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Summary for partial exam - lecture notes and mandatory readings $3.77
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Summary for partial exam - lecture notes and mandatory readings

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Summary of all lectures and mandatory readings for the partial exam. Original lecture sheets are inserted when necessary. The importance of the mandatory readings is really emphasized, that is why I choose to not only summarize these readings, but also translate them to Dutch. All important terms h...

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  • Lecture notes, mandatory readings and lecture sheets based on this book
  • September 27, 2018
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  • 2018/2019
  • Summary

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By: richyy • 5 year ago


By: remicarlo • 5 year ago


Available practice questions

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Some examples from this set of practice questions


What is an organization?

Answer: A group of individuals who combine their skills to reach a goal. Organizations are not a random group of people and not a material object. It is about the structure with order and goals or functions.


Why does the West produce wealth according to Adam Smith? / Why division of labor?

Answer: Not having to change what you\'re doing Repetittion enhances skills Different job for people with different talents --> Specialization Development of different tools


Why division of labor stronger in western?

Answer: Because specialization is produced by freedom for people to trade and barter. This is more effective than central planning


What is rationalization? (Weber)

Answer: Organization are increasingly based on rational thought about goal attainment.


Name three criteria of rational thought

Answer: Effectivity, efficiency, legality


What does ontology stand for?

Answer: Study of the nature of reality. So having a basic idea of what the world exist of. For example in organizations; what important things matter?


What does epistemology stand for?

Answer: The study of categories we use to establish the true value.


Give two examples of epistemology

Answer: Using a stopwatch to measure how long it takes to execute a certain task Studying a human subject to find out how strong he or she is by weightlifting.


What is bureaucracy according to weber?

Answer: Ideal type of organization --> most efficient and rational way to organize an organistation. Systematic processen and hierarchy are necessary to maintain order and maxime efficiency.


Essentail requirements of rationalization

Answer: -Control by the rightful owner: Specification of goal, structure and rules -Personnel with knowledge and skills - Loyalty - Verifiablity - Order and predictability

Lecture 1 18 n distncteve n taken, n kunnen n 10 n arbeiders n bijna n 50.000
Organizatinnis: spijkersnmakenninneenndag.
Verder n stelt n Smith n dat n divisiin n if n labiur n viirdelen n brengt
irntechnicalnapplicatins.nTheynwirkntigethernandninteract.nItnis 1. Denbehendigheid nvan narbeidersnstjgt,n imdatnzijnzichnnu
nit n a n material n ibject n and n nit n a n number n if n peiple, n but n a kunnen n richten n ip n een n taak n in n plaats n van n tentallen.
structurenwithnirdernandngialsnirnfunctins.n Hierdiirnzullennzijnsteedsnbeternennsnellernwirden;
2. Hetntjdverliesnvannhetnwisselennvanntakennverdwijnt.nHet
Itnexistnatnmultplenlevels,nmicri,nmezzinandnmacri.nThisnmeans gaatnhierniiknivernhetnafeggennvanngritenafstandennnaar
that n it n varies n frim n (small) n schiil n priject n wirk n griups n and
de n andere n taak n en n het n verzamelen n van n gereedschap.
entre n sicietes. n This n is n all n irganizatin; n infirmal, n firmal,
tempirarynirninsttutinalized. Daarnaastnisnhetnmieilijkernimninneennfiwntenkimen;
3. Hetnzirgtnviirnverbeterdenmachines,naangeziennjennunnig
Adam n Smith n write n the n frst n midern n irganizatin n theiry n in maarneennenkelentaaknhebtnimnjenipntenficussen,nkimt
1776n(ThenWealthnifnNatins).nItndescribesntinwhatnthenWest elke n arbeider n er n ip n natuurlijke n wijze n achter n wat
iwesnitsn wealth.nThendivisiinnifnlabir,nsinancertainnpriduct makkelijkerenennhandigerenmethidesnzijnnimnhetnwerknte
isn’t n made n be n ine n wirker, n but n many n mire. n This n increases dien.n

Whyndiesndivisiinnifnlabirnpriducenwealth: Lecture 2
- Nitnhavingntinchangenwatnyiunarendiing; These n principles n have n their n irigin n frim n the n start n if n the
- Repettinnenhancesnskill; twentethncentury,nbutntheynarenstllnrelevantntiday.
- Diferent n jibs n fir n peiple n with n diferent n talent
(specializatin); Midernism n isn highlyn related n ti n bureaucracy,n ratinality n and
- Develipmentnifnspecifcntiils/machines. scientfc n management. n Fiunding n fathers n if n irganizatin
Priductvity n increases n due n ti n specializatin n if n a n certain - AdamnSmithn(divisiinnifnlabir)
functin n if n a n pricess. n This n will n make n respinsible n wirkers - MaxnWebern(bureaucracy)
fasternasntheynlearn.nHumansnarenpartcularlynbadninnswitching - FredericknTaylirn(andnHenrynFird)n(scientfcnmanagement
pricesses.nThisnmeansnthatnitnisnharderntinficusninnansingular andnpist-Firdism)
tasknfirnshirternperiidsnifntmenthennficusingninnthensame - HenrinFayil
task n fir n a n ling n periid n if n tme. n Anither n advantage n fir n the

- Understandnhiwnanwirkplacenfunctins;
- Planncimplexnwirknpricesses:ndividenitnintintask;
- Cimmunicatenwithinnanfrm:n“wenneednanbeterndivisiinnif
- Thinknabiutnthenpisitinnifnyiurnfrmninnanmarket.

