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Immunology, ADP20306 summary $4.46
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Immunology, ADP20306 summary

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A summary of all chapters from veterinary immunology, I.R. Tizard, needed for the course ADP20306. helpful video links are included and key items from each chapter are typed out. chapters (9th ed): 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 41.

Letzte Aktualisierung vom Dokument: 6 Jahr vor

vorschau 4 aus 50   Seiten

  • Nein
  • Chapters: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31
  • 11. dezember 2018
  • 14. dezember 2018
  • 50
  • 2018/2019
  • Zusammenfassung

3  rezensionen


von: engelinahmacamo1 • 3 Jahr vor


von: lobarinhascampos • 5 Jahr vor

Too summarized! Lack of important information ...


von: jelkedegraaf1 • 6 Jahr vor


Verfügbare Übungsfragen

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


what are microorganisms that do not invade or cause disease, called?

Antwort: commensals


what are microorganisms that cause disease when they invade called?

Antwort: Pathogens


What does virulence mean?

Antwort: The ability to cause disease


What are some physical barriers the body uses as a defense against pathogens?

Antwort: The skin, and \'self-cleaning\' processes (vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, secreting mucus)


What are sentinel cells?

Antwort: They detect molecules associated with microorganisms and recruit leukocytes.

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


Alarm systems are generated exogenous or endogenous signals. What do exogenous and endogenous mean?

Antwort: Exogenous signals are generated by invading microorganisms. Endogenous signals are generated by dead or dying cells of the hosts body.


exogenous signals consist of molecules produced by microbial invaders, what are these molecules called?

Antwort: The molecules are called Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs)


endogenous signals consist of molecules released from damaged cells, what are these called?

Antwort: These molecules are called Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs).


What does PRR stand for?

Antwort: Pattern Recognition Receptors. these recognize molecules on invading cells or dead cells and activate the immune system.


The molecules on the surface of invading microorganisms are of a wide variety and are ever changing. How can the body still manage to recognize these invaders?

Antwort: Pattern-Recognition Receptors target specific molecules that are essential for the survival of most microorganisms. these molecules are less likely changed are shared between entire classes of pathogens.

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


What are the three signals damaged cells produce?

Antwort: PAMPs, DAMPs and bioactive peptides (released by stimulated nerves)


What are the three major cytokines?

Antwort: Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-1 and interleukin-6.


What is the general function of chemokines?

Antwort: They coördinate the migration of cells.


What is the effect when chemokines reach the brain?

Antwort: They cause fever and sickness.


What cells produce chemokines?

Antwort: Sentinel cells.

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


what is the prime function of inflammation?

Antwort: to ensure that phagocytic cells intercept and destroy invading microbes.


What does polymorphonuclear mean?

Antwort: These cells have a lobulated nucleus.


What does mononuclear mean?

Antwort: These cells have a single rounded nucleus.


how are granulocytes classified?

Antwort: Based on the staining properties of their granules


what two cell types specialize in killing?

Antwort: Macrophages and neutrophils

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


What is the function of complement?

Antwort: It regulates inflammatory processes, removes damaged or altered cells, sends danger signals to the body and regulates adaptive immune responses.


What two molecules can activate the complement system?

Antwort: Antigen-bound antibodies and PAMPs.


What three major steps are involved in the complement pattern?

Antwort: - Activation of the system - C3b must be generated - A terminal complement complex is assembled


What three complement activation pathways are there?

Antwort: -the alternative pathway (microbial carbohydrates) -the lectin pathway (microbial carbohydrates) -the classical pathway (antigen)


where can you find complement?

Antwort: free in serum or as cell surface receptors.

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


What parts of an antigen and a receptor interact when they bind?

Antwort: the chemical groups on the surface of the antigen and the complementary determining regions of the receptor.


Covalent bonds are ..a., noncovalent bonds are ..b.. fill in -strong- -weak-

Antwort: a= strong b= weak


Is binding of an antigen to a TCR or BCR covalent or noncovalent?

Antwort: Noncovalent


what makes an antigen - receptor bond strong, even when the bond is noncovalent?

Antwort: their shapes fit one another like puzzlepieces


apart from the fit of an antigen and a receptor, what other bonds play a role in the strength of the bond?

