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  • TruGreen Pesticide C

TRUGREEN PESTICIDE CERTIFICATION 6,3A,3B EXAM QUESTIONS WITH CORRECT ANSWERS | LATEST UPDATED | 2024 Abiotic disorder A non-pest plant stress such as improper nutrition, too much or too little water, winter or frost injury Action threshold The pest density at which action (such as pestic...

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  • August 3, 2024
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  • TruGreen Pesticide C
  • TruGreen Pesticide C

Abiotic NNdisorder NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNnon-pest NNplant NNstress NNsuch NNas NNimproper
NNnutrition, NNtoo NNmuch NNor NNtoo NNlittle NNwater, NNwinter NNor NNfrost NNinjury

Action NNthreshold NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNpest NNdensity NNat NNwhich NNaction NN(such NNas
NNpesticide NNapplication) NNis NNjustified NNto NNprevent NNfurther NNdamage.

Adelgid NN- NNcorrect NNanswersAn NNinsect NNclosely NNrelated NNto NNaphids NNthat NNfeed NNon
NNconifers. NNTheir NNfeeding NNoften NNcauses NNgalls NNto NNform.

Aesthetic NNinjury NNlevel NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNpoint NNat NNwhich NNdamage NNfrom NNa
NNpest NNbecomes NNnoticeable NNenough NNto NNnegatively NNaffect NNthe NNvisible NNquality NNof

NNthe NNplant. NNThis NNmay NNvary, NNbased NNin NNpart NNon NNthe NNdistance NNthe NNplant NNis

NNlocated NNfrom NNwalkways. NN(and NNtherefore, NNon NNthe NNlikelihood NNof NNthe NNdamage

NNbeing NNobserved.

Airblast NNsprayer NN- NNcorrect NNanswersPesticide NNapplication NNequipment NNthat NNuses NNa
NNstream NNof NNair NNfrom NNa NNfan NNto NNbreak NNup NNand NNdistribute NNthe NNpesicide NNonto NNthe

NNplant NNthat NNis NNbeing NNtreated.

Allelopathy/allelopathic NN- NNcorrect NNanswersWhen NNone NNplant NNspecies NNsuppresses
NNthe NNgrowth NNof NNanother. NNFor NNexample, NNwalnut NNtrees NNproduce NNchemicals NNthat

NNwill NNnot NNallow NNplants NNto NNgrow NNunder NNtheir NNcanopies.

Annual NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNplant NNthat NNcompletes NNits NNlife NNcycle NNand NNdies NNin NNa
NNsingle NNyear NNor NNgrowing NNseason.

Bacteria NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNgroup NNof NNsingle-celled NNmicroorganisms, NNof NNwhich
NNthere NNare NNtypically NN40 NNmillion NNin NNa NNgram NNof NNsoil. NNA NNfew NNspecies NNare NNthe

NNcauses NNof NNdiseases NNsuch NNas NNfire NNblight NNand NNleaf NNspot NNin NNplants.

Bactericide NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNpesticide NNused NNto NNmanage NNa NNdisease NNcause NNby

Balled NNand NNburlapped NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNstandard NNmethod NNused NNto NNwrap NNa
NNtree NNor NNshrub NNrootball NNwith NNburlap NNto NNkeep NNthe NNsoil NNaround NNthe NNroots NNwhen

NNdigging NNthe NNplant NNfrom NNthe NNfield NNto NNmove NNit NNfor NNtransplanting. NNOften, NNlarger

NNtrees NNwill NNhave NNa NNwire NNmesh NNplaced NNaround NNthe NNburlap NNto NNprovide NNmore

NNsupport NNfor NNtransporting. NNThe NNwire NNmesh NNshould NNbe NNremoved NNprior NNto

NNplanting. NNThe NNburlap NNshould NN(optimally) NNbe NNremoved NNas NNmuch NNas NNpossible

NNalso, NNas NNamany NNtypes NNof NNmodern NNburlap NNcontains NNsynthetic NNfibers NNthat NNwill

NNnot NNrot. NNIf NNthe NNburlap NNis NNnatural NNfibers NNit NNshould NNat NNleast NNbe NNremoved NNfrom

,NNthe NNtop NNone-third NNof NNthe NNrootball NNto NNavoid NNthe NNburlap NNbeing NNexposed NNto NNthe
NNair NNand NNwicking NNmoisture NNfrom NNthe NNroots. NNAlso NNcalled NNB&B.

Basal NNDrench NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNmixing NNof NNa NNpesticide NNin NNa NNsmall NNvolume
NNof NNwater NNand NNapplying NNto NNa NN12-18 NNinch NNstrip NNaround NNthe NNbase NNof NNa NNtree NNor

NNshrub. NNThese NNcompounds NNare NNnormally NNsystemic NNand NNare NNabsorbed NNby NNthe

NNroots NNof NNthe NNplant.

Beauveria NNbassiana NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNnaturally NNoccurring NNfungus NNthat NNattacks
NNa NNnumber NNof NNinsects NNand NNhas NNbeen NNformulated NNas NNan NNinsecticide.

Beneficial NNInsect NN- NNcorrect NNanswersInsects NNthat NNeat NNor NNdevelop NNinside NNor NNon
NNpest NNinsects. NNSometimes NNjust NNreferred NNto NNas NN"beneficials." NNBeneficial NNinsects

NNdo NNnot NNdamage NNlandscape NNplants.

Biennial NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNplant NNwith NNa NNtwo-year NNlife NNcycle.

