Mechatronics 20 (2010) 827–841
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Mechatronics – More questions than answers
David Bradley
School of Computing & Engineering Systems, University of Abertay Dundee, Bell Street, Dundee DD1 1HG, UK
a b s t r a c t
Since the introduction of mechatronics as an integrated and integrating approach to the design, develop-
ment and operation of complex systems, there have been significant developments in technology, and in
particular in processing power, which have changed the nature of a wide range of products and systems
from domestic appliances and consumer goods to manufacturing systems and vehicles. In addition, the
development and implementation of strategies such as those associated with concurrent engineering
and the introduction of intelligent tools to support the design of complex products and systems has also
changed the way in which such systems are conceived, implemented and manufactured.
The aim of the paper is not however to attempt to address or answer specific questions as to the nature
of mechatronics and its current and future standing as an approach to engineering design and develop-
ment, but to initiate, provoke and stimulate debate and discussion on a range of mechatronics related
issues, without necessarily attempting to provide answers or suggest new methods or approaches, relat-
ing to the future potential of and directions for mechatronics. In this respect therefore, while containing
an element of review, the paper is intended as a discussion document structured around the author’s per-
sonal experience and perspective of mechatronics issues.
Inherent to this questioning of the ways in which mechatronics may develop are the various attempts
that have taken place over the years to provide a definition of mechatronics, either in the form of text or
logo and whether these efforts have of themselves been a source of confusion as to both content and
direction within mechatronics? In which case, might it be preferable for mechatronics practitioners to
operate within their own particular context than to attempt to conform to a specific and overarching def-
Finally, it must also be made clear that in writing this paper that complete agreement with the reader
as to the particular questions raised and comments made is neither sought nor intended.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Thus while the paper incorporates a review element in respect
of certain aspects of mechatronics, it is not aimed at providing a
Over many years of involvement with mechatronics it has be- detailed analysis of a specific aspect of mechatronics or of propos-
come increasingly challenging at a personal level to reconcile the ing new and novel structures for the discipline but at posing ques-
various different and differing arguments as to what it is that de- tions relating to its future role and development. It should
fines, constitutes and differentiates mechatronics with respect to therefore be considered as a discussion paper presenting a partic-
related engineering disciplines such as systems engineering, con- ular, and personal, viewpoint, in this case that of the author.
trol engineering, design engineering and manufacturing systems In developing the discussion it is necessary to consider the ways
as well as identifying its continuing role in education [1]. The in which mechatronics is perceived. Various attempts have taken
aim in writing this paper is not however to attempt to answer place over the years since its introduction to provide a ‘concrete’
the general questions of ‘what is mechatronics?’ or ‘how might definition of mechatronics, either in the form of text or logo. As
mechatronics be defined?’, but to raise these and other questions, an illustration of this activity, one web site [2] lists over 20 defini-
without necessarily providing answers, with the intent of provok- tions of mechatronics, each of which places a slightly different
ing debate and discussion as to the future potential of and direc- emphasis on the central theme of the integration of the core disci-
tions for mechatronics as an engineering discipline. For instance, plines of electronics, mechanical engineering and information
is there, or indeed could there be, a single overarching structure technology1. Similarly, a search for mechatronics logos suggests that
for mechatronics, or are there several interrelated and interlinked many academic and other institutions engaged in aspects of mecha-
structures, each emphasising a specific aspect of the whole? tronics have attempted, at various degrees and levels of complexity,
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, 828 D. Bradley / Mechatronics 20 (2010) 827–841
to produce something which reflects both the nature of the institu- Table 2
tion and its mechatronics context. Some milestones in mechatronics.
Could it however be argued that an such attempt to provide any 1940 Isaac Asimov published the first of his robot stories and develops the
form of expression of mechatronics, whether textually or graphi- ‘Three Laws of Robotics’
cally, may of itself be a source of confusion and that it may there- 1948 Transistor is developed at Bell Laboratories by John Bardeen, Walter H.
