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crcr certification test with complete solutions
overall aggregate payments made to a hospice are s
which of the following is required for participati
in choosing a setting for patient financial discus
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1. Exam (elaborations) - Crcr exam multiple choice, prep, certified revenue cycle representative exam with al...
2. Exam (elaborations) - Crcr exam prep questions with answers
3. Exam (elaborations) - Crcr certification test with complete solutions
4. Exam (elaborations) - Crcr exam prep, multiple choice, certified revenue cycle representativ
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CRCR CERTIFICATION TEST WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS Overall vaggregate vpayments vmade vtovavhospice vare vsubject vtovavcomputed v"cap vamoun
t"vcalculated vby v-vcorrect vanswer -
The vMedicare vAdministrative vContractor v(MAC) vatvthe vend vofvthe vhospice vcap vperiod Which vofvthe vfollowing visvrequired vfor vparticipation vinvMedicaid v-vcorrect vanswer -
Meet vIncome vand vAssets vRequirements Invchoosing vavsetting vfor vpatient vfinancial vdiscussions, vorganizations vshould vfirst vand vfor
emost v-vcorrect vanswer -Respect vthe vpatients vprivacy Avnightly vroom vcharge vwill vbe vincorrect vifvthe vpatient's v-vcorrect vanswer -
Transfer vfrom vICU v(intensive vcare vunit) vtovthe vMedical/Surgical floor visvnot vreflected vinvthe vregistration vsystem The vAffordable vCare vAct vlegislated vthe vdevelopment vofvHealth vInsurance vExchanges, vw
here vindividuals vand vsmall vbusinesses vcan v-vcorrect vanswer -
Purchase vqualified vhealth vbenefit vplans vregardless vofvinsured's health vstatus Avportion vofvthe vaccounts vreceivable vinventory vwhich vhas vNOT vqualified vfor vbilling vinclu
des: v-vcorrect vanswer -Charitable vpledges What visvrequired vfor vthe vUB-04/837 -
I,vused vby vRural vHealth vClinics vtovgenerate vpayment vfrom vMedicare? v-vcorrect vanswer -
Revenue vcodes This vdirective vwas vdeveloped vtovpromote vand vensure vhealthcare vquality vand vvalue vand v
also vtovprotect vconsumers vand vworkers vinvthe vhealthcare vsystem. vThis vdirective visvcalle
dv-vcorrect vanswer -Patient vbill vofvrights The vactivity vwhich vresults vinvthe vaccurate vrecording vofvpatient vbed vand vlevel vofvcare vass
essment, vpatient vtransfer vand vpatient vdischarge vstatus von vavreal-
time vbasis visvknown vas v-vcorrect vanswer -Case vmanagement Which vstatement visvan vEMTALA v(Emergency vMedical vTreatment vand vActive vLabor vAct)
vviolation? v-vcorrect vanswer -
Registration vstaff vmay vroutinely vcontact vmanaged vare vplans vfor vprior vauthorizations vbef
ore vthe vpatient visvseen vby vthe von-duty vphysician HIPAA vhad vadopted vEmployer vIdentification vNumbers v(EIN) vtovbe vused vinvstandard vtran
sactions vtovidentify vthe vemployer vofvan vindividual vdescribed vinvavtransaction vEIN's vare assigned vby v-vcorrect vanswer -The vInternal vRevenue vService Checks vreceived vthrough vmail, vcash vreceived vthrough vmail, vand vlock vbox vare vall vexampl
es vofv-vcorrect vanswer -Control vpoints vfor vcash vposting What vare vsome vcore velements vifvavboard -approved vfinancial vassistance vpolicy? v-
vcorrect vanswer -Eligibility, vapplication vprocess, vand vnonpayment vcollection vactivities Avrecurring/series vregistration visvcharacterized vby v-vcorrect vanswer -
The vcreation vofvone vregistration vrecord vfor vmultiple vdays vofvservice With vthe vadvent vofvthe vAffordable vCare vAct vHealth vInsurance vMarketplaces vand vthe vexp
ansion vofvMedicaid vinvsome vstates, vitvisvmore vimportant vthan vever vfor vhospitals vtov-
vcorrect vanswer -
Assist vpatients vinvunderstanding vtheir vinsurance vcoverage vand vtheir vfinancial vobligation The vpurpose vofvavfinancial vreport visvto: v-vcorrect vanswer -
Present vfinancial vinformation vtovdecision vmakers Patient vfinancial vcommunications vbest vpractices vproduce vcommunications vthat vare v-
