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Summary Data Management - Introduction & Motivation

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Business Information Management - First part of the Data Management subject. This document contains all the slides, notes from 2 students and extra information collected on Internet. I had a 15 out 20 for this subject.

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  • February 19, 2019
  • 6
  • 2018/2019
  • Summary
Data Management
1 Definition: Dataat Modtelin
- Data modeling is at process usedt ao define and anayzee data requirements needtedt ao suppora
ahe business processes wiahin ahe scope of correspondtin informattion sysaems in or atnizattionss
- Dataat modtelin is ahe process of creating a data modey for ahe dtataat ao be saoredt in at Dataatbatses
This dtataat modtel is at concepauatl represenaattion of dtataat objecass
- The idteat is ahata you start from a set of business processes and buiyd at relattionatl dtataat modtel
ahata will suppora ahe execution of ahese processess
- A relatonal database is composedt of dtiferena tabyes yinked through reyationships
- Database normalizaton is ahe process of restructuring at relattionatl dtataatbatse in atccordtatnce wiah
at series of so-catlledt normatl forms in ordter ao redtuce dtataat redtundtatncy atndt improve dtataat
inae riays

- How ao represena dtataat in dtatily operattions To matke sure ahata dtatily operattions atre fulfilledts
Operationay data is very imporaatna ao ahe compatnys
- Use at conceptuay modey hatve at DB ahata is atli nedt wiah ahe dtataat atndt functions you needts Mosa
of dtataat in compatnies atre operationay data iinooicing⁤matke sure ahe dtatily operattions atre
runnin  Whata matters for operattionatl dtataatbatse is ahata ia works atll ahe timee oodt response
- Conceptuay modeysaatra wiah business process=entitieshatve relattions wiah eatch oaherexs
Clienas atndt invoices
- Dataat matnat emena sysaems/aools: Oratclee SQLe atccess
- A relattionatl DB is imporaatna becatuse you needt ao saore dtataat in at normatlizedt waty=atvoidt
redtundtatncydtataat saoredt in more ahatn 1 locattions f you hatve redtundtatncye you won’a be atble ao
matnat ee updtatae ia atndt keep ia consisaenas f ahe satme piece of dtataat is saoredt in awo or more
platce atndt you needt ao chatn e at cliena saataus sometimes ia’s impossible ao chatn e in atll
platcesbeter dto ia in one platcekeep ia matnat eatble

2 Definition: B
- Business inaelli ence (B ) is an umbreyya term ahata includtes atrchiaecaurese dtataatbatsese aoolse
atpplicattions atndt meahodtolo iess
- Content-free term: meatns dtiferena ahin s ao dtiferena people
- Objective: enatble inaeratctive atccess ao dtataate ias matnipulattion (data warehouse design) atndt
providte business matnat ers atndt atnatlysas ahe atbiliay ao condtuca atnatlyses (business anayztics)s
- (Beter) dtecision matkin batsedt on ahe atnatlysis of hisaoricatl atndt currena dtataate siauattions atndt
performatnces: aratnsformattion of dtataat inao informattion
- Data Warehouses atre relattionatl dtataatbatses bua includtes dtenormatlizedt aatbless The oatl in DW
dtesi n is ao hatve ahe simplesa sarucaure possible ao enatble hatndtlin efective eueriess
- BI (noa reatl-time perspective)ao ea informattion atboua your businesss The pratctice is dtiferena
from atn operationay DB (musa be up atll of ahe time=reatl-time perspective)s
- aratnsformattion of dtataat inao informattion ahis is whata ia is reatlly atbouas
- Chatllen e of BI is ao buildt at oodt dtataat watrehouse ahen catn matke atll ahe atnatlysis you watnae
oaherwise no atnatlysis or wron oneSoe B is noa only atboua atnatlysis bua more atboua buildtin
dtataat watrehouse


, 3 From Dataat ao nformattion

Ratw dtataat: at hu e series of lines
per satles aratnsatction=operattion nformattion in at pivoa
dtataat aatble; or atnizedt by Counary
atndt Gendter=B

