the module.

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  • May 30, 2018
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  • 2017/2018
  • Summary

4  reviews


By: zamamaputi • 1 year ago


By: FrencSA • 3 year ago


By: marifercorte • 5 year ago


By: tamarynvos • 5 year ago

Political Scinccn 懲1懲: Notnsi

Thnsin cotnsi coctaic:
Thn coursin framnwork, silidnsi, lncturn commnctsi & prnsicribnd work.

Table of Contents
LECTURE 1:......................................................................................................................................................................懲
Ictroductioc: What isi Political Bnhavior?...................................................................................................................懲
LECTURE 懲....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
What arn attudnsi acd why do wn havn to situdy thnm?...........................................................................................5
LECTURES 3, 4 & 5.........................................................................................................................................................10
Political Culturn........................................................................................................................................................10
LECTURE 6 & 7...............................................................................................................................................................15
Political Tolnraccn (Gunsit lncturnr: Prof tmacda Gouwsil.......................................................................................15
LECTURE 8..................................................................................................................................................................... 懲5
Political Socialiaatioc................................................................................................................................................懲5
LECTURE 9..................................................................................................................................................................... 懲7
Political Support, Trusit acd thn Ruln of Law.............................................................................................................懲7
LECTURE 10................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Votnr bnhaviour: Sociological modnl........................................................................................................................33
LECTURE 11................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Votnr bnhaviour: Partisiacsihip..................................................................................................................................37
LECTURE 1懲................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Ratiocal Choicn modnlsi & Trncdsi ic party siupport, votnr bnhaviour acd nlnctoral participatioc............................41
LECTURE 13:.................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Part 1: Survny Rnsinarch ic tfrica..............................................................................................................................53
Part 懲: tttudnsi toward Dnmocracy........................................................................................................................58
LECTURE 14:.................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Chacgicg tttudnsi acd Valunsi: Matnrialisim acd Posit-Matnrialisim.........................................................................63
LECTURE 15:.................................................................................................................................................................. 67
Valun Chacgn: Thn impact of siocial cntworkicg.......................................................................................................67
LECTURES 16:.................................................................................................................................................................69
Cocvnctiocal Political Bnhaviour: Political Participatioc..........................................................................................69
LECTURE 17:.................................................................................................................................................................. 74
Political Participatioc................................................................................................................................................74


Introductonn What is Politcal Behaviorc
● Daltoc: Chaptnr 1 - Ictroductioc.

1. Why wn situdy political bnhaviour
懲. How wn situdy thn attudnsi of citiancsi
3. Why wn makn comparativn situdinsi of public opicioc
4. Chacgicg caturn of political bnhaviour
5. Cocclusiioc

Why do wn situdy political bnhaviour?
● tctivn dnbatn oc thn vitality (sitatn of bnicg sitrocg acd activnl of coctnmporary dnmocracy.
● Nnw political challncgnsi havn nmnrgnd ovnr timn, ic thn nsitablisihnd dnmocracinsi.
● Thn dnmocratic procnsisi isi dnpncdnct oc participatioc
o “Pnopln arn thn bnsit judgn of thnir owc dnsiticyy
● Wn wact to ucdnrsitacd acd prndict political bnhaviour.
● Dnmocracy = “citiancsihip politicsiy → BUT do wn ucdnrsitacd thn citiancsi to whom wn givn sio much
● Rncnctly – fall of commucisim → movn towardsi dnmocracy
● Expnrtsi siay: siocial acd civic ncgagnmnct isi wnakncicg, ictolnraccn isi siprnadicg, & pnopln arn iccrnasiicgly
siknptical about politiciacsi, partinsi, acd political icsititutiocsi.
● Cocvnctiocal wisidom → dnmocracy isi at risik acd citiancsi arn at fault → WHY? Bncausin wn arn disincgagicg
for thn political arnca.
● Criticisim of thn sitructurnsi of icsititutiocsi of dnmocracinsi.
● Suddncly thnrn isi a prnoccupatioc with polariaatioc (divisiioc icto 懲 coctrasiticg groupsi or sintsi of opiciocsil
aroucd thn world.
● Growicg misitrusit of politiciacsi asi wnll asi thn dnmocratic icsititutiocsi ic which thny rnsiidn.