vcorrect vanswer -Consistent, vclear vand vtransparent Medicare vhas vestablished vguidelines vcalled vthe vLocal vCoverage vDeterminations v(LCD) v
and vNational vCoverage vDeterminations v(NCD) vthat vestablish v-vcorrect vanswer -
What vservices vor vhealthcare vitems vare vcovered vunder vMedicare Any vprovider vthat vhas vfiled vavtimely vcost vreport vmay vappeal van vadverse vfinal vdecision vre
ceived vfrom vthe vMedicare vAdministrative vContractor v(MAC). vThis vappeal vmay vbe vfiled vw
ith v-vcorrect vanswer -The vProvider vReimbursement vReview vBoard Concurrent vreview vand vdischarge vplanning v-vcorrect vanswer -Occurs vduring vservice Duplicate vpayments voccur: v-vcorrect vanswer -When vproviders vre-
bill vclaims vbased von vnonpayment vfrom vthe vinitial vbill vsubmission An vindividual venrolled vinvMedicare vwho visvdissatisfied vwith vthe vgovernment's vclaim vdeter
mination visventitled vtovreconsideration vofvthe vdecision. vThis vtype vofvappeal visvknown vas v-
vcorrect vanswer -Avbeneficiary vappeal Insurance vverification vresults vinvwhich vofvthe vfollowing v-vcorrect vanswer -
The vaccurate videntification vofvthe vpatient's veligibility vand vbenefits The vMedicare vfee-
for vservice vappeal vprocess vfor vboth vbeneficiaries vand vproviders vincludes vall vofvthe vfollow
ing vlevels vEXCEPT: v-vcorrect vanswer -Judicial vreview vby vavfederal vdistrict vcourt Under vEMTALA v(Emergency vMedical vTreatment vand vLabor vAct) vregulations, vthe vprovid
ermay vnot vask vabout vavpatient's vinsurance vinformation vifvitvwould vdelay vwhat? v-
vcorrect vanswer -Medical vscreening vand vstabilizing vtreatment Ambulance vservices vare vbilled vdirectly vtovthe vhealth vplan vfor v-vcorrect vanswer -
Services vprovided vbefore vavpatient visvadmitted vand vfor vambulance vrides varranged vtovpic
kvup vthe vpatient vfrom vthe vhospital vafter vdischarge vtovtake vhim/her vhome vor vtovanother vfac
ility Key vperformance vindicators v(KPIs) vset vstandards vfor vaccounts vreceivables v(A/R) vand v-
vcorrect vanswer -Provide vavmethod vofvmeasuring vthe vcollection vand vcontrol vofvA/R he vpatient vdischarge vprocess vbegins vwhen v-vcorrect vanswer -
The vphysician vwrites vthe vdischarge vorders The vnightly vroom vcharge vwill vbe vincorrect vifvthe vpatient's v-vcorrect vanswer -
Transfer vfrom vICU vtovthe vMedical/Surgical vfloor visvnot vreflected vinvthe vregistration vsyste
m. The vsoft vcost vofvavdissatisfied vcustomer visv-vcorrect vanswer -
The vcustomer vpassing von vinfo vabout vtheir vnegative vexperience vtovpotential vpts vor vthroug
hvsocial vmedia vchannels An vadvantage vofvavpre-registration vprogram visv-vcorrect vanswer -
The vopportunity vtovreduce vthe vcorporate vcompliance vfailures vwithin vthe vregistration vproc
ess Itvisvimportant vtovhave vhigh vregistration vquality vstandards vbecause v-vcorrect vanswer -
Inaccurate vor vincomplete vpatient vdata vwill vdelay vpayment vor vcause vdenials Telemed vseeks vtovimprove vavpatient's vhealth vby v-vcorrect vanswer -Permitting v2-
way vreal vtime vinteractive vcommunication vbetween vthe vpatient vand vthe vclinical vprofessio
nal Any vhealthcare vinsurance vplan vthat vprovides vor vensures vcomprehensive vhealth vmainte
nance vand vtreatment vservices vfor van venrolled vgroup vofvpersons vbased von vavmonthly vfee v
isvknown vas vav-vcorrect vanswer -HMO Identifying vthe vpatient, vinvthe vMPI, vcreating vthe vregistration vrecord, vcompleting vmedical v
necessity vscreening, vdetermining vinsurance veligibility vand vbenefits vresolving vmanaged v
care, vrequirements vand vcompleting vfinancial veducation/resolution vare vall v-
vcorrect vanswer -The vdata vcollection vsteps vfor vscheduling vand vpre-registering vavpatient Medicare vPart vBvhas van vannual vdeductible, vand vthe vbeneficiary visvresponsible vfor v-
vcorrect vanswer -Avco-insurance vpayment vfor vall vPart vBvcovered vservices