Certified Construction Manager Exam
Study With Correct Solutions 2024
Construction eManagement e- ecorrect eanswer.The epractice eof eprofessional emanagement
eapplied eto ethe eplaning, edesign, eand econstruction eof eprojects, efrom einception eto
ecompletion, efor ethe epurpose eof econtrolling etime, ecost, eand equality
Construction eContract eAdministration eObjectives e- ecorrect eanswer.To econtrol: etime,
ecost, equality, einformation eflow eand eto esatisfy ethe eOwner's egoals eand eobjectives efor ethe
Design eBid eBuild eAdvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Widely eapplicable, eunderstandable,
eowner eretains econtrol, eowner e"knows" ethe ecost eprior eto ethe estart eof eConstruction
Design eBid eBuild eDisadvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Relatively eslow, eowner eis eliable efor
ethe edesign, econstructability eissues, eadversarial erelationships efostered
Multiple ePrime eAdvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Increased eOwner econtrol, ework eeasily efast-
tracked, esave egeneral econtractor emarkups, esome estates erequire eit
Multiple ePrime eDisadvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Owner ehas erisk eof econtrolling etime eand
ecoordination, emultiple eaccountability efor eperformance, eunknown e"final" ecost eat
econstruction estart, esame eowner erisks eas etraditional eapproach
CM eat eRisk eAdvantags e- ecorrect eanswer.Well-suited efor efast-tracking, econtractor e(and
esubcontractor) einput eon edesign ealternatives, ebetter ecost einfo, epermits e"picking" eof ethe
CM eat eRisk eDisadvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Change eof eCM's eaccountability eafter, eGMP
e(guaranteed emaximum eprice) eis esigned, etempted eto esign eGMP e"too esoon", evariations ein
eprocurement emethods
Design-Build eAdvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Accountability efor eproject edelivery, ereduced
edisputes, ecan ecut etime eand ecost, ebuilder ecan ehave einput eto edesign/constructabibility,
ebudget eestablished eearly eon
Design-Build eDisadvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Early edefinition eof ethe eprogram erequired,
eowner's eloss eof econtrol eduring edesign, epotential efor equality eto ebe ecompromised
, What eis eTrue econcerning edelivery emethods? e- ecorrect eanswer.delivery emethods eare ethe
eforms eof eorganizing ethe econstruction eproject, eall edelivery emethods ehave edissimilar erisks
What edelivery emethod ecan ereduce eand ecut etime ethe emost ewhen ecompared eto eother
emethods? e- ecorrect eanswer.Design-Build
What edelivery emethod eallows ethe econtractor(s) eto eprovide einput eon edesign ealternatives?
e- ecorrect eanswer.CM eat eRisk eand eDesign-Build
With ethis edelivery emethod, ethe eowner eholds econtracts ewith ethe edesigner eand eseveral
econtractors. eThe eCM eassists ein escheduling ethe econtractors. e- ecorrect eanswer.Multiple
Price eCompetitively eBid eContract eAdvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Well-known,
ecompetitive, efair eand etransparent, eproduces e"lowest" eprice, econtractor eassumes erisk efor
Price eCompetitively eBid eContract eDisadvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.No econsideration eof
eany equalification eexcept eprice, ework emust ebe ewell especified
Negotiated ePrice eContract eAdvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Best evalue eselection, efreedom
eto epick esubcontractors, eeasier echoice eof ealternatives, eopportunