NP235 Exam 2 Review Questions and
answers latest update 2024
What ais aAdrenal aCrisis? a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aPhysical astress afrom athe aflu aor aother ainfection, aor afrom asurgery, acan asend aa apatient awith aAddison adisease ainto aAddisonian acrisis. aAnother asituation athat acan acause asymptoms aof aacute alack aof acortisol aresults afrom aprescribed atreatment.
What aare as/s aof aadrenal acrisis? a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aThe apatient aexperiences ageneralized amalaise aand amuscle aweakness, amuscle apain, aorthostatic ahypotension, aand avulnerability ato acardiac adysrhythmias. aInsufficiency aof athe aglucocorticoids aaffects ablood aglucose alevels aand acauses asymptoms aof ahypoglycemia. aThere ais aalso adecreased asecretion aof agastrointestinal aenzymes, awhich aresults ain aanorexia, anausea aand avomiting,
aflatulence, aand adiarrhea. aThese asymptoms, aas awell aas aanxiety, adepression, aand aloss aof
amental aacuity, ahave abeen acorrelated awith athe aabsence aof athe apeaks aof acortisol aoutput athat anormally aoccur aevery a24 ahours.
What ais aDIC? a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aDamaged atissue aliberates atissue athromboplastin, acreating aa astate aof aexcessive aclotting ain athe amicrocirculation athroughout athe abody. aWhen aexcessive aclotting adepletes athe abody's aclotting afactors, ahemorrhage afollows, aleading ato ahypotension aor ashock.
What aare as/s aof aDIC a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aContinued ableeding afrom aan ainjection aor aIV asite, aextensive abruising ain aareas aof ainjury, aecchymoses awhere athere ahas abeen ano atrauma, aand apetechiae.
There amay abe aoral, avaginal, aor arectal ableeding. aLaboratory astudies awill areveal aa adecreased ahemoglobin aand alow aplatelet acount.
The aprothrombin aand aactivated apartial athromboplastin atimes awill abe aincreased.
The afibrinogen alevel ais areduced, aand athe afibrin adegradation aproducts alevel ais aincreased. aThe aD-dimer aresult ais aelevated.
What aare as/s aof ahypoglycemia? a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aIncrease apulse, aconfusion, aHA, aNervous, aNausea, aCool aand aclammy askin, ashaking
where ais ainsulin amanufactured ain athe abody a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aThe apancreas ais aboth aan aendocrine a(secretes ainto athe abloodstream) aand aexocrine a(secretes athrough aa aduct ato athe atarget atissues) agland. aIts aendocrine afunction ais ato aproduce athe ahormones ainsulin aand aglucagon. What ais adiabetes amellitus atype a2 a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aformerly acalled anon-insulin-
dependent adiabetes amellitus a(NIDDM)—makes aup a90% ato a95% aof aall aknown acases aof adiabetes. aType a2 adiabetes ais abelieved ato abegin awith ainsulin aresistance, ain awhich ainsulin ainteraction awith aglucose abecomes aless aefficient, aand atherefore aglucose ametabolism ais aabnormal. a
More ainsulin ais aproduced aby athe apancreas ato amaintain acellular ametabolism. aType a2 adiabetes ahas aa atendency ato adevelop alater ain alife athan adoes atype a1, aand apatients awith atype a2 ararely adevelop adiabetic aketoacidosis.
What aare asome arisk afactors afor aDM atype a2? a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aobesity
asian, ahispanic, aafrican aamerican, aAmerican aIndian
In atype a2 adiabetes athere aalso aseems ato abe aa arelationship ato aaging aand aa areduction ain athe afunction aof athe apancreatic abeta acells aand ahow athey asynthesize ainsulin.
Raynaud's adisease a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- acharacterized aby aspasm aof athe aarteries aof athe aupper aand alower aextremities awith aan aexaggerated aresponse ato acold aand astress, aresulting ain abilateral avasospasm.
what aeducation awould ayou aprovide ato ayour apatient ato aprevent acomplications aof aRaynauds adisease a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aprotect athe aextremities afrom acold, astress, avasoconstriction!
The apatient ashould abe ataught ato:
Dress awarmly awhen ain acold aenvironments.
Clothing ashould abe alayered aand anonrestrictive. aHat, agloves, aand awarm asocks ashould abe aworn.
Wear aprotective agloves awhen areaching ainto aovens aand awhen ahandling aextremely acold aitems.
Avoid acold atemperatures awhen apossible, ato amanage astress, aand ato astop atobacco ause. aCaffeine aintake ashould abe alimited.
If aappropriate, athe apatient ashould abe areferred ato aa asmoking acessation aprogram.
What adoes aa apatient atake athrombolytics afor a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- agive ato astroke apts. a
they adisolve aclots.
at arisk afor ahemorrage.
Anticoagulants awork aby apreventing ablood aclots afrom aforming. aSome ado athis aby apreventing athe abody afrom amaking aclotting afactors. aOthers akeep athe aclotting afactors afrom aworking aor aprevent aother achemicals afrom aforming aso athat aclots acan't adevelop
What ais athe apriority ain atreating asickle acell apatients a- aCorrect a aAnswer a- aadministration aof aoxygen, apain-relieving adrugs, aand aoral aand aintravenous afluids ato areduce apain aand