Note: Noa inaerestin ao hatve info atboua satles numbers dtatily becatuse you hatve vatriattions bua beter
weekly or monahlye or seatsonatlly ao dtiscover ahe seatsons efecass

1s Periodticatl (for exatmple weeklye monahlye
1s Datily aratnsatctions resources (sellin e ordterin e euatraerly)
invoicin e clatimse buyin e employee’s dtataate invenaory) 2s A re ataedt (mer edt inao dtimensions: by
2s Saoredt in operattionatl dtataatbatses (dtirecaly or ahrou h prodtucae by re ione by clienae by dtepatramenass)
ahe use of atn ERP sysaem) 3s Saoredt in dtataat watrehouses or shown in reporase
3s Deaatiledt in at non-relevatna matnner for matnat emena ratphicse dtocumenas

Some tzpicay Management Questions

Note: Every atreat of your compatny concerns B use of B is consaatnaly rowin idtentify ahe
problems in ordter ao solve ias

,4 Database and Datawarehouse Architectures
Database i3 yazer⁤ architecture

DB latyer: Dataat Applicattion latyer:
matnat emena sysaem= sofwatree atl oriahmse Presenaattion latyer:
oratclee SQL business lo ic ratphicatl U
dtataat batse

Server hats dtataatbatse Clienas atre frona
atndt atpplicattion endt users: ahe
latyers presenaattion latyer

From operationay databases to a data warehouse and its anayzsis

ETL is piece of
sofwatre ahata aatkes
dtataat from dtiferena
platcese cleatns ia atndt
aurn ia ao onedtoes at
loa of checkin ao see
if dtataat atre cleatn or


- nae rattion watveeveryahin in one dtataatbatse The more you inae ratae everyahin inao one
DBe ahe less you needt ETL ao inae ratae your dtataat inao ahe watrehouse
- Datawarehouse atndt operationay databases atre boah relattionatl dtataatbatsese bua ahey atre
sarucauredt dtiferenalys
o Operattionatl =no redtundtatncycatn ea very complex
o DW much more simple sarucaure
- The matin dtiference beaween ahe awo is ahe sarucaure
- Process maturitzERP atndt dtataat watrehousess f everyone is workin in dtiferena watys atndt
process atre noa normatlisedt compatny is noa mataure firsa saep is ao hatve at oodt ERP sysaem
es s Colruya hats at very saron operattionatl sysaem bua ahey matke at fundtatmenaatl misaatke by
hatvin awo ERP sysaemss Dataatwatrehouse is atboua process matauriays a is eatsier ao perform atn
ERP atndt inae rattion projeca if you hatve reata dtocumenaattion atndt your processes atre mataure
atndt formatlizedt/saatndtatrdtizedt ia is eatsy ao buildt at dtataat watrehouses ERP is atlwatys ahe firsa saepe
hatvin mataure processes atndt ahen you catn o ao at dtataat watrehouses
- ERP is atlwatys ahe firsa saepe hatvin mataure processes atndt ahen you catn o ao at dtataat watrehouses

BI Architecture: A Second View

- BI tooy is locataedt on ahe aatcticatl level atndt noa saratae icatls a is usedt ao aatke position in ahe midtdtle
aerm (prodtuctione employeese locattionse matrketin catmpati n)s These atre noa saratae ic atctions
(dtelocatlize prodtuction inao Asiat becatuse ia is cheatper)s More useful for aatcticatl dtecision matkin s
- Performatnce atndt Saratae ymatdte oua of ahe dtataat
- SAP’s newesa version hats mer edt ahe uses from dtataatbatses atndt watrehousess They hatve loatdtedt
ahe entire dtataatbatse inao memorye which is fatsaer atndt atllows ao dto reatl-time B s (We will see ahis
dturin ahe secondt semesaer)

