,Study Guide
A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach
8th Edition
Joyce LeFever Kee, MS, RN
Associate Professor Emerita
School of Nursing
College of Health Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware
Evelyn R. Hayes, PhD, MPH, FNP-BC
School of Nursing
College of Health Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware
Linda E. McCuistion, PhD, RN, ANP, CNS
South University
Richmond Campus
Richmond, Virginia
Study Guide prepared by
Lisa A. Hollett, BSN, RN, MA, MICN, CFN
Trauma Program Manager
Department of Trauma Services
St. John Medical Center
Tulsa, Oklahoma
3251 Riverport Lane
St. Louis, Missouri 63043
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.nowledge and best practice in this ¿eld are constantly changing. As new research and e[perience broaden
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, Preface
This comprehensive Study Guide is designed to pro- have questions that relate to assessment data, including
vide the learner with clinically based situation practice laboratory data and side effects, planning and implement-
problems and questions. This book accompanies the te[t ing care, patient/family teaching, cultural and nutritional
Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process considerations, and effectiveness of the drug therapy
Approach, Eighth Edition, and may also be used indepen- regimen.
dently of the te[t. Because of the ever-e[panding number of drugs
Opportunities abound for the enhancement of criti- available, pharmacology can be an overwhelming sub-
cal thinking and decision-making abilities. Hundreds of ject. To help students grasp essential content without
study questions and answers are presented on nursing re- becoming overwhelmed, chapters have been divided into
sponsibilities in therapeutic pharmacology. For e[ample, multiple smaller sections. The result is a layout that is
Chapter 14 is composed of si[ sections, each devoted to user-friendly.
a speci¿c area of medications and calculations. Multiple To underscore the importance of the nurse’s role
practice opportunities are provided in the areas of mea- in patient safety, a new safety icon has been added to
surement, methods of drug calculations, calculation of call attention to questions concerning safe patient care.
oral and injectable dosages (including pediatrics), and As one of the si[ core competencies of the 4uality and
calculation of intravenous Àuids. Each chapter follows a Safety Education for Nurses (4SEN) initiative, patient
format that includes study questions (including multiple safety has never been more at the forefront of nursing
choice, matching, word searches, crossword puzzles, and education.
completion e[ercises), NCLE; review questions (includ- Answers to all questions are presented in the Answer
ing alternate-item format questions), and case studies. Key to make studying easier. New to this edition are ra-
There are more than 160 drug calculation problems tionales for selected application-level questions and case
and questions, many relating to actual patient care situa- study questions.
tions and enhanced with real drug labels. The learner is The Study Guide is part of a comprehensive phar-
also e[pected to recognize safe dosage parameters for the macology package, including the te[tbook and Instructor
situation. The combination of the instructional material and Student Resources available on the companion
in the te[t and the multiplicity of a variety of practice Evolve website. This package and each of its components
problems in this Study Guide preclude the need for an ad- were designed to promote critical thinking and learn-
ditional drug dosage calculation book. ing. :e are e[cited about this edition of the Study Guide
The nursing process is used throughout the patient because it offers the learner a variety of modalities for
situation–based questions and case studies. Chapters mastering the content.
Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009, 2006, 2003, 2000, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. iii