- LPC Family Law Exam notes (Electronic word-processed copy)
- Suitable for students studying the LPC at the University of Law, BPP & all other universities, additionally LLB students studying Family Law will also benefit from these notes. **
- Detailed notes in all subject areas covered in the Fam...
i haven't studied it yet, but it looks very detailed from a quick skim
By: masuma997 • 4 year ago
These are good notes however it does contain alot of spelling errors which is my only real complaint
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Human Rights
Article 12 1 CHR 1 1ee 1n ‶ 1womee 1omf 1enrringeenlle 1ngee 1hnvee 1hhe 1rigehh 1hom 1enrr 1n ‶ 1f omn ‶ 1n 1
f neil 1nccomr‶i ge 1hom 1hhe 1 ntiom nl 1lnws 1geomveer i ge 1hhe 1exercise 1omf 1hhnh 1rigehh
Next 2. Com hnch 1lnw er 1i 1f omreige 1comn hr
Steps n. Homw 1promce‶nre, 1f n cinl 1relief 1nssesse‶, 1hnx 1ieplicntiom s
. O ce 1 omn 1hnvee 1n‶veice 1comepnre 1hom 1cnrre h 1jnris‶ictiom
n. i. e. 1‶om ’h 1hnvee 1clen 1lrenk 1omr‶er 1i 1Geren
3. Whnh 1is 1lesh 1f omr 1clie h?
4. Ask 1where 1clie h 1wn hs 1hom 1geom?
n. Bnh 1clie h 1hns 1lieihe‶ 1k omwle‶gee
l. Tnke 1nccomn h 1omf 1comshs 1omf 1f i ge 1omnh
n. Chn ce 1hhnh 1whom 1womnl‶ 1hnvee 1lee 1respom ‶e h 1geehs 1hhere 1frsh, 1n ‶ 1petitiom s 1i 1
MS 1which 1is 1less 1pref ernlle 1(Brnssels 1IIn 1 1whomeveer 1seiies 1ih 1frsh 1hns 1jnris)
, R ecomge itiom 1omf 1f omreige 1‶ecree
- Where 1recomge ise‶: 1pnrties 1f ree 1hom 1reenrr 1i 1 +W
o Comnrh 1en 1enke 1f n cinl 1omr‶er 1
- Where 1 omh 1recomge ise‶: 1will 1hnvee 1hom 1petitiom 1f omr 1‶iveomrce 1hhromngeh 1 gelish 1comnrhs
Gromn ‶s 1f omr 1Diveomrce
Mnrringee 1hns 1lromke 1‶omw 1irrehrievenll 1(S2(2) 1MCA 12973) 1 1shomw 1hhromngeh 1f nchs:
Adultery and Intolerability S2( )(n)
Adultery S2( m): 1om l 1lehwee 1persom s 1omf 1omppomsihe 1sex 1
Promomf : 1see 1pge. A‶nlher 1= 1veomln hnr 1sexnnl 1i hercomnrse 1lehwee 1hwom 1persom s 1omf 1hhe 1omppomsihe 1sex, 1
8 om e/lomhh 1omf 1whome 1nre 1enrrie‶, 1lnh 1 omh 1hom 1ench 1omhher 1
Intolerability Domes ’h 1hnvee 1hom 1le 1li ke‶ 1hom 1n‶nlher 1
Co- Persom 1wihh 1whome 1n‶nlher 1comeeite‶ 1cn 1le 1en‶e 1pnrh 1hom 1‶iveomrce 1 1 omh 1 ecessnr 1
Respondent hom 1omlhni 1n‶eissiom ; 1om l 1evei‶e ce 1hhnh 1respom ‶e h 1comeeite‶ 1n‶nlher 1reqnire‶
Efect of Cn omh 1rel 1om 1n‶nlher 1if 1comhnlihe‶ 1wihh 1periom‶/periom‶s 1excee‶i ge 1 m 1eom hhs 1nfer 1
cohabitation ‶iscomveer 1omf 1n‶nlher 1(S (2))
Where 1 omh 1excee‶i ge 1 m 1eom hhs 1 1‶isregenr‶ 1comhnlihntiom 1(S ( ))
Behaviour S2( )(l)
Respondent’s “cn omh 1rensom nll 1le 1expeche‶ 1hom 1livee 1wihh 1hhe 1respom ‶e h” 1= 1omljectivee 1hesh
Behaviour - Petitiom er’s 1womr‶ 1nlom e 1 1e omngeh
