exam 2023/2024 with
100% correct answers
1. NStamp Ncollecting N(being Na Nhobby Nthat Nis) Nsometimes Nused Nin
the Nschools Nto Nteach Neconomics Nand Nsocial Nstudies.
A. Nbeing Na Nhobby Nthat Nis
B. Nis Na Nhobby Nbecause Nit Nis
C. Nwhich Nis Na Nhobby
2. N(Knocked Nsideways, Nthe Nstatue Nlooked) Nas Nif Nit Nwould Nfall.
A. NKnocked Nsideways, Nthe Nstatue Nlooked
B. NThe Nstatue Nwas Nknocked Nsideways, Nlooked
C. NThe Nstatue Nlooked Nknocked Nsideways D. NThe Nstatue, Nlooking Nknocked Nsideways, N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-A
3. N(To Nwalk, Nbiking, Nand Ndriving) Nare NPat's Nfavorite Nways Nof
getting Naround.
A. NTo Nwalk, Nbiking, Nand Ndriving
B. NWalking, Nbiking, Nand Ndriving
C. NTo Nwalk, Nbiking, Nand Nto Ndrive
D. NTo Nwalk, Nto Nbike, Nand Nalso Ndriving N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-B
4. N(When Nyou Ncross Nthe Nstreet Nin Nthe Nmiddle Nof Nthe Nblock, Nthis) Nis Nan Nexample Nof Njaywalking.
A. NWhen Nyou Ncross Nthe Nstreet Nin Nthe Nmiddle Nof Nthe Nblock,this
B. NYou Ncross Nthe Nstreet Nin Nthe Nmiddle Nof Nthe Nblock,this
C. NCrossing Nthe Nstreet Nin Nthe Nmiddle Nof Nthe Nblock
D. NThe Nfact Nthat Nyou Ncross Nthe Nstreet Nin Nthe Nmiddle Nof Nthe Nblock N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-
5. NWalking Nby Nthe Ncorner Nthe Nother Nday, N(a Nchild, NI Nnoticed, Nwas Nwatching) Nfor Nthe Nlight Nto Nchange.
A. Na Nchild, NI Nnoticed, Nwas Nwatching
B. NI Nnoticed Na Nchild Nwatching
C. Na Nchild Nwas Nwatching, NI Nnoticed,
D. Nthere Nwas, NI Nnoticed, Na Nchild Nwatching N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-B 6. N(Going Nback Nto Nhis Nold Nschool,) Neverything Nthere Nlooked Nsmaller Nthan NDon Nremembered.
A. NGoing Nback Nto Nhis Nold Nschool,
B. NWhen Nhe Nwent Nback Nto Nhis Nold Nschool,
C. NTo Ngo Nback Nto Nhis Nold Nschool,
D. NAs Nhe Nwent Nback Nto Nhis Nold Nschool, N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-B
7. N(Painting, Ndrawing Nand Nto Nsculpt) Nare Nsome Nof Nthe Ntechniques Nartists Nsuch Nas NPicasso Nused Nto Nexpress Nthemselves.
A. NPainting, Ndrawing Nand Nto Nsculpt
B. NTo Npaint, Nto Ndraw, Nand Nsculpting
C. NPainting, Ndrawing, Nand Nsculpting
D. NTo Npaint, Ndraw, Nand Nsculpting N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-C
8. NPlaying Nsports Nin Nschool N(which Nis Nan Nactivity) Nmeant Nto Nteach Nteamwork Nand Nleadership Nskills Nstudents Ncan Nuse Nlater Nin Nlife.
A. Nwhich Nis Nan Nactivity
B. Nis Nan Nactivity Nbecause Nit Nis
C. Nbeing Nan Nactivity Nwhich Nis
D. Nis Nan Nactivity N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-D
9. N(Glancing Nat Nhis Nwatch,) NDaniel Npicked Nup Nhis Nspeed. A. NGlancing Nat Nhis Nwatch,
B. NHe Nglanced Nat Nhis Nwatch, Nand
C. NTo Nglance Nat Nhis Nwatch,
D. NHe Nglanced Nat Nhis Nwatch, N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-A
10. N(For Na Nsnake, Nshedding Ntheir Nskin) Nup Nto Neight Ntimes Na Nyear Nis Npart Nof Na Nnatural Nprocess.
A. NFor Na Nsnake, Nshedding Ntheir Nskin
B. NA Nsnake's Nshedding Nits Nskin
C. NWhen Na Nsnake Nsheds Nits Nskin
D. NTo Nshed Nits Nskin, Nfor Nsnakes N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-B
11. N(I Nwas Nsurprised Nby Nthe Nnoise Npeering) Nthrough Nthe Nwindow Nto Nsee Nwho Nwas Nat Nthe Ndoor.
A. NI Nwas Nsurprised Nby Nthe Nnoise Npeering
B. NI Nwas Nsurprised Nby Nthe Nnoise, Npeered
C. NThe Nnoise Nsurprised Nme, Npeering
D. NSurprised Nby Nthe Nnoise, NI Npeered N- N(CORRECT NANSWER)-D
12. NIt Nis Neasy Nto Ncarry Nsolid Nobjects Nwithout Nspilling Nthem, Nbut Nthe Nsame Ncannot Nbe Nsaid Nof Nliquids. NRewrite, Nbeginning Nwith N(Unlike Nliquids,) NThe Nnext Nwords Nwill Nbe
A. Nit Nis Neasy Nto
B. Nwe Ncan Neasily