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91 Multiple choice questions
What does pandemic mean?
- Direct caregiver, health educator, case manager, consultant, counselor, community
outreach, & researcher
- Effecting extremely high numbers of people, worldwide (e.g. Covid 19, HIV/AIDs)
- early detection and intervention
- e.g. screening for an STD
- for diseases that can be controlled
- Diseases that are always present in a population (e.g. colds, flu pneumonia)1 of 91 Term
What are the 3 Levels of Prevention?
- Outbr eak that has gotten out of hand... disease in l arge pr oportion of the popul ation;
global epidemic - ( e.g. HIV , COVID)
- Larger number of peopl e infected at the same time, higher incidenc e and pr evalence,
higher than u sual rate
- Incr eased bor edom , troubl e eating and sl eeping , & inabil ity to concentrate
- Criteria for family at risk = not having two guar dians (parents), low income, no job, no
- TB is spread through air (airborne disease), when a person with active TB exhales tiny
infectiou s particl es
- Risk of transmission depends on Length of time of exposure and Volume of space
- Treatment gener ally last 6 months, R ifampin ( turn urine , sweat and tears yellow)
- Primar y prevention- pr eventing disease, accident s and injurie s from happening
> Seatbelts, immuniz ations, e ducation
- Secondar y prevention- e arly detection and e arly treatment
> Screenings such as mammogr ams, BP screenings,
- Tertiar y prevention- e xperienc es injur y and focuses on limitation of disabil ity and
rehabil itation
> Rehab , PT/OT therapy, education on mana gement2 of 91
4 TB drugs
- Incr eased bor edom , troubl e eating and sl eeping , & inabil ity to concentrate
- Criteria for family at risk = not having two guar dians (parents), low income, no job, no
- The number or rate of new cases of a particul ar condition during a specific time.
- Isoniazid
- Rifampin
- Pyr azinamide
- Ethambut ol
- Advocacy, lobbyist, influenc e decision mak ers3 of 91 Term
What is Epidemiol ogy?
- Individual s with Disabil ities Education Act: is the l aw that outlines right s and r egul ations
for student s with disabil ities in the U .S. who require special education
- Immunoc ompr omise d, strict hand washing , priv ate room , no raw veggie s/fruits, daily
baths, visitors are restricted, po sitive airflow, HEP A filter
- a diagnosis that identifie s a higher level of wellness that the p atient would like to
achieve; "I would like to..."
- The br anch of medicine that deals with the incidenc e, distribution , and po ssibl e control
of diseases and other factors relating to health.4 of 91
True/False: The main focus of community heal th is prevention
- Descriptiv e appr oach that asse sses several community component s by driving through a
community ; sight s, smel ls, and s ounds
- Environment al layout, sight sense and s ound, peopl e, interactions, ser vices provided by
agencie s, age, race
- Collection of peopl e who interact with e ach other with common int erest, characteristics,
values, and goals
- Shar e environment , peopl e, culture, interest/goals
- Number of new cases of those exposed to disease
- Numer ator - those who have it e.g. those who got covid at the wedding
- Denomina tor - those who wher e exposed e.g. everyone who went to then wedding
True bec ause it is mor e cost-effectiv e5 of 91 Term
Six broad categories that determine the heal th of an individual , popul ation, or community
- Incr eased bor edom , troubl e eating and sl eeping , & inabil ity to concentrate
- Criteria for family at risk = not having two guar dians (parents), low income, no job, no
- Access to healthcare, social environment , phy sical environment , individual beha viors,
biology, policies, and int erventions
- Dise ases that are always present in a popul ation ( e.g. colds, flu pneumonia )
- Dir ect caregiver, health educator, case mana ger, consultant, counsel or, community
outreach, & researcher6 of 91
What are the roles of the school nurse?
- Healthcare ser vices for peopl e over 65, with permanent disabil ities, and those with end-
stage renal disease (E SRD from unc ontrolled DM or HTN)
- Comp are individual s with a particul ar condition or disease with those who do not have
the disease
- Data collection e xtends back in time
- Looking b ack in PAST
- Primar y prevention- pr eventing disease, accident s and injurie s from happening
> Seatbelts, immuniz ations, e ducation
- Secondar y prevention- e arly detection and e arly treatment
> Screenings such as mammogr ams, BP screenings,
- Tertiar y prevention- e xperienc es injur y and focuses on limitation of disabil ity and
rehabil itation
> Rehab , PT/OT therapy, education on mana gement
- Dir ect caregiver, health educator, case mana ger, consultant, counsel or, community
outreach, & researcher7 of 91