Antwort: Van der Waals force and hydrogen bonds

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Einige Beispiele aus dieser Reihe der Übungsfragen


What are donated antigens called?

Antwort: Immune globulins


What is the downside of immune globulins?

Antwort: Immune globulins are perceived as foreign. The first time using them the recipients body doesn’t remove them quickly so they work. A second time the host will remove the immune globulins quickly and they won\'t have time to work against infection


Live vaccines trigger a response dominated by ..a.. T cells. Killed antigens stimulate ..b.. response. fill in CD4 and CD8

Antwort: a= CD8 b= CD4


What is attenuation?

Antwort: Reducing the virulence of a viruse to use it as a vaccine


How can atennuation be achieved?

Antwort: by genetic manipulation

Veterinary Immunology
1 – The defense of the body
Crtsh course. – the. s//une. syste./. The. itst thre.e. =sde.o’s sn tptrtcuitr e.xtpitsn the. subJe.ct =e.ry cie.triy.

Key points
 The. s//une. syste./ tprote.cts tns/tis tLtsnst /scrobsti sn=tsson tnd ss e.sse.ntti for isfe..
 Muittpie. /e.chtnss/s tre. ne.e.de.d to e.nsure. fre.e.do/ fro/ sn=tsson. I8nciudsnL: tphysscti tptrrse.s snntte.
s//unsty tnd tdttpt=e. s//unsty.
 MtJor de.fe.nss=e. /e.chtnss/s tre. isnIe.d to for/ tn snte.rtctnL ne.tworI.
 One. for/ of tdttpt=e. s//unsty ss dsre.cte.d tLtsnst btcte.rsti sn=tde.rs tnd ss /e.dstte.d by tntbodse.s.
 Anothe.r for/ of tdttpt=e. s//unsty ss dsre.cte.d tLtsnst =sruse.s, st’s ctiie.d ce.ii-/e.dstte.d s//unsty.
 The. tdttpt=e. s//une. syste./ ctn re./e./be.r tprsor e.xtposure. to sn=tde.rs tnd /ount t ftste.r re.stponse..

History of immunology
The. Chsne.se. we.re. the. frst to re.tisze. snds=sdutis who’d htd snfe.ctous dsse.tse.s we.re. s//une. to itte.r outbre.tIs.
The.y sttrte.r snfe.ctnL tpe.otpie. on tpurtpose.. Lgouss Dtste.ur dssco=e.re.d thtt wsth oid snfe.ctous btcte.rst tns/tis
be.ct/e. s//une. to the. dtnLe.rous younL for/, tnd st wts itte.r dssco=e.re.d thtt e.=e.n de.td tptrts of the. btcte.rst
couid do the. trscI.
Microbial invasion
Mtny /scroorLtnss/s use. tns/tis bodse.s to thrs=e., e.stpe.cstiiy wsthsn sIsn or snte.stne.s. The.se.
orLtnss/s tre. ctiie.d commensals a /scroorLtnss/s thtt do not sn=tde. or ctuse. dsse.tse..
I8f tLLre.sss=e. /scro-orLtnss/s succe.e.d sn sn=tdsnL the. body tnd o=e.rco/snL the. s//une. de.fe.nse.s,
the.y ctn ctuse. dsse.tse.. The.se. /scro-orLtnss/s tre. ctiie.d pathogens. The. tbsisty to ctuse. dsse.tse. ss
ctiie.d virulence. Drs/try tptthoLe.ns ctn ctuse. dsse.tse. sn iow nu/be.rs. Otptportunsstc tptthoLe.ns
ctuse. dsse.tse. whe.n the. s//une. de.fe.nse. ss we.tIe.ne.d or whe.n the.y tre. wsth /tny.
The body’s defenses
Physical barriers
The. frst isne. of de.fe.nse. tLtsnst tptthoLe.ns ss the. sIsn. Othe.r ‘sse.if-cie.tnsnL’ tproce.sse.s isIe., couLhsnL
tnd sne.e.zsnL, =o/stnL, dstrrhe.t or se.cre.tnL /ucus tre. tiso t tphysscti de.fe.nse..
Innate immunity
The innate immune system ss tct=tte.d s//e.dstte.iy whe.n t tptthoLe.n e.nte.rs whe.re. st shouid not
tnd st ctuse.s snft//tton. Se.ntne.i ce.iis ctn de.te.ct /oie.cuie.s tssocstte.d wsth sn=tdsnL
/scroorLtnss/s. The.y re.crust ie.uIocyte.s. The. snntte.s syste./ itcIs tny for/ of /e./ory.
Adaptive immunity
The adaptve immune system ctn re.coLnsze. tnd de.stroy sn=tde.rs tnd ie.trn fro/ the. tproce.ss, the.
/ore. ofe.n st e.ncounte.rs t stpe.csfc tptthoLe.n the. /ore. e.fe.ct=e. the. de.structon. The. tdttpt=e.
syste./ doe.s de.=e.iotp Buste. siowiy.