Antheirynisnansimplifcatinnifnreality.nItncannwidennandnslim Thriughnthenagesnratinalnauthirityngainedninnimpirtance:
yiurnperceptinnifnreality.nTherenarenmanyndiferentn‘schiils’, - Efficiency
such n as n intiligy n and n epistemiligy. n Respectvely, n hiw n the - Efectvity
wirldnisnandnhiwnwenthinknwencannibservenit. - Legality

Ontiligynisnhavingnanbasicnideanifnwhatnthenwirldnexistsnif. Thisnresultedninnbureaucracy.nThenaimnifnbureaucracynisntinfnd
What n impirtant n things n mater n cincerning n irganizatins. the n ideal n irganizatin, n what n are n its n characteristcs? n What
Epistemiligynisnabiutnifnwenagreenabiutnwhatnisnimpirtant, makes n an n irganizatin n truly n ratinal? n The n filliwing n fve
hiwncannwenagreenupinnwhatnisnhappeningninnanirganizatin? featuresncharacterizenthenRatonal organiaaton:
Hiw n can n we n establish n cimplete n certainty n cincerning n a 1. Cintrilnbynthenrightulniwner/master:
believedntruth.n o Specifcatinnifngials
o Specifcatinnifnirganizatinalndesign/structure
A. Smith: The Wealth of Natons o Specifcatinnifnrules
AdamnSmithnsteltndatndivisiinnifnlabiurnalnbestindninngritere 2. Persinnelnwithnkniwledgenandnskills
fabrieken,naangezienndaarnziveelnarbeidersnwerkten.nEchternis 3. Liyalty
dezentaakverdelingnnietnduidelijknenniiknnietnwaargenimen. 4. Verifability
Divisiin n if n labiur n past n het n beste n bij n beriepen n waarviir n je 5. Ordernandnpredictability
geen n ipleiding n nidig n hebt. n Een n spijker-maker n bijviirbeeld, n

, - Managementndictates:nrules,n‘fiil-priif’npricedures;
Max n Weber n claims n that n the n filliwing n characteristcs n are - Executinnbynliw-skillednwirkers;
essentalnifnidealtype bureaucracy: - Highlynrepettven(shirtnwirkncycle);
1. Divisiinnifnlabirninniffices; - Strictnsupervisiin
2. Hierarchynifnauthirity;
3. Rule-basedndecisiinnmaking; Thesenprinciplesnarenstllnwidelynused,nevennwithnallncintriversy
4. Impersinalitynifndecisiins; (justnlikenbureaucracynfirnthatnmater).
5. Writenndicument;
6. Selectinnandnprimitinnbasedninnmerit;
7. Separatinnifnifficenandnincumbentn(niniwnership).
principles n weren’t n fully n implemented n in n the n early n twenteth

Weber n says n that n this n will n be n the n mist n ratinal n firm n if
mist n ratinal n firm n if n irganizatin. nHe does NOT say that Basically, n Firdism n is n iptmizing n the n entre n pricess n as n ine.
bureaucracy is ideal,ninlynthatnitnisnratinal.nItnciuldnactuallynbe Largenscalenintegratinnifnallnpricesses.
undesirablenfirnanhuman.nItncannfeelnlikenanniron cage, where
you only experience limitatons and procedures.

with n tii n much n pricedures. n When n yiu n cimpare n this

1. Empliyeensellsnhisnlabirnpiwerntinthenempliyer
F.W. Taylor: The Principles of Scientic canagement
2. Empliyernshiuldnmakenmaximumnusenifnthatnpiwer
3. Using:n‘ScientfcnManagement’ Scientfcnmanagementnisniiknwelntaakmanagementngeniemd.
Basically n this n says n that n an n empliyer n shiuld n get n maximum im n werkelementen n uit n te n vieren, n die n iverigens n allemaal
expliitatinnifnthenlabirnfrimnthenempliyee. verbaal n ivergebracht n zijn n van n verre n viirvaderen.n Geen n van
imn hetn werkn zin giedn migelijkn te nverrichten.n Hetn‘initatef’
Taylir n denkt n dat n arbeiders n bewust n niet n villedig n initatef
Om n dat n initatef n wel n te n krijgen n zal n de n manager n dus n een
ThencinceptnifnTaylirism: bedieldenhijnalleennextrinsiekenmitvate.n
- Fragmentatinnifnwirknintinriutnentasks;

