C949 WGU
1.inserting a new item at the begin-
ning it causes no shift to the datawhat is an adv antage of a link ed list over an array?n
2.N In the worst case, inserting a new node into a tree with N nodes requires ho w many comparisons?
3.reference count A _____________is an integer counter that represents how many variables reference an object. When an ob-
ject's reference count is 0, that object is no longer ref er-
4.Branchingdirects a prog ram to execute either one g roup of state-
ments or another , depending on the result of an e xpres-
5.while loop A ______ e xecutes a b lock of code as long as the loop's expression is True.
6.print(user_v al-
ue*5)The syntax __________ produces a ne w string, which repeats the v alue of user_v alue 5 times . In this case , the value of user_v alue may be "-", thus the result of the multiplication is "-----".
7.range() generates a sequence of n umbers, starting at zero and ending bef ore a value given inside the parentheses . For example, for i in range(3) sets i to 0 during the first iteration of the for loop, i to 1 dur ing the second iter ation, and finally i to 2 on the third iter ation. The value within the parentheses is not included in the gener ated sequence .
8.namespace A ____________ maps names to objects . The Python interpreter uses namespaces to track all of the objects in a program.
9.object In a program, an ______ consists of some inter nal data items plus operations that can be performed on that data.
10.Value: A ________ such as "20", "abcdef", or 55. C949 WGU
11.min(list) Find the element in list with the smallest v alue.
12.sum(list) Find the sum of all elements of a list (n umbers only).
13.list.index(val)find the inde x of the first element in list whose v alue matches v al.
14.list.count(v al)Count the n umber of occurrences of the v alue val in list.
15.max(list) Find the element in list with the largest v alue.
16.name A ,__________ also called an identifier, is a sequence of letters (a-z, A-Z, _) and digits (0-9), and must start with a letter. Note that "_", called an underscore , is considered to be a letter .
17.type() built-in function ___________ prints the type of an object.
18.Identity: A unique identifier that descr ibes the object
19.selection sor tO(n^2) A sort algorithm that repeatedly searches remain-
ing items to find the least one and mo ves it to its final location.
20.Remove(list, x)Removes x Remo ve(list, 77), list: 99
21.Search(list, x)Returns item if f ound, else retur ns null Search(list, 99), returns item 99Search(list, 22), retur ns null
22.Print(list) Prints list's items in orderPr int(list) outputs: 99, 77
23.Sort(list) Sorts the lists items in ascending order list becomes: 77, 99
24.IsEmpty(list) Returns true if list has no items For list 99, 77, IsEmpty(list) retur ns false
25.GetLength(list) Returns the number of items in the listGetLength(list) returns 2 C949 WGU
26.record data structure that stores subitems , with a name associ-
ated with each subitem
27.array a data str ucture that stores an ordered list of items , with each item is directly accessib le by a positional inde x
homogeneous data elements Inser ting at the beginning requires making room f or the new item. So every current item must be shifted once .
28.linked list data structure that stores *ordered* list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node; can have multiple subitems No shifting of other items is required, which is an adv antage of using link ed lists.
29.binary tree A data structure that consists of nodes, with one root node at the base of the tree, and two nodes (left child and right child) extending from the root, and from each child node
can have no children, single left or right, or both right and left
30.hash tabledata structure that stores *unordered* items b y mapping (or hashing) each item to a location in an arr ay
31.max-heap a tree that maintains the simple property that a node's key is greater than or equal to the node's childrens' k eys
32.min-heap a tree that maintains the simple property that a node's key is less than or equal to the node's childrens' k eys
33.graph data structure for representing connections among items, and consists of v ertices connected b y edges
34.vertice part of a graph the represents an item in a g raph
35.edge part of a graph that represents a connection betw een to vertices in a g raph