The. dsfe.re.nce. be.twe.e.n the. tdttpt=e. tnd snntte. syste./ ss the. wty sn whsch the.y re.coLnsze.
tptthoLe.ns. The. snntte. syste./ bsnds /oie.cuie.s co//oniy e.xtpre.sse.d on /tny dsfe.re.nt /scrobe.s.
The. tdttpt=e. syste./ Le.ne.rtte.s t iot of co/tpie.te.iy ne.w re.ce.tptors thtt ctn bsnd to t wsid trrty of
fore.sLn /oie.cuie.s. Ptcte.rst tnd =sruse.s re.Busre. dsfe.re.nt syste./s be.ctuse. one. orsLsntte.s outssde. the.
body tnd the. othe.r snssde. the. body’s own ce.iis.
EKxte.rnti sn=tde.rs a exogenous invaders > hu/orti s//une. re.stponse. (tntbodse.s tre. use.d to
tpro/ote. de.structon of the.se. sn=tde.rs.)
I8ntrtce.iiuitr a endogenous invaders > ce.ii-/e.dstte.d re.stponse. (use.s stpe.cstisze.d ce.iis).

,Antibody-mediated immune response
The. tprote.ct=e. /oie.cuie.s found sn se.ru/ of s//une. tns/tis tre. ctiie.d antbodies. The. tdttpt=e.
s//une. re.stponse. tproduce.s tntbodse.s sn re.stponse. to antgens (fore.sLn substtnce.). Antbodse.s bsnd
to tntLe.ns tnd thss ssLntis for othe.r ce.iis to de.stroy the./. Antbodse.s ctn be. Le.ne.rtte.d BuscIe.r sf
the.y ht=e. be.e.n Le.ne.rtte.d be.fore.. So re.stponse.s to the. st/e. tptthoLe.n be.co/e. ftste.r tfe.r st’s
sn=tde.d once. or twsce.. Thss tprsncstpie. for/s the. btsss of =tccsntton.
The. se.cond re.stponse. to one. tptthoLe.n ss ctiie.d tn anamnestc response.

Mechanisms of adaptive immunity
An tntLe.n ss trttptpe.d, tproce.sse.d, tnd tpre.se.nte.d by se.=e.rti de.ii tytpe.s isIe., de.ndrstc ce.iis tnd
/tcrotphtLe.s. Lgy/tphocyte.s of P tnd T Isnds ht=e. re.ce.tptors for fore.sLn tntLe.n. The.y ctn bsnd to
the./ tnd re.stpond ttptprotprstte.iy. Lgy/tphocyte.s tiso functon ts /e./ory ce.iis.
T lymphocytes a /e.dstte. the. ce.ii-/e.dstte.d re.stponse.s. T he.itpe.r ce.iis tpro/ote. s//une. re.stponse., T
re.Luittory ce.iis snhsbst s//une. re.stponse..
B lymphocytes a /e.dstte. tnt body-/e.dstte.d re.stponse.s.

(Ais Je. noL e.e.n oude.
Psnts Itn be./tchtLe.n
zsJn de. tpitttJe.s =tntf
biz. Y46 bsJzonde.r nutL,
zo ooI de.ze..)