Biochemical NNpesticide NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNbiologically NNderived NNchemical NNsuch NNas
NNinsect NNsex NNpheromones NNthat NNare NNused NNfor NNpest NNcontrol. NNThey NNhave NNthe

NNadvantages NNof NNbeing NNnon-toxic NNand NNspecific NNfor NNcontrolling NNa NNparticular

NNspecies NNof NNpest.

Biocide NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNsubstance NNthat NNkills NNbiological NNorganisms.

Biological NNcontrol NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNmethod NNof NNcontrolling NNa NNpest NNby
NNencouraging NNand NNusing NNnatural NNcontrols NNsuch NNas NNparasitism, NNpredation, NNand

NNnaturally NNoccuring NNdiseases.

Biomagnification NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNsituation NNin NNwhich NNa NNpredatory NNorganism
NNcontinues NNto NNabsorb NNpesticde NNas NNit NNeats NNprey NNthat NNhas NNbeen NNexposed NNto

NNnonlethal NNlevels NNof NNpesticide; NNthe NNaccumulation NNof NNpesticide NNin NNthe NNpredator

NNcan NNlead NNto NNits NNdeath.

Biopesticide NN- NNcorrect NNanswersPesticides NNcerived NNfrom NNnatural NNmaterials NNsuch
NNas NNanimals, NNplants, NNbacteria NNand NNcertain NNminerals.

Broad-spectrum NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNpesticde NNthat NNaffectsx NNa NNwide NNrange NNof
NNtarget NNspecies.

Broad-spectrum NNfungicide NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNfingicide NNthat NNcontrols NNa NNwide
NNrange NNof NNfungal NNorganisms.

Broadcast NNapplication NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNpesticide NNapplied NNto NNa NNlarge NNarea
NNover NNall NNof NNthe NNplants.

, Budbreak NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNtimme NNwhen NNdormant NNbuds NNopen NNinto NNleaves
NNor NNflowers.

Bulb NN- NNcorrect NNanswersAn NNunderground NNplant NNstem NN(such NNas NNan NNonion NNor
NNtulip) NNthat NNis NNsurrounded NNby NNfleshy NNleaves NNthat NNare NNmodified NNto NNstore


Calibration NN- NNcorrect NNanswersthe NNprocess NNof NNadjusting NNpesticide NNapplication
NNequipment NNto NNapply NNa NNspecific NNamount NNof NNpesticide NNat NNa NNspecific NNrate NNover NNa

NNspecific NNarea.

Cambium NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNlayer NNof NNthe NNtree NNimmediately NNbelow NNthe NNbark
NNthat NNcontains NNembryonic NNtissue. NNIt NNis NNthe NNactively NNgrowing NNpart NNof NNthe NNtree.

Cankers NN- NNcorrect NNanswersIrregular NNareas NNof NNdamaged, NNdiseased NNor NNdead
NNtissue NNon NNthe NNtrunk NNand NNstems NNof NNwoody NNplants. NNThese NNmay NNbe NNvarious

NNcolorgs NNand NNmay NNbe NNmoist NNor NNdry.

Chemosterilants NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNchemical NNcompound NNthat NNcauses
NNreproductive NNsterility NNin NNan NNorganism.

Chlorosis NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNcondition NNin NNwhich NNleaves NNare NNnot NNproducing
NNchlorophyll NNand NNare NNyellowed, NNoften NNcaused NNby NNa NNnutrient NNdeficiency.

Chlorotic NN- NNcorrect NNanswersWhen NNthe NNleaves NNof NNa NNplant NNexhibit NNyellowing.

Cold NNtemerature NNhardiness NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNability NNof NNa NNplant NNto
NNwithstand NNthe NNextremes NNof NNtemperature NNduring NNthe NNwinter NNfor NNa NNparticular

NNarea NNof NNthe NNcountry. NNThe NNU.S. NNDepartment NNof NNAgriculture NNhas NNdeveloped

NNzone NNmaps NNto NNindicate NNparts NNof NNthe NNcountry NNthat NNare NNsubject NNto NNroughly NNthe

NNsame NNextremes NNof NNcold NNtemperatures. NNPlants NNare NNrated NNas NNto NNthe NNhardiness

NNzones NNin NNwhich NNthey NNare NNable NNto NNsurvive.

Commercial NNapplicator NN- NNcorrect NNanswersA NNperson NNwho NNhas NNbeen NNcertified NNby
NNthe NNState NNof NNMichigan NNto NNapply NNpesticides NNfor NNhire. NNIn NNMichigan, NNany

NNindividual NNwho NNis NNapplying NNpesticides NNfor NNhire NNon NNproperty NNthey NNdo NNnot NNown

NNand NNwhere NNthey NNare NNnot NNbeing NNsupervised NNby NNthe NNproperty NNowner NNof NNthe

NNowner's NNrepresentative NN(such NNas NNon NNa NNfarm NNor NNnursery) NNmust NNbe NNcertified NNas

NNa NNcommercial NNapplicator.

Complete NNmetamorphosis NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNtype NNof NNdevelopment NNexhibited
NNby NNmore NNevolutionarily NNadvanced NNinsects NNin NNwhich NNthe NNlarva NNis NNvery NNdifferent

NNfrom NNthe NNadult. NNIt NNgoes NNthrough NNa NNchange NNvia NNthe NNpupa NNstage NNbefore

NNemerging NNas NNan NNadult.

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