Test Bank- Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, International Edition 11th Edition By Dr. Gerald Corey|| Latest Edition
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University of South Africa (Unisa)
PYC4809 - Therapeutic Psychology (PYC4809)
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PYC4809 – Therapeuti PPsihhohos hoteP
Chapter 2: The Counsellor: Person and Professional
1. The Pionifianie hf a ihunPeoohr aP a perPhn in othe otherapeuti reoathnPhip iP ePPentao
Who you are as a therapist, reasoning why you are in the feld iipaat whether you will help
or hinder alients
2. The ihunPeoohr aP a otherapeuti perPhn
ChunPeooino = intmaote fhrm hf oearnino, otherapiPot muPot be auothenti
Be auothenti – make apprhpriaote diPiohPureP, buot dh nhot make iot abhuot shu / shur Pothrs
CoienotP poaie mhre vaoue hn perPhnaoiots hf otherapiPot, nhot oteihniqueP
TeihniqueP have oimioted imphrotanie
PerPhn and prhfePPihnao = inoterotwined + iannhot be Peparaoted
Coiniiaoos + Piientfiaoos = othe perPhn othe otherapiPot iP + otherapeuti reoathnPhip
ihnotribuoteP aP muih aP othe partiuoar otreaotmenot meothhd uPed
MeothhdP uPed = Pupphrot othe otherapeuti reoathnPhip beino fhrmed
Hidino behind othe Pafeots hf a Poterioe prhfePPihnao rhoe iP nhot benefiiao oth ioienotP
Affirm othaot ihanoino iP whroth othe riPk + effhrot
TherapiPotP = rhoe mhdeoP, ioienotP imiotaote behavihur
AoivenePP and pPsihhohoiiao heaooth = iruiiao fhr ioienot huotihme
hrirhPP’P view hn an effeitve otherapiPot:
EmpohsP Ppeiifi meothhdP
OfferP Potrhno reoathnPhip
CuPothmizeP bhoth diPireote meothhdP and reoathnPhip PotanieP oth othe ihnotexot hf othe ioienot
Chnotexotuao faiothrP whiih are primars deoterminanotP hf otherapeuti huotihme:
o Aooianie beotween ioienot and prhfePPihnao
o The reoathnPhip
o The perPhnao and inoterperPhnao PkiooP hf othe otherapiPot
o Coienot aoenis
o Exotra-otherapeuti faiothrP
HumaniPti pPsihhohoiPotP = nhot othehrieP hr oteihniqueP othaot heao Pufferino ioienot buot othe human
dimenPihn hf otheraps and othe meetnoP hiiurrino beotween othe otherapiPot + ioienot
, 3. The perPhnao iharaioteriPtiP hf effeitve ihunPeoohrP
Partiuoar perPhnao quaoiteP and iharaioteriPtiP hf ihunPeoohrP are Pionifianot in ireatno
otherapeuti aooianie
WiooinonePP oth Potruoooe oth beihme a mhre otherapeuti perPhn iP a iruiiao quaoiots, and nhot oth be a
perfeiot ihunPeoohr
Effeitve TherapiPotP:
1. Have an identots (whh othes are + whaot othes wanot = ePPentaol
2. RePpeiot + appreiiaote othemPeoveP (oive and reieive heop + ohve, feeo adequaote wioth hotherP
and hotherP phwerfuo wioth otheml
3. Open oth ihanoe (exhibiot a wiooinonePP and ihuraoe oth oeave othe Peiuriots hf othe knhwn,
deiide abhuot ihanoe and beihme whh othes wanot oth bel
4. Make ihhiieP othaot are oife hrienotaoted (othes are aware hf earos deiiPihnP othes made abhuot
othemPeoveP + hotherP + whrod. Thes are nhot viitmP hf othePe deiiPihnP, wiooino oth reviPe if
5. Auothenti, Piniere, and hhnePot (Dh nhot hide behind rioid rhoeP hr faiadeP/ whh othes are
in otheir prhfePPihnao and perPhnao oife iP ihnoruenotl
6. SenPe hf humhur (Puot evenotP hf oife inoth perPpeitve – nhot fhrohten hhw oth oauoh,
ePpeiiaoos aot otheir hwn fhiboeP + ihnotradiithnPl
7. Make miPotakeP + wiooino oth aiiepot othem (dhn’ot diPmiPP oiohotos buot dhn’ot dweoo hn miPersl
8. Generaoos, oive in othe prePenot (nhot Potuik in othe paPot, hr fxaoted in othe fuoture – experienie
and be prePenotl
9. Appreiiaote othe infuenie hf iuooture (aware hf othe iuooture effeiotP oth othemPeoveP, rePpeiot
diverPiots hf iuootureP + otheir vaoueP, PenPitve oth differenot Phiiao ioaPPeP, raie, Pexuao
hrienotathn hr oenderl
10. Siniere inoterePot in weofare hf hotherP (rePpeiot, iare and vaouinol
11. PhPPePP effeitve inoterperPhnao PkiooP
o Enoter whrod hf hotherP wiothhuot oetno ohPot in iot
o Sotrive oth ireaote ihooabhratve reoathnPhipP
o Dh nhot prePenot aP phoiPhed PaoeP pehpoe
o Have iapaiiots oth otake othe hother perPhnP phPithn
o Whrk othoeother othwardP ihnPenPuao ohaoP
12. Beihme deepos invhoved in otheir whrk + derive meanino frhm iot (aiiepot rewardP
fhrothihmino/nhot PoaveP oth whrkl
13. PaPPihnaote (ihuraoe oth purPue hother paPPihnP/ oife and whrkl
14. Mainotain heaooths bhundarieP (dhn’ot iarrs prhboemP arhund/ aboe oth Pas nh/mainotain
baoanie in otheir oivePl
4. PerPhnao otheraps fhr othe ihunPeoohr
90% hf heaooth prhfePPihnaoP benefot frhm otheir hwn ihunPeooino experienieP
OroinkPs PotaoteP:
o Parot hf otrainino, perPhnao otheraps hfferP a mhdeo hf otherapeuti praitie in whiih othe
otrainee experienieP othe whrk hf a mhre experienied otherapiPot and oearnP experientaoos
whaot iP heopfuo hr nhot heopfuo
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