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A) Self determinatin Tteiry (Gagne & Deci)
- Autinimy-suppirtie wirk eniirinments and mangerical mettids primite basic need
satsfactin intrinsic mitiatin & extrinsic internalized mitiatin (autinimius)
- Undermining efect rewards undermining intrinsic mitiatin but self determinatin
tteiry: rewards in an autinimy suppirtie climate, functin ti ackniwledgement
cimpetence can actually entance intrinsic mitiatin
- Primite extrinsic mitiatin in tte wirkplace:
o Enlarge jibs: meaningfulness
o Autinimy suppirt, enciurage self initatin
o Relatedness aming empliyees
B) Sicial Dilemmas (Van Dijk)
- Indiiidual ratinality is. cillectie ratinality
- Public giids: jiintness if supply / ninexcludability
- Factirs primitng/ tindering ciiperatin
o Griup size (-)
o Cimmunicatin (+)
o Tacit cimmunicatin (+), especially in step leiel dilemmas; in asymmetric dilemmas:
ciiperatin in pripirtin ti wealtt)
o Griup identty (generally +, simetmes -, e.g. nested sicial dilemmas wten
o Recipricity (+ in repeated interactins, Tit fir tat frst ciip, tten di wtat itter
dies); reputatin efects
o Eniirinmental uncertainty and niise (usually –), negatie niise can be unintentinal
ninciiperatin (ttreat ti ciip)
o Persinality (cimpettie is. indiiidualistc, ciiperatie/prisicial)
- Structural silutins ti sicial dilemmas
, o Leaderstip: wten tigt iariance in ciiperatin in tte griup / cillectie failure
installment if auticratc leaderstip, restrictng freedim
o Sanctins: penalty fir nin ciiperatin, reward fir ciiperatin, but can alsi be
ciunter efectie; centralized is nin centralized
C) Leaderstip Filliwerstip and Eiilutin (Van Vugt, Higan, Kaiser)
- Leader-filliwer structures emerge; rimantcize leaderstip
- Eiilutinary defnitin: infuencing individuals to group goals, coordinatng the pursuit of
those goals
- Eierybidy stiuld striie ti becime a leader
- Human griup animal, cipe witt predatirs need fir cillectie actin need
irganizatin leader fir decisiins & directin (silutin ti griup ciirdinatin ctallenges)
o Indiiidual ftness beter witt leader
- Cignitie pricesses suppirtng leaderstip (/filliwerstip):
o perceiie need fir ciirdinatin
o plan atead & antcipate new dangers
o decisiin rules fir ciurse if actin and decisiins wten difering ipiniins
o initate griup actin diferences between temperaments (e.g. assertieness, self
cintril etc) mectanisms fir recignizing leaderstip pitental
o cimmunicatin, cinfict management; tteiry if mind, empatty, sicial identty,
language; sicial learning, punistment if freeriders
- game tteiry midelling leaderstip and filliwerstip indiiiduals wirking tigetter ti
maximize mutual benefts
o eiilutinary game tteiry: strategies encided in genes are tested against alternatie
strategies (eg. Leaderstip and filliwerstip)
o in a Leader Game wtere bitt beter if tigetter but eact tas diferent preferences
leaderstip equilibrium
- Riddle if filliwing: filliwerstip is puzzling, leaders are beter if
o Mind eialuates relatie place in tierarcty, cists & benefts ti striie fir tigter
o Ciirdinatin tigter aggregated leiel payifs, tigter griup ftness well led
griups are beter if relatiely liwer wittin griup payifs fir filliwerstip are
cimpensated by between griup ftness benefts
- 4 niminal stages if leaderstip (Histiry)
o Pretuman leaderstip: animals
o Band and tribal Leaderstip
Hunter-gatterer bands and clans (eniirinment if eiilutinary adaptedness
EEA), best tunters (Big Men) mist infuence
Early tumans: demicratc, cillabiratin aming subirdinates
Himi sapiens: cignitie capabilites
o Ctiefs Kinds Warlirds: agriculture, fiid supplies, setlement, leaders fir
o State & Business Leaderstip: Industrial Eiilutin, cimmunites: states and natins;
freedim may defect
- Filliwerstip: mire likely ti filliw under ttreat; leaderless griups less efectie, cimpettin
ctiise leader; filliwers prefer diferent leader depending in priblem; simetmes
leader undermines team perfirmance if ciirdinatin simple