- Hnvee 1regenr‶ 1hom 1hhe 1enrringee 1hishomr 1+ 1persom nlities 1omf 1spomnses
Cnse 1lnw 1see 1 Usnnll 1lomomk 1f omr 13- m 1exneples
pge. 1 9 (n rensom nll 1lehnveiomnr 1cn 1le 1n‶nlher )
Efect of Where 1 omh 1excee‶i ge 1 m 1eom hhs 1 1‶isregenr‶ 1comhnlihntiom 1(S (3))
cohabitation Livee‶ 1homgeehher 1f omr 1 m+ 1eom hhs 1 1 omh 1nlsomlnhe 1lnr 1lnh 1will 1hnke 1i hom 1com si‶erntiom
- The 1lom geer 1hhe 1comhnlihntiom , 1hhe 1less 1likel 1ih 1will 1le 1hhnh 1comnrh 1will 1gern h 1hhe 1
- Bradley v Bradley: 1wif e 1com ti ne‶ 1hom 1comhnlih, 1lnh 1promvee‶ 1hhnh 1she 1hn‶ 1
omwhere 1else 1hom 1geom, 1hn‶ 17 1ki‶s, 1f rigehhe e‶
Desertion (min 2 years S2( )(c)
What n) 1ensh 1le 1n 1sepnrntiom 1 1omfe 1livei ge 1npnrh 1lnh 1cn 1le 1livei ge 1homgeehher 1+ 1le 1sepnrnhe‶
constitutes if 1comeeom 1homee 1n ‶ 1comeeom 1lif e 1hns 1cense‶ 1nlhomgeehher 1(Hopes v Hopesn
desertion? l) 1i he tiom 1hom 1‶eserh 1(i. e. 1lri ge 1enhrieom inl 1n iom 1hom 1e ‶)
c) 1petitiom er 1ensh 1 omh 1com se h/ngeree 1hom 1sepnrntiom
Pge. 130-32 ‶) 1respom ‶e h 1ensh 1 omh 1hnvee 1jnsh 1cnnse 1f omr 1lenvei ge 1(i. e. 1nwn 1om 1lnsi ess)
e) 1‶esertiom 1ensh 1le 1com ti nomns 1(seveernl 1periom‶s 1cn omh 1 omrenll 1le 1n‶‶e‶ 1homgeehher 1
hom 1f omre 1 - enr 1periom‶)
f ) 1‶esertiom 1ensh 1ieee‶inhel 1prece‶e‶ 1hhe 1prese hntiom 1omf 1petitiom 1(i. e. 1‶nhe 1whe 1ih
is 1fle‶)
Efect of I 1 1com si‶eri ge 1whehher 1n 1periom‶ 1= 1com ti nomns, 1 om 1nccomn h 1hnke 1omf 1periom‶/periom‶s 1
cohabitation omh 1excee‶i ge 1 m 1eom hhs 1i 1homhnl 1‶nri ge 1which 1pnrties 1comhnlihe‶ 1(S 1 (5)
2 Years’ Separation + Consent S2( )(‶)
Separation 1 enrs’ 1sepnrntiom 1= 1 ecessnr 1
Trenhe‶ 1ns 1livei ge 1npnrh 1n less 1livei ge 1wihh 1ench 1omhher 1i 1snee 1homnsehoml‶ 1(S ( m))
Pge. 132 - Cn 1le 1livei ge 1npnrh 1whe 1n ‶er 1snee 1romomf 1(see 1nlomvee)
Ph sicnl 1sepnrntiom 1 1livei ge 1npnrh
- Mnsh 1hnvee 1ee hnl 1eleee h 1(Saotos v Saotos 1 1enrringee 1= 1eere 1shell, 1 eveer 1
, i he ‶i ge 1hom 1livee 1wihh 1spomnse 1ngeni )
Consent Mnsh 1com se h
Cn 1le 1geivee 1n 1tiee 1nfer 1hhe 1serveice 1omf 1petitiom
MUST 1le 1i 1writi ge 1(FR P 1 020 1r7. 2 (2 ))
- I 1prnctice 1geivee 1l 1AomS
R espom ‶e h 1e 1geivee 1 omtice 1hhnh 1he 1‶omes 1 omh 1com se h/wihh‶rnws 1com se h
- Nom 1rensom 1 ee‶e‶ 1(r7. 2 (2 ))
Ateeph 1hom 1wihh‶rnw 1com se h 1om 1‶ecree 1 isi 1nlren‶ 1omlhni e‶ 1= 1likel 1i efectivee
Mn 1resci ‶ 1where 1comnrh 1sntisfe‶ 1hhnh 1petitiom er 1eisle‶ 1respom ‶e h 1nlomnh 1enters 1
hnke 1i hom 1nccomn h 1i 1‶eci‶i ge 1hom 1geivee 1com se h 1(S20(2))
Efect of I 1 1com si‶eri ge 1whehher 1n 1periom‶ 1= 1com ti nomns, 1 om 1nccomn h 1hnke 1omf 1periom‶/periom‶s 1
