CSST Exam building inspection With Questions And 100% CORRECT
Terms in this set (121)
Why was asbestos added to construction materials It provided: insulation properties, strength and durability from weathering, made spray on products
? easier to apply, and does not conduct electricity.
What are the three types of asbestos and their Chrysotile : Serpentine , Amosite and Crocidolites : amphiboles.
associated species?
What is the predominant color and structure of white , long , curly , hollow
Chrysotile asbestos ?
What is the predominant color and structure of brown / tan ; long and straight
Amosite asbestos ?
What is the predominant color and structure of blue ; long and straight
CSST Exam building inspection
Crocidolite ?
, is a sprayed on troweled on or otherwise applied to structural surfaces EX: acoustic / decorative
What is the definition of a Surfacing material ?
ceilings, fire proofing, textured paints and plasters.
applied to pipes, fittings, tanks, other structural, components etc. , to prevent heat loss or gain. EX:
what is the definition of Thermal Systems Insulation? pipe insulation, elbow mud, block insulation, air cell, asbestos paper wrap, preformed halves,
magnesium silica, etc
what is the definition of Miscellaneous products: material that is not TSI or surfacing but applied to structural components.
Define Friable vs non friable. Friable asbestos will crumble , pulverize or otherwise release dust by applying hand pressure.
What agency does not use the term friable ? why? OSHA - because tools that are used by workers can easily make non friable materials friable.
Primary type of asbestos used in the U.S ? Chrysotile.
List three building materials / locations where ACM fire doors, fume hoods, felt under roofs or siding, amosite sheeting, kiln bricks and cement, lab
is likely to be found equipment, fire safety and equipment, auditorium curtains, gaskets, vibration joints, etc.
What are the 3 major illnesses related to asbestos Asbestosis, Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma.
exposures ?
What is a latency period ? What is the latency the time between exposure and symptoms / sign of illness. 10-40 years.
period for asbestos related illnesses ?
Why does cigarette smoking increase chances of Paralyzes Cillia in lung.
getting an asbestos related illness ?
What asbestos related disease normally appears Asbestosis
only after long, large, occupational exposure to
asbestos ?
what asbestos related disease primarily affects lung cancer - increases chances over 50 times.
those exposed to asbestos who smoke cigarettes?
who must participate in a medical surveillance -Employees who conduct Class I, Class II, and Class III work for more than thirty days.
program -Employees who are exposed over the PEL for thirty or more days in a year.
- Before doing the work (pre employment, pre placement)
When are asbestos medical surveillance physical
- Annually
exams required ?
- Upon termination (Cal OSHA requirement)
What should be performed at an asbestos medical Occupational History Exam, Chest X ray, Pulmonary Function Test, stool sample
surveillance exam ?
Is there a safe level of asbestos exposure ? no
CSST Exam building inspection