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NUR 376 Patho Final Exam With Correct Answers.
NUR 376 Patho Final Exam With Correct Answers.
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NUR 376 Patho Final E xam W ith C orrect Answers Immunodeficiency l- l(correct lanswer) l-Immune lsystem lweakened lto lextent lthat lit lcannot ldestroy lforeign linvaders land lantigens lcan loverwhelm lthe lbody. Immunocompetence l- l(correct lanswer) l-refers lto lan lindividual's lability lto lprotect loneself lfrom linfectious lagents ldue lto la lstrong limmune lsystem. Immunosuppression l- l(correct lanswer) l-indicates lthat lthere lis la ldefective limmune lsystem lthat lis lputting lthe lpt lat lrisk lfor linfection. Opportunistic lInfection l- l(correct lanswer) l-an linfection lthat lwas lcaused lby la lmicroorganism lthat lflourished lbecause lof lits lhost's ldeficient limmune lsystem. Hospital lAcquired lof lHealth -Care lacquired linfection l- l(correct lanswer) l-when la lpt's linfection lis lcaused lby lmicroorganisms lthat loriginated lwithin lthe lclinical lenvironment. Difficult lto ltx ldue lto lantibiotic -resistant lbacteria Type l1: lImmediate lhypersensitivity l- l(correct lanswer) l-allergic lreaction Type l2: lCytotoxic lhypersensitivit y l- l(correct lanswer) l-mediated lby lIgs lthat ltarget lantigen lon lcells land lcause lcell ldestruction. Incomplete lblood ltransfusion Type l3: lImmune lComplex lhypersensitivity l- l(correct lanswer) l-antigen lcombines lwith lIg lwithin lcirculation land lcomplexes lare lthen ldepo sited linto ltissues. SLE, lautoimmune ldisorders Type l4: lDelayed lhypersensitivity l- l(correct lanswer) l-initiated lby lT-cells lthat lhave lprevious lexposure lto lantigen Dermatitis lfrom lexposure lto lpoison livy Key llab lvalues lin lInfections l- l(correct lanswer) l-WBC l4,000-10,000 lcells/mcL Neutrophils: l40%-80% lof lWBCs l/ lelevation l= lbacterial linfection Lymphocytes: l20%-40% lof lWBCs l/ lelevation l= lviral linfection Eosinophils: l1%-7% lof lWBCs l/ lelevation l= lallergic lreaction Basophils: l0%-2% lof lWBCs l/ lelevation l= lParasite lor lallergic lreaction Monocytes: l2% l- l10% lof lWBCs l/ lelevation l= lInflammation, lchronic linfections, lautoimmune ldisease How lcan lyou ldetermine linflammation lvs. linfection lfrom la lCBC? l- l(correct lanswer) l-
You lwould llook lat lthe ldifferences lin lthe lWBCs lon lthe lCBC, lwhich lprovides linfo labout lthe l% lof ldifferent ltypes lof lwhite lblood lcells. An lincrease lin lneutrophils l(makeup l40%-80% lof lWBCs) lcan lbe lindicative lof la lbacterial linfection. An lincrease lin lmonocytes l(macrophages) l(2%-10% lof lWBCs) lcan lbe lindicative lof linflammation l/ lautoimmune ldisease. Hypervolemia l- l(correct lanswer) l-Excess lfluid lin lISF l& lICF lcaused lby lincreased lhydrostatic lpressure lcausing ledema Can lbe lcaused lby: lHigh lSalt ldiet, lheart lfailure, lkidney lfailure, lor lliver lfailure. Hypernatremia l- l(correct lanswer) l-High lsodium lcontent lof lthe lblood. lRaises lsolute lcontent l(more lsalt), lin lturn, lraising lOSMOTIC lPRESSURE. Osmotic lpressure l- l(correct lanswer) l-The lpressure lexerted lby lthe lsolutes lin lsolution, lcauses lwater lto lshift lfrom lICF linto lthe lECF l-> lCausing lcellular ldehydration. ECF lgains lfluid l> lSecreted lby lthe lkidneys l> lmore ldehydration! Polyuria l- l(correct lanswer) l-excess lurine lbeing lexcreted. This lcontinues luntil lfluid lis lreplenished lappropriately (Part lof lhypernatremia) Hypovolemia l- l(correct lanswer) l-Is lcaused lby ldehydration; la ldiminished llevel lof lcirculating lblood lvolume lthat lincreases lthe losmolarity lof lblood. Hydrostatic lpressure l- l(correct lanswer) l-the lforce lexerted lby lthe lblood lconfined lwithin lthe lblood lvessels lor lheart lchamber. Isotonic l- l(correct lanswer) l-No lfluid lshifts - lsolutions lon lboth lsides lare lat lequilibrium. lEqual losmotic lpressure. lNo l"tug lof lwar". l Example - lHuman lblood. Caution: lToo lmuch lisotonic lfluids lcan lcause lfluid lvolume loverload Monitor: lBP ldue lto lHTN lcrisis. lRisk lfor lCVA lstroke. l Ex: l0.9 l% lsodium lchloride l(NS), llactated lringers l(LR) Use: lRehydrate lbody, lincrease llow lBP, lblood ltransfusions, lblood lloss, lDKA, lHHNS(risk lfor ltype l2 ldiabetes lpatients) - lwhen lblood lsugar lhigh Hypertonic l- l(correct lanswer) l-HIGH l& ldry- lHigher losmolarity lthan lbody lfluids - lvery lthick, lvery lsalty, lmore lsolutes, lless lwater. lFluid ldrawn lout lof lthe lcell.