, 2 – Innate immunity: the recognition of invaders
Key points:
 Two tytpe.s of ssLnti trsLLe.r the. body’s snntte. de.fe.nse.s. One. Le.ne.rtte.d by sn=tdsnL
/scroorLtnss/s tnd the. othe.r Le.ne.rtte.d by dt/tLe.d tssue.s.
 Poth DAMDs tnd jAMDs bsnd to tptte.rn-re.coLnston re.ce.tptors
 DJJs tre. found on se.ntne.i ce.iis. The. /tJor DJJ tre. toii-isIe. re.ce.tptors
 SsLntis Le.ne.rtte.d whe.n DAMDs bsnd TLgJs, tct=tte. se.ntne.i ce.iis tnd st/uitte. the./ to
se.cre.te. /oie.cuie.s isIe. cytoIsne.s. The.se. /oie.cuie.s trsLLe.r iocti sncre.tse.d biood fow, ttrtct
de.fe.nss=e. ce.iis tnd sncre.tse. biood =e.sse.i tpe.r/e.tbsisty.

Ptcte.rst thtt /uittpiy ftst, ne.e.d to be. de.stroye.d ftst ts we.ii. Thss ss the. Job of the. snntte. s//une.
syste./. Thss syste./ hts de.=e.iotpe.d sn tns/tis ts we.ii ts tpitnts. The. /ost s/tporttnt tproce.ss of the.
snntte. syste./ ss to ctuse. snft//tton. I8nft//tton /tIe.s ie.uIocyte.s tnd tnt/scrobsti /oie.cuie.s
Ltthe.r tt sste.s of sn=tsson. Lge.uIocyte.s csrcie. consttntiy sn the. biood stre.t/.
How invaders are recognized
Aitr/ syste./s tre. Le.ne.rtte.d by e.sthe.r:
- I8n=tdsnL /scroorLtnss/s (exogenous signals). The. ssLnti consssts of /oie.cuie.s tproduce.d by
/scrobsti sn=tde.rs. The. /oie.cuie.s tre. ctiie.d DtthoLe.n-Assocstte.d Moie.cuitr Dtte.rns
- je.td tnd dysnL ce.iis (endogenous signals). The.se. ssLntis conssst of /oie.cuie.s re.ie.tse.d fro/
dt/tLe.d ce.iis, ctiie.d jt/tLe.-Assocstte.d Moie.cuitr Dtte.rns (DAMPs).
Dtte.rn Je.coLnston Je.ce.tptors (PRRs) re.coLnsze. the.se. /oie.cuie.s tnd tct=tte. the. s//une. syste./.
Pe.ctuse. sn=tdsnL /scroorLtnss/s ht=e. t wsde. =trse.ty of e.=e.r chtnLsnL /oie.cuie.s on the.sr surftce.,
the. body chose.s to use. re.ce.tptors thtt bsnd to tbundtnt, e.sse.ntti /oie.cuie.s thtt tre. co//on to
/tny /scroorLtnss/s.
tsruse.s Lrow wsthsn the.sr hosts ce.iis so tnt=srti DJJs tre. unsBue. =srti nucie.sc tcsds.
Most DJJs tre. ce.ii-tssocstte.d re.ce.tptors found on ce.ii /e./brtne.s, wsthsn the. cytosoi, wsthsn
cytotpits/sc =e.sscie.s or ts soiute.s csrcuittnL the. biood stre.t/.
Toll-like receptors
An o=e.r=se.w of toii-isIe. re.ce.tptors
The. /ost s/tporttnt of the. DJJs consssts of the. TLRs (Toii-isIe. re.ce.tptors). The.y tre. ioctte.d on e.sthe.r
ce.ii surftce.s or wsthsn the. ce.iis tnd tre. tptrt of the. snntte. s//une. syste./. Thss wty the.y ctn de.te.ct
body sn=tde.rs, tnd ce.ii sn=tde.rs.
TLgJs ctn be. found on se.ntne.i ce.iis (Se.ntne.i ce.iis re.fe.r to ce.iis sn the. body's frst isne. of de.fe.nse.
snciudsnL /tcrotphtLe.s, /tst ce.iis, de.ndrstc ce.iis tnd e.tpsthe.isti ce.iis.) The.y tre. trtns/e./brtne.
Liycotprote.sn re.ce.tptors.

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