Virtual SC Personal Health Final Questions And Answers With Verified Study Solutions Know the characteristics of a healthful diet Adequate (providing enough of each essential nutrient, fiber, and energy), moderate (foods don't provide excess fat, salt sugar or other unwanted constituents), nutrient -dense, balanced, and varied (from Ryana) Define physical fitness the ability of the body to perform daily physical activities without getting out of breath, sore, or overly tired (pg 126) How are infectious diseases spread? passed to a person from another person, from food or water, from animals, or from something in the environment (pg 316) Know avoidable causes of death tobacco smoke, obesity, alcohol, infectious diseases, toxins, wrecks, firearms, STD, drug abuse (from Ryana) How could you get an infectious disease when using illegal drugs? sharing needles (not sure of page number) What types of things can exercise treat? chronic diseases (from Ryana) What are the symptoms of eating disorders? *anorexia nervosa:* intense fear of weight gain, overexercising, preferring to eat alone, preoccupation with Calories, extreme weight loss, loss of menstrual periods for at least 3 months, hair loss on head, depression and anxiety, weakness and exhaustion. *Bulimia nervosa:* preoccupation with body weight, bingeing and purging, bloodshot eyes and sore throat, dental problems, irregular menstrual periods, depression and mood swings, feeling out of control, at least two bulimic episodes per week for at least 3 months. *binge eating disorder:* above -normal body weight, bingeing episodes accompanied by feelings of guilt, shame, and loss of control. *disordered eating patterns:* weight loss (less than anorexia), bringing and purging less frequently than bulimia, purging after eating small amounts of food, deliberate dehydration for weight loss, hiding food, overexercising, constant dissatisfaction with physical appearance The leading causes of death amongst teenagers and adults can be prevented by doing what? lifestyle changes (from Ryana) What are mental disorders? illnesses that affect a person's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (pg 68) What is alcoholism? a disease that causes a person to lose control of his or her drinking behavior; a physical and emotional addiction to alcohol (247) What does the male reproductive system produce and deliver? produces sex hormone and delivers sperm to the female reproductive system (from Ryana) What is a chronic disease? a disease that develops gradually and persists over a long period of time (126) List warning signs of alcoholism Drinking to deal with anger, frustration, and disappointment; changing friends, personal habits, and interests, being defensive about drinking, feeling depressed,