Dysruptive mood dysregulation disorder age of onset - ANSWER
Before age 10
Person who have work-related accidents tend to - ANSWER have had
more recent life stress than accident-free workers
The more I yell at her the worse she gets - ANSWER positive
When to use CT vs. MRI - ANSWER CT is better for acute intracranial
hemmorhage and visualizing bony structures
Attentional load theory - ANSWER The degree to which an ignored
stimulus is processed depends on the extent of processing required
by the attended stimulus. Reduction of intereference caused by
distractors is lowest when the attentional demands for the attended
sitmulus are highest
Milgram experiment displays what social influence - ANSWER
Bipolar 1 vs. 2 - ANSWER Only bipolar 1 requires history of manic
episodes. Bipolar 2 has hypomanic episodes (less severe)
Ecological asssesment - ANSWER Uses primarily observational
methods to examine and understand the physical and psychological
variable that impact behavior in a given setting
Positive manifold - ANSWER Idea that all variables are positively
correlated (cog assessment)
Primary mental ability theory - ANSWER Thurstone's idea of 7
factors, or primary mental abilities, are word fluency, verbal
,comprehension, spatial visualization, number facility, associative
memory, reasoning, and perceptual speed.
Tonotic auditory processing - ANSWER tonotopy is the spatial
arrangement of where sounds of different frequency are processed
in the brain. Tones close to each other in terms of frequency are
represented in topologically neighbouring regions in the brain.
Processed in heschl's gyri
Bulimia vs. Anorexia - ANSWER Bulimia involves maintaining a
normal body weight. Both can have bingeing and purging
Alexia without agraphia - ANSWER Pathology is usually a stroke in
the posterior region of the left hemisphere affecting the posterior
region of the corpus callosum, disconnecting the visual centers of
the brain from the langauge centers
Binet-Simon - ANSWER The first standardized measure of
Correspondent inference theory - ANSWER We infer that other
people's behavior corresponds to their personality and character
Concerns with ACT model - ANSWER Some believe it is untestable
and therefore has uncertain scientific value
Cognitive dissonance theory - ANSWER When people behave in a
manner that is inconsistent with their values they will change their
beliefs to manage the psychological tension created by the mismatch
Differential aptitude test - ANSWER Used to assess ability or aptitude
level in several areas; does not contain symptom validity measures
Insecure resistant attachment - ANSWER Inability to use the
caregiver as a secure base from which to explore; distress on
seperation with ambivalence, anger, reluctance to be comforted by
the caregiver, and resume play upon return; anxiety due to
inconsistencies in the caregiver's availability
Emotion focused coping - ANSWER The coping mechanisms of
,secondary appraisal; use of internal resources to cope with situation
Adler - ANSWER Healthy style of life reflects optimism, confidence,
and contributing to the welfare of others. An unhealthy style of life
results when a person's goals reflect celf-centerdness,
competitiveness, and striving for personal power
Episodic memory - ANSWER Autobiographic memory, everyday
experiences. The most automatic of memories
Men have advantage on these skills - ANSWER Mental rotation, target
directed motor skills, mathematical problem solving.
Women have advantage on these skills - ANSWER Simultaneous
processing, arithemetic task performance, vocabulary
Three components of primary prevention - ANSWER Universal,
selective, indicative.
Well supported assessment tools for suicide risk - ANSWER Beck
Depression Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck scale for
suicidal ideation, suicidal ideation questionnaire, suicidal behavior
history form
Jung analytical psychotherapy - ANSWER Self regulating psyche, the
unconscious, therapist-patient relationship, stages of
Unconditioned stimulus (US) - ANSWER Meat powder: salivate
automatically without needed consecutive trials
Treatment of OCD - ANSWER Exposure and response prevention
therapy is best way to treat. Addition of pharmacological treatments
has not been shown to result in better outcomes
Bartering with clients - ANSWER Psychologists may barter with
clients only if it is not clinically contraindicated and the resulting
arrangement is not exploitative
Social learning theory - ANSWER Gender role development is the
, result of observational learning and differential reinforcement
Exner scoring system 4 determinants - ANSWER Location,
determinants, content, and popular
Weiner's concept of attributional style components - ANSWER
Globality/specificity, stability/instability, internatlity/externality
Triad of Parkinson's - ANSWER Tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia
(slowness of movement). Postural instability also present. Caused by
degeneration of basal ganaglia involved in regulation of voluntary
Spirituality in clinical practice - ANSWER Efficacious for nonrelgious
mental health consumers; protective factor against disease. Clinical
utility is promising for mental health treatment
Crowding is influenced by - ANSWER self-esteem, gender, culture,
and perception of control
Hypothetical deductive reasoning - ANSWER Formal operational
High vs. low context information - ANSWER High-context
communicatoin helps to unify cultures and changes slowly. Low
context communication can change quickly and easily and is a less
unifying form of communication.
Precontemplation stage - ANSWER Does not recognize that there is a
Contemplative stage - ANSWER has insight into the problem, but not
actively ready to change
Kohlberg's stages of moral reasoning - ANSWER Begin as largely
egocentric which became more focused on societal expectations,
followed by abstract principles of right and wrong
Reticular formation - ANSWER Somatic motor control,
cardiovascular control, pain modulation, sleep and consciousness,