Introduction to Personal Finance Beginning Your
Financial Journey, 2nd Edition John E. Grable, Lance
Chapter 1-10
Chapter 1—Solutions Manual
Beginning Your Financial Journey: The Interior Finance Point of View
Introduction to Personal Finance: Beginning Your Financial Journey
By John Grable and Lance Palmer
Learning Objectives
1.1 Describe how your financial knowledge, experience, risk tolerance, and feelings of control
influence the way you view the financial world.
1.2 Explain how your human and social capital relate to your financial well-being.
1.3 Discuss how financial risk tolerance relates to financial goal achievement.
1.4 Use your unique time perspective to create SMART financial goals.
1.5 Describe strategies to overcome mental biases and improve financial decision making and
Key to metadata for questions:
LO: Learning objective number
BT: Bloom‘s taxonomy [Knowledge (K), Comprehension (C), Application (Ap), Analysis (An),
Synthesis (S), Evaluation (E)]
Diff: Difficulty level [Easy (E), Medium (M), Hard (H)]
TOT: Expected time for student to complete
AACSB: Knowledge (K), Communication (C), Ethics (E), Analytic (A), Technology (T), Diversity
(D), Reflective Thinking (RT), Not Applicable (NA)
Sample rubric for writing questions:
Note: It is generally recommended that the rubric be shared with students, so it should be
sufficiently general to not give away answers.
Notes for instructor:
Each writing question will have criteria which are specific to the question. The instructor
may want to add or delete grading criteria (rows) depending on the topic and assignment.
,How each grading criterion will be assessed and the associated points for each level of
performance are found in columns 2–5.
, In the sample rubric, a total of 16 points are possible for this assignment. Each grading
criterion (row) is worth up to 4 points (column 2).
Rubric: (It is suggested that the rubric be shared with the students.)
Full points 75% of points 50% of points 25% of points
(4 out of 4) (3 out of 4) (2 out of 4) (1 out of 4)
Thoroughness of
The question The response is The response is The response is
answer to the
is answered lacking a few lacking significant incomplete and
thoroughly details details limited
Amounts and
Much of the The response does
information Some of the
Answer is response is not represent
discussed are response is
realistic/relevant irrelevant, realistic or relevant
relevant and irrelevant to the
unrealistic, or understanding of
pertinent to question
overly simplistic topic
the question
Well Adequate Limited
of thought Poor organization
organized organization organization
(25% of score)
A clear
conclusion or
Appropriate Conclusion or
on is
recommendations recommendation Conclusion or No conclusion or
and conclusions are is mostly clear recommendation recommendation is
that is
reached and appropriate is incomplete provided
(25% of score) given the content
given the
1.1 Describe how your financial knowledge, experience, risk
tolerance, and feelings of control influence the way you view the
financial world.
1.1 Multiple-Choice Questions
1. b. the combination of financial knowledge and skills.
Answer: b; Section: 1.1; LO: 1.1; BT: K; Diff: E; TOT: 2 min; AACSB: K
2. c. I and II only.
Answer: c; Section: 1.1; LO: 1.1; BT: C; Diff: E; TOT: 2 min; AACSB: RT
3. d. your financial knowledge, financial risk-taking, and feelings of control over your
Answer: d; Section: 1.1; LO: 1.1; BT: K; Diff: E; TOT: 2 min; AACSB: RT