, Die n virm n van n initatef n en n aanspiring n is n hie n er n werd 3. Een n system n van n regels n met n betrekking n tit n rechten n en
gemanagednviirnscientfcnmanagement.n nDitnwasndengiuden plichtennvannzitennpisites;
standaardnennhetnwasndenenigenmaniernhienhetnwerkte. 4. Eennsysteemnvannpriceduresnviirnwerksituates;
5. Onpersiinlijkheidnvannpersiinlijkenrelates;
Scientfcnmanagementnwildenhetninitatefnvannarbeidersnvanuit 6. Primite- n en n selectebeleid n ip n basis n van n technische
absilute n unifirmiteit,n verder n dan n migelijk n was n in n hetn iude cimpetente.
systeem. n Managers n krijgen n meer n lasten, n plichten n en
verantwiirdelijkhedennwaarvannzenalleennkindenndrimen.nNu Opvallend n is n dat n er n geen n signifcante n cirrelate n is n tussen
ziudennzijnnamelijknallentraditinelenkennisninnkaartnbrengennen griite n en n leefijd n van n een n irganisate n en n de n mate n van
eennenkelenwerkwijzenipzetennipnbasisnvannwetenschap: bureaucrate.n

1. Ontwikkel n een n wetenschap n viir n elke n werkelement n en Lecture 3
vervangndenvuistregelmethide; NextntinFayil’snFunctinsnifnManagementn(1916).nHenmadena
2. Selecteer, n train, n leer n en n intwikkel n de n arbeider n met
wetenschappelijkeninderslag; 1 Divisiinnifnlabir 8 Centralizatinnn
3. Werknsamennmetndenmannennzidatnalnhetnwerkngedaan 2 Authiritynandnrespinsibility 9 ThenScalernchain
wirdtnzialsnwetenschappelijknisnintwikkeld; 3 Unitynifncimmandn 10 Order
4. Ernisneennnieuwenverdeling,nwaarbijnbeidennpartjenndien 4 Unitynifndirectin 11 Equity
wat n zij n beter n kunnen. n Het n management n heefn de 5 Disciplinen 12 Stabilitynifntenure
verantwiirdelijkheidnenndenarbeidernwerkt. 6 Subirdinatin n ti n the 13 Initatve
Drienvanndezeninderdelennbestindenndeelsnalninderninitatef generalninterest
7 Pripernrenumeratin 14 ‘Espritndencirps’
systeem. n Het n belangrijkste n is n punt n 4, n waarin n vrieger n de Fayil’s n irganigram n gives n a n clear n iverview n if n unity n if
arbeiderndencimpletenverantwiirde-lijkheidnhadnennnunisn(in cimmand n and n the n depth/span n if n cintril. n Cimmunicatin
ieder n geval) n de n helfn de n verant-wiirdelijkheid n van n het shiuldnbentriughnScalarnChain.nAtnfrstnyiunweren’tnalliwednti
management. skipnanlevel,nbutnthatnchangedntintwinlevelsnafernitnturnedniut
ti n be n inefficient. n Fayiln wanted n yiu n ti n have n an slim n span n if
Hetnwerknvannelkenarbeidernwirdtnvilledigngeplandndiirnhet cintril, n hiwever n this n results n in n a n great n depth n if n cintril.
management, n minimaal n een n dag n van n te n viren. n Iedere n man
giede npriductviteit n is,nmaar nin ngeen n gevalnmagn het ntempi

Taylirs n visie n ip n de n arbeiders n van n tien n was n dat n zij n dimme
varkens n waren n (dit n is n een n citaat). n Je n miest n zeggen n wat n ze
scientfc n management n verliren n de n arbeiders n cimplete Fayilnandnithers: HerbertnSimin:
autinimie.nZenmiestennipndensecindendiennwatneennander 1 Divisiinnifnlabir 1 Tinwhatnextent?
zei.n 2 Clearnhierarchies 2 Matrixnirganizatin?
3 Limitednspannifncintril 3 Depthnifncintril?
4 Griuping n empliyees n accirding 4 Ti n what n extent n and
R.H. Hall: The Concept of Bureaucracy
tintask,npricesses,nclients,nplace whichnisnpreferred?
van n een n cintnuüm. n Een n irganisate n is n niet n wel n if n niet
n Max n Weber n beschreef n bureaucratsche n irganisates n vanuit
een n dimensiineel n perspectef. n Hij n beschreef n een n aantal
atributen n waarmee n dat n werd n bepaald n in n het n midel n van
1. Divisiinnifnlabirnipnbasisnvannfunctinelenspecialisate;
2. Duidelijkenhiërarchienvannautiriteit;

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