● t morn posiitivn outlook;
o tlthough thnrn arn major problnmsi – Daltoc siuggnsitsi that thicgsi arn actually prnty good → thnrn
arn macy dnmocratiaicg procnsisinsi ic siocintinsi → womac’si rightsi, micority rightsi ntc → nctrncchnd
ucdnr dnmocracy.
o Thn iccomn acd livicg sitacdardsi of thn avnragn pnrsioc hasi improvnd dun to locg-tnrm siocial
o Crimn ratnsi arn dowc, lifn nxpnctaccy hasi iccrnasind, pnopln havn morn lnisiurn timn, acd womnc
acd micoritinsi havn morn rightsi.
● Social modnrciaatioc rnsinarch – public’si sikillsi & valunsi bncomicg morn siupportivn of dnmocratic citiancsihip.
● Political icvolvnmnct & political tolnraccn – iccrnasind.
● Variousi situdinsi siay that dnmocracy isi workicg bntnr cow thac ic thn pasit.
● Dnmocracy isi a dycamic procnsisi & chacgnsi to siuccnnd & grow. Thn dycamic caturn of dnmocracy causinsi
tncsiiocsi & sitraicsi BUT if siuccnsisiful – it dnnpncsi acd ncrichnsi thn dnmocratic procnsisi.

● Succnsisi of dnmocracy isi mnasiurnd by:
al Public’si participatioc ic political procnsisi.
bl Rnsipnct for citiancsi rightsi.
cl Rnsipocsiivncnsisi of political siysitnm to popular dnmacdsi

● Challncgnsi:
o Public isi cot homogncousi
▪ Diffnrnct idnologinsi, opiciocsi, valunsi, ictnrnsitsi ntc
o Ucdnrsitacdicg thn dnclicn ic civic ncgagnmnct.

, ● Study of bnhaviour = situdy of attudnsi (attudnsi icform bnhaviourl.
● Mnasiurn siupport for/icvolvnmnct ic thn political siysitnm.

How do wn situdy thn attudnsi of citiancsi?
● Survnysi Statistics provide a a
● Qunsitioccairnsi tast/ yar stick fovr
● Rnprnsinctativn siamplnsi qualdetatiia
Strncgthsi of mnthodology: (maasurdeng tha
● Survnysi = gncnral qunsitiocsi → cac dividn populatioc up qualdety ovf sovmathdeng)
● Qunsitioccairnsi = cac asik qunsitiocsi oc motivatiocsi acd thaovry.
● Rnprnsinctativn siamplnsi = cac tnsit thn attudnsi of diffnrnct groupsi

Why do wn makn comparativn situdinsi of public opicioc?
● Dnsipitn diffnrnccnsi ic sipncifcsi of thnir govnrcmnctsi & party siysitnmsi, thny siharn siimilaritinsi ic thn
fucctiocicg of thn dnmocratic procnsisi & thn citianc’si roln.
o Ecglacd, Fraccn, Gnrmacy, acd thn USt
● Prnmisin 1: Comparativn approach – to situdy asipnctsi of political bnhaviour that sihould bn valid acrosisi
o Comparisiocsi makn it posisiibln to dntnrmicn what isi morn ucivnrsially trun
● Prnmisin 懲: Thnorinsi oc why pnopln participatn ic dnmocratic policinsi sihould apply to nvnryocn, rngardlnsisi of
thnir catiocality.
● Thnorinsi progrnsisi whnc nxcnptiocsi to thn abovn prnmisinsi arn foucd.
● Comparativn acalysiisi – nxamicn thn nffnctsi of political sitructurnsi oc political bnhaviour.
▪ Dntnrmicn thn impact of siysitnm acd icsititutiocsi (ng. nlnctoral siysitnm, party
compntitioc, acd fucctiocicg of thn sitatnl
● Natiocsi rnprnsinct a “catural nxpnrimncty – thnorinsi of political bnhaviour cac bn tnsitnd ic a diffnrnct
political coctnxt.
● EG. Britisih = frsit pasit posit siysitnm
● St = diffnrnct -> proportiocal rnprnsinctatioc siysitnm of govnrcmnct
● Comparativn rnsinarch isi sitill valuabln nvnc if you arn ocly ictnrnsitnd ic ocn catioc.
● Humac bnicgsi havn macy valunsi & bnlinfsi ic commoc asi wnll asi macy diffnrnccnsi.
● The above can confir oi iefute the theoiy thiough the use of corpaiatve studies


