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Full summary - Behavior and the Brain part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience (P_BBAC_2) $12.60
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Full summary - Behavior and the Brain part 2: Cognitive Neuroscience (P_BBAC_2)

1 bewertung
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  • Hochschule

This document comprehensively covers the content from the second part of the Brain and Behavior Pre-minor, focused on cognitive neuroscience. It provides a thorough understanding of essential concepts, ensuring comprehensive preparation for understanding the intricate workings of the brain. Hope th...

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vorschau 4 aus 86   Seiten

  • 18. juni 2024
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  • 2023/2024
  • Zusammenfassung

1  bewertung


von: alessandravecchioni • 7 Monate vor

Behavior and the Brain – PTII
What is the relationship between thoughts/behavior and the brain?

Stimulus: External stimuli from the environment (e.g., visual, auditory) are received by sensory
organs (eyes, ears).
Perception: The brain processes sensory input to form perceptions of the stimuli, such as
recognizing objects, sounds, or events – involves sensory processing areas in the brain, which
decode and interpret incoming sensory information.
Memory: Once perceived, relevant information may be stored in memory. Memory processes
involve encoding (initial storage), consolidation (strengthening of memories), and retrieval
(accessing stored information).
Different types of memory (e.g., short-term, long-term) are supported by various brain
regions, including the hippocampus and cortical areas.
Decision Making: Based on perceptions and memories, the brain engages in decision-making
processes to evaluate options and choose appropriate responses – it involves higher-order
cognitive functions supported by frontal cortex areas, such as the prefrontal cortex, which
integrate information and guide behavior.
Response: Finally, the brain initiates motor commands to produce a behavioral response, which
can be voluntary (e.g., reaching for an object) or involuntary (e.g., reflexive responses).

The relationship between thoughts, behaviors, and the brain is intricate and multifaceted – The brain
can be thought of as a "black box" containing numerous modules, processes, subprocesses, and
mechanisms that collectively give rise to our mental experiences and actions.

Can we find one-to-one mappings between mechanisms in the brain and psychology (mental stuff)?

,The Mind-Body Problem:

René Descartes, a 17th-century philosopher, proposed a dualistic view of the mind and body. He
Mind-Body Dualism: Descartes posited that the mind (or soul) and the body are separate
entities with distinct attributes. The mind, according to Descartes, is immaterial, non-
extended, and capable of thought and consciousness. In contrast, the body is a material
substance, extended in space, and operates like a machine according to physical laws.
Causal Interaction: Despite their distinct natures, Descartes believed that the mind and body
interact causally through the pineal gland. This gland, situated in the brain, was thought by
Descartes to be the point of contact where immaterial mind and material body could interact.

The Modularity of the brain:

The concept of modularity in the brain suggests that specific regions are dedicated to performing
distinct functions, such as memory, visual perception, consciousness, attention, and emotion.
The features of a module:
1. Modules are domain-specific.
2. Their operation is mandatory.
3. They are informationally encapsulated.

,Visual Perception is the Visual Association Areas: Analyze more complex features like
brain's ability to shapes, colors, and motion.
interpret and make Inferior Temporal Cortex: Recognizes objects and faces.
sense of visual stimuli. Primary Visual Cortex (V1): Processes basic visual information.

Consciousness refers to Thalamus and Cortex: Involved in integrating sensory
awareness of oneself information and maintaining arousal levels.
and the surrounding Prefrontal Cortex: Linked to higher-order consciousness, self-
environment. awareness, and introspection.

Attention involves the Thalamus and Basal Ganglia: Modulate attentional shifts and
selective allocation of maintenance.
cognitive resources. Frontal and Parietal Cortex: Control and direct attention.

Explanation of a function or (mental) phenomenon

Box-arrow cognition models refer to a type of functional explanation that simplifies complex
cognitive processes by breaking them down into simpler components and illustrating the
relationships between them using boxes and arrows.
Functional Approach: This model applies a functional analysis to understand mental
phenomena – which focuses on how different mental processes interact to produce specific
behaviors or cognitive states.
One of the characteristics of box-arrow models is their underdetermined nature – meaning
that multiple different configurations of boxes and arrows can potentially explain the same
observed mental phenomenon or behavior.

Reductionist explanation

, Involves explaining complex phenomena or systems by reducing them to simpler, more
fundamental components or processes.
In reductionism, identity statements assert that higher-level phenomena or properties are
identical to, or can be fully explained by, lower-level phenomena or properties, For example:
Neuroscience Example: "Pain is identical to C-fiber firing” – statement suggests that the
subjective experience of pain is entirely equivalent to the firing of specific nerve fibers in the
nervous system.

Higher Levels: These encompass complex Lower Levels: These include neural activity,
mental states or behaviors, such as cognition, biochemical processes, or even fundamental
emotions, or social interactions. physical laws.

Bridge laws are principles or theories that connect or "bridge" explanations between different
levels of analysis.
Explanatory Power: Bridge laws aim to provide explanatory power by showing how higher-
level phenomena emerge from, or are caused by, lower-level processes.
Reduction of Complexity: By breaking down complex phenomena into simpler components,
reductionism aims to uncover underlying mechanisms and causal relationships.
For Example: In neuroscience, bridge laws might describe how patterns of neural firing (lower
level) correlate with cognitive processes like decision-making or memory (higher level).

Mechanistic explanation:

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