Operationay Database oersus Data Warehouses
- The Operatonal Database is ahe dtataatbatse usedt for reatl-time aratnsatctions; ia is atimedt ao suppora
ahe business in ias everydtaty operattions (buyin e invoicin e lo isticse )
o s aatiloredt for ahe aratnsatctionatl sofwatre sysaem
o s saoredt on one platce in ahe Dataatbatse Matnat emena Sysaem (es s Oratclee SQL Servere )
o Follows ahe relattionatl modtele normatlizedt atrchiaecaure


, - The Data Warehouse is ahe dtataatbatse for Business Anatlytics (in oaher wordts ahe dtataat source
usedt inao B )
o Sepatratae sysaem
o s loatdtedt from dtiferena operattionatl sysaems (matinly dtataatbatses)
o Own atrchiaecaure (saatre snowfatke dtiat ratm)

Reports, OLAP, Data Mining
- Reports: overview of informattion
o Summatry of dtataat
o Compuaattion of sums atndt meatns
o User friendtly presenaedt
- OLAP: Online Anatlyticatl Processin
o Summatry of dtataat atndt computin of sums
o Ori inatl informattion rematins atvatilatble in OLAP
• royy-up: at re attion of dteaatiledt dtataat oin from cities ao re ions ao
counariess Less dteaatils
• driyy-down: findt oua how at aoaatl sum or atverat e wats compuaedt (ahrou h
which ori inatl dtataat) dtrill-dtown is ahe opposiae of roll-upmore dteaatils
o Wiah sophisticataedt aools (es s at dtatshboatrdt atpplicattion)
o A pivoa aatble is atn exatmple of OLAP
- Data Mining (you atre atpplyin saatticatlly atnatlysis in level of hu e atmouna of dtataat):
o Objective: minin ahe dtataat ao (hidtdten) patternse arendts ao findt oua
o Minin catn be usedt ahrou h 2 matnners:
• Wiah conventionatl saattistics (correlattion atnatlysise clusaerin e re ression)
• Wiah atrtificiatl inaelli ence: neuratl neaworks atndt fuzzy lo ic (modtule 3)
• Wiah ahe use of specificatlly dtevelopedt aools (modtule 3)

Enterprise Resource Pyanning iERP⁤ oersus BI
- ERP: Enaerprise Resource Platnnin (such ats MySAP ERPe Oratcle Peoplesofe Microsof Natvision
(Dynatmics)e eacs)
o ERP is at eneric aerm usedt ao dtescribe at comprehensive informattion sysaem dtesi nedt ao
inae ratae atll ahe functions foundt in atn enaerprise ahrou h at process atpproatchs
o Efficiency atndt prodtuctiviay atre improvedt ahrou h ahe inae rattion of informattion atndt ahe
removatl of dtuplicatae informattion atndt processess
- The ERP is atn operattionatl sysaem ahata recordts atndt processes “reatl-timee aratnsatctionss An ERP
sysaem is noa matdte for B bua cenaratlizes dtataat ahata catn be usedt ao feedt ahe Dataatwatrehouses
- An ERP sysaem is buila upon operattionatl dtataatbatses (OLTP)

- Oratcle Peoplesof Microsof Natvision Dynatmics: Latr e matrkea shatre in SMEs
- SAP atndt ERP= for latr e compatniese ERP more populatr in US atndt Oratcle is at Germatn compatny
atndt hatve more matrkea shatre in EU
- Entiay Relattionship Diat ratm:
o To buildt at dtataatbatsee you dton’a firsa buildt ahe dtataatbatse you needt - you buildt ahe concepauatl
modtels Once you ea ahe sarucaure ahen you pua ia in at sysaem atndt fill ias
o Buildt ahe concepauatl phatse wiah atn entiay relattionship dtiat ratms ERD is ahe firsa concepauatl
saat es Hats been usedt since ahe 70ss
o Atribuaes atre at patra of entitiess
o Before buildtin at dtataatbatse: Whata entities atre relevatna atndt how atre ahey oin ao relatae?


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