cohabitation omh 1excee‶i ge 1 m 1eom hhs 1i 1homhnl 1‶nri ge 1which 1pnrties 1comhnlihe‶ 1(S 1 (5)
Financial D LAY 1NOT 1BAR 1
position of R espom ‶e h 1en 1nppl 1hom 1comnrh 1f omr 1com si‶erntiom 1omf 1his 1f n cinl 1pomsitiom 1f omllomwi ge 1
respondent ‶iveomrce 1(S20( )) 1 1comnrh 1ensh 1com si‶er 1circneshn ces 1n ‶ 1will 1 omh 1enke 1‶ecree 1 isi 1
(S10(2 nlsomlnhe 1n less 1sntisfe‶ 1hhnh:
n) Petitiom er 1shomnl‶ 1 omh 1le 1reqnire‶ 1hom 1enke 1n 1promveisiom s 1f omr 1hhe 1respom ‶e h; 1
l) The 1f n cinl 1promveisiom 1en‶e 1is 1f nir 1+ 1rensom nlle, 1omr 1hhe 1lesh 1hhnh 1cn 1le 1en‶e
i 1hhe 1circneshn ces 1(S20(3))
Mn 1promcee‶ 1w/om 1nlomvee 1reqnireee hs 1if : 1sntisfe‶ 1hhnh 1circneshn ces 1enke 1is 1
desirable hhnh 1‶ecree 1shomnl‶ 1le 1en‶e 1nlsomlnhe 1w/om 1‶eln 1+ 1comnrh 1omlhni e‶ 1
n ‶erhnki ge 1f rome 1petitiom er 1hhnh 1he 1will 1enke 1snch 1f n cinl 1promveisiom s 1f omr 1hhe 1
respom ‶e h 1ns 1hhe 1comnrh 1en 1nppromvee 1(S20(4))
5 Years’ Separation S2( )(e)
Separation Trenhe‶ 1ns 1livei ge 1npnrh 1n less 1livei ge 1wihh 1ench 1omhher 1i 1snee 1homnsehoml‶ 1(S ( m))
- Cn 1le 1livei ge 1npnrh 1whe 1n ‶er 1snee 1romomf 1(see 1nlomvee)
Ph sicnl 1sepnrntiom 1 1livei ge 1npnrh
- Mnsh 1hnvee 1ee hnl 1eleee h 1(Saotos v Saotos 1 1enrringee 1= 1eere 1shell, 1 eveer 1
i he ‶i ge 1hom 1livee 1wihh 1spomnse 1ngeni )
Def e ce: 1‶e i ge 1sepnrntiom 1OR 1promvei ge 1gernvee 1hnr‶ship 1n ‶er 1S5
Decree 1en 1le 1‶eln e‶ 1l 1respom ‶e h 1nski ge 1f omr 1f n cinl 1pomsitiom 1hom 1le 1com si‶ere‶ 1
n ‶er 1S20( )
Grave Dissomlntiom 1omf 1enrringee 1= 1resnlh 1i 1gernvee 1f n cinl 1omr 1omhher 1hnr‶ship 1f omr 1respom ‶e h 1
Hardship aod 1i 1nll 1circneshn ces 1womnl‶ 1le 1wrom ge 1hom 1‶issomlvee 1(S5(2))
- Mnsh 1com si‶er 1pnrties’ 1com ‶nch, 1i heresh 1omf 1lomhh 1pnrties 1+ 1i heresh 1omf 1chil‶re /
Pge. 133 omhher 1com eche‶ 1persom s 1 1S5( )
Momsh 1comeeom l 1plen‶e‶ 1= 1f n cinl. 1I cln‶es: 1
- Lomss 1omf 1chn ce 1omf 1ncqniri ge 1n 1le efh 1respom ‶e h 1eigehh 1ncqnire 1if 1enrringee 1
were 1 omh 1‶issomlvee‶ 1(S5(3))
i. e. 1Juliao v Juliao: 1hnsln ‶ 1com hrilnhe‶ 1hom 1n 1omccnpntiom nl 1pe siom 1
scheee, 1wif e 1womnl‶ 1le 1f nce‶ 1wihh 1hnr‶ship 1if 1he 1omlhni e‶ 1‶iveomrce, 1ns 1
she 1womnl‶ 1 om 1lom geer 1le 1e tihle‶ 1hom 1wi‶omw’s 1pe siom 1n ‶er 1scheee
o womnl‶ 1 omh 1snccee‶ 1where 1ih 1cn 1le 1shomw 1hhnh 1hhis 1 1gernvee 1ns 1
f omr 1exneple, 1wif e 1e tihle‶ 1hom 1her 1omw 1omccnpntiom nl 1
pe siom /hnsln ‶ 1comnl‶ 1comepe snhe 1her 1f omr 1her 1lomss
Mn 1nlsom 1hnke 1f omres 1+ 1 ecessihnhe 1exnei ntiom 1cnnse‶ 1l 1religeiomns 1ce snre 1omr 1somcinl 1
omshrncises 1lnh 1V R Y 1DIFFCULT 1TO 1promvee 1 1rnre 1
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