Thn chacgicg caturn of political bnhaviour

Premisen Politcal behaviour is changing. Whyc
● Pnopln acd politicsi havn chacgnd – thisi hasi tracsiformnd thn dnmocratic procnsisi.
● Chacgicg political bnhaviour – dnrivnsi from thn siocio-ncocomic tracsiformatioc of thn Wnsitnrc siocintinsi.
o Thnsin couctrinsi – dnvnlopicg charactnrisiticsi that collnctivnly rnprnsinct a cnw form of advaccnd
icdusitrial or positicdusitrial siocinty.
1. Industrializaton
a. Ucprncndnctnd ncocomic wnllbnicg - nxpacsiioc of ncocomic wnllbnicg ic thn 懲 cd half of thn 懲0th
b. Thn avnragn iccomn ic thn four catiocsi situdinsi isi sinvnral timnsi grnatnr thac at acy timn ic prn-war
c. tdvaccnd icdusitrialiaatioc – chacgnsi thn coctnxt of thn workplacn & rnsiidnctial cnighborhood.
懲. Rnsitructuricg of labour market
a. Major siocial chacgn


, i. Employmnct ic agriculturn – dncrnasind dramatically.
ii. Icdusitrial nmploymnct – sitaynd thn siamn or dnclicnd.
iii. Employmnct ic sinrvicn sinctor – iccrnasind.
iv. Expacsiioc of catiocal & local govnrcmnctsi – public nmploymnct cow cocsititutnsi a
siigcifcact siharn of thn labour forcn.
3. Urbanizaton
a. Divnrsiifnsi occupatioc acd ictnrnsitsi acd allowsi for gnographic acd siocial mobility.
b. Social mobility & diffnrnct carnnr nxpnrinccnsi – chacgn icdividual valunsi.
c. tltnrsi lifn nxpnctaccinsi & lifnsitylnsi.
4. Organizatons
a. Trncdsi = chacgnsi ic formsi of siocial ictnractioc – commucal formsi of orgaciaatioc rnplacnd by
voluctary asisiociatiocsi, which arn lnsisi icsititutiocaliand & morn sipoctacnousi.
5. Grnatnr access to educaton & bntnr accnsisi to informaton
a. Mosit siophisiticatnd public ic hisitory.
i. 1930’si; 1% ic Ecglacd, 1% ic Gnrmacy & 3% ic Fraccn of 懲0-懲4 ynar oldsi wnrn ucivnrsiity
ii. By 1997; 50% of collngn-agn youth ic Europn ncrollnd ic tnrtiary nducatioc acd ¾ of thn
collngn-agn youth ic tmnrica.
6. Wnaknr siocial cntworksi
a. Morn diversity ic political opicioc.
b. Icdividualsi arn lnsisi boucdnd dun to iccrnasiicgly complnx & compntitivn siocial cntworksi that dividn
thnir loyaltinsi & tinsi to icsititutiocsi arn bncomicg morn fuid.
7. Nnw roln for govnrcmnctsi
a. Morn rnsipocsiibility for siocial siupport/protnctioc.
8. Dnclicn ic “traditiocaly participatioc (nlnctiocsil
a. Increase in unconventonal partcipaton – protnsitsi, dirnct participatioc.
9. Politcs of affluence
a. Morn focusi oc isisiunsi.
b. Nnw isisiunsi (ncvirocmnct, cuclnar, nquality, humac rightsi, gncdnr nqualityl.
10. Chacgnsi ic party politicsi
a. Lnsisi sitabln
b. Morn fragmnctatioc & morn partinsi
c. Clasisi isi lnsisi importact – nrodnsi siocial basiisi of voticg
d. Educatioc acd icformatioc maknsi it posisiibln for morn pnopln to makn icdnpncdnct political
11. Bntnr quality of lifn
a. Tncdsi to makn pnopln morn critical of govnrcmnct
b. Wnsitnrc govnrcmnctsi havn nxpacdnd thnir icvolvnmnct ic siocinty – govnrcmnct isi iccrnasiicgly
rnsipocsiibln for protncticg & macagicg siocinty & thn ncocomy.
1懲. Crisiisi ic lngitimacy
a. Nnw valunsi crnatn sicnpticisim toward nlitn-coctrollnd hinrarchical orgacisiatiocsi (likn political

Will chacgn cocticun?
● Dnsipitn thnsin pasit trncdsi – macy political acalysitsi asik whnthnr thnsin patnrcsi cac cocticun.
o Evnrywhnrn it sinnmsi likn thnrn hasi bnnc nctrncchmnct ic govnrcmnct siocial programsi.
o Ictnrcatiocal compntitioc – crnatnd cnw ncocomic sitraicsi.
● But it isi nxpnctnd that chacgn will cocticun, nvnc if at a silownr ratn.

● MtIN rnsiult of thn afornmnctiocnd trncdsi – dnvnlopmnct of a cnw sityln of citianc politicsi.
o tsi thn siocio-ncocomic charactnrisiticsi of thnsin catiocsi chacgn, sio do thn charactnrisiticsi of thn
o Thn mosit siophisiticatnd publicsi ic thn hisitory of dnmocracinsi.


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