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What is consumer advisor y?1 of 51
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A sink that has three basins and follows the five cleaning s teps: pr e-wash (scr ape),
wash (hot soapy water at least 110 degr ees), rinse, sanitiz e (with appr oved chemical
sanitiz er), air dry
What are the five risk factors of foodborne il lness?2 of 51
All prepared foods shoul d be covered, labeled, and dated when pl aced in s torage,
TCS foods prepared in the facility mus t be dated and used within se ven days, Place
a thermomet er in the warmes t part of the unit , Store at least six inches above the
floorA written statement that informs consumer s about the incr eased risk of
foodborne il lness when ea ting r aw or under cook ed animal products, and
identifies any items on a food establishment' s menu that contain raw or
under cook ed animal products
Use a calibrated and sanitiz ed stem thermomet er, Insert the thermomet er into the
thickest part of the food away from bones to be sur e all parts of the food are
cook ed thoroughl y (hold for 15 seconds )
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Poor personal hygiene, F ood from unsa fe sour ces, Impr oper cook ing
temper atures/metho ds, Impr oper holding, time, and temper ature, and F ood
contamina tion Term
IPM3 of 51
Lack of exercise, not drink ing enough water, smok ing, stress, genetic factors
Inadequa te ventilation, overcrowding, poor lighting , noise pol lution , impr oper
waste disposal
Unsa fe food handl ing, lack of sleep, excessiv e exercise, not washing hands, ea ting
expired foodDon't know?
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Improper hot and cold hol ding of
TCS foods, Impr oper use of time as a
contr ol, Impr oper cooling of TCS
Integrated Pest Mana gement .
Program used to keep pests
from ent ering and
establishment and to elimina te
any pests that do get in
Potential ly Hazardous Foods
Chemical s not meant to be
consumed, Sanitiz ers, cleaning
agents, or pest contr ol products mus t
be sep arated from food Term
What does IPM in volve?4 of 51
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Adding contamina ted ingr edients to food., Food contact surfaces (equipment and
utensils) that were not properl y cleaned and sanitiz ed, Allowing r aw food to touch
or drip on ready -to-ea t food, Hands that touch contamina ted food then r eady -to-
eat food
Rehea t of TCS foods made in house for hot holding within two hour s, Poultry:
chick en, duck , turkey, Stuffed Foods
Tenderiz ed/inject ed and ground mea ts, Raw shel l eggs for hot holding
Deny access, food, and shel ter, Work with a licensed pes t contr ol oper ator,
Seal all gaps and openings in floors, walls, and ceiling, Keep door s, scr eens,
and windo ws closed to keep pests out, Keep air curtains oper ational.
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