Brattain and William B. Shockley
fore be better for mechatronics practitioners to operate within 1952 A prototype Numerically Controlled machine is demonstrated at
their own particular context than to attempt to conform to a spe- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
cific and overarching definition? 1958 Texas introduces the first commercial integrated circuit
In order to place the subsequent discussion into context, the pa- 1959 Planet Corporation introduces the first commercial robot based on
limit switches and cams
per begins by providing an overview of the introduction of mech-
Richard Feynman delivers the lecture There’s Plenty of Room at the
atronics, its initial concepts and the ways in which it has Bottom at Caltech [2]
developed. By its very nature and breadth, Table 1 provides an 1961 A Unimate robot is installed by Ford to service a die-casting machine
indication of the topics that have been and are associated with The part programming language APT (Automatically Programmed
mechatronics, any of which could have been chosen to illustrate Tooling) is released
1963 The American Machine Company introduces the Versatran robot
the arguments within the paper, this means that a choice has 1965 Gordon Moore proposes that the size of integrated circuits will double
had to be made, in this case that of engineering design. It must also approximately every 2 years
be acknowledged that in writing this paper it will be inevitable Digital Equipment Corporation introduces the PDP-8 computer
that issues which individual readers consider important will have 1968 Burroughs produces the first computers to use integrated circuits
1969 The term mechatronics is proposed by Tetsuro Mori to describe the
been omitted and apparently ignored. No apology is made for this
integration of electronics with mechanical engineering
other than those of limitations of space and the background, views 1970 Digital Equipment Corporation introduces the PDP-11 computer
and opinions of the author, and complete agreement with the read- 1972 8-bit microprocessors introduced
er is neither sought nor intended. 1974 ASEA introduce the all electric drive IRb6 robot
The T3 robot Tomorrow Tool, better known as the T3 robot, is
introduced by Cincinnati Milicron
2. The growth of mechatronics 1978 The PUMA (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) is
introduced by Unimation
16-bit microprocessors introduced
The first commercial and industrial use of the term ‘mechatron- 1979 The SCARA (Selective Compliance Arm for Robotic Assembly) arm is
ics’ is generally credited to Tetsuro Mori in 1969 [3–5], though it developed at Yamanshi University in Japan
may well have been used informally several years earlier by Profes- 1980 Intel introduces the first 32-bit microprocessor
sor Takashi Kenjo [6]. Since its introduction, it has generally been 1981 IBM introduces a personal computer with an industry standard disc
operating system (DOS)
argued that mechatronics represents a significant, and initially dif-
1982 IBM introduces the RS-1 assembly robot
ferent, approach to the design, development and implementation 1984 Sumitomo demonstrates an organ playing robot developed at Waseda
of a wide range of inherently complex products and systems. While University in Japan
that may have been the case when the concept was originally pro- 1988 Institute for Defense Analysis Report R-338 on concurrent engineering
posed, can this view be sustained 40 years later [7]? is published
1990 The World Wide Web is set up by Tim Berners-Lee at the European
Consider the very much abbreviated timeline of Table 2 as to Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland
what might be considered mechatronic oriented developments. 1993 Intel introduce the Pentium processor
This list must however also be placed in the context of earlier 1997 Pathfinder mission lands the Sojourner vehicle on Mars
developments and not taken as implying that systems and techni- 1998 Honda introduces the P3 humanoid robot
1999 Sony introduces the AIBO robot dog
cal integration began with mechatronics. Consideration of the ear-
2000 AMD released the Athlon 1 GHz
lier years of the 20th century provides many examples of such Honda introduces the ASIMO humanoid robot
integration ranging from the naval gunnery control systems based 2001 First autonomous flight over the Pacific by the Global Hawk unmanned
around integrated optics and mechanical analogue computers [8] aerial vehicle
to aircraft flight control and inertial navigation systems [9]. In 2004 Rovers Spirit and Opportunity land on Mars
2005 DARPA Grand Challenge, five teams completed the off-road course
manufacturing, the introduction and development of mass produc- with Stanford University’s Stanley the winner
tion systems integrated with developments in machine tool tech- 2006 Intel introduces the Core 2 processor
nology also supported the underlying concepts of systems Sony releases the Playstation 3
integration generally felt to be integral to mechatronics. In addi- Nintendo releases The Wii
2007 TOMY introduces the i-sobot humanoid robot
tion, mechatronics has developed to encompass issues such as bio-
Apple launches the iPhone
mechatronics, focused on issues such as the analysis of human
motion, interfacing with the nervous system and ways in which
to use muscle tissue as actuators [10–12] and micromechatronics,
Table 1 generally associated with MEMS2 technologies [13,14].
Some mechatronics applications areas. What may however be considered to be of particular signifi-
Automation and robotics Machine vision cance to the development of mechatronics from the 1960s on is
Automotive engineering Mechatronics systems that at about the time that the concept was first being mooted,
Computer aided and integrated Medical systems computers such as the PDP-8 and PDP-11 were beginning to im-
manufacturing systems pact upon the industrial and process control markets. Though ini-
Computer Numerically Controlled machines Packaging
Consumer products Sensing and control systems
tially limited in power and scope, at least in current terms, such
Diagnostic, reliability, and control system Servo-mechanics computers nevertheless provided a whole series of lessons that
techniques have stood future systems designers and integrators in good stead.
Engineering design Structural dynamic systems Consider for instance the development of avionics where in the
Engineering and manufacturing systems Systems engineering
1960s aircraft designers and manufacturers began to conceive of
Expert systems Transportation and vehicular
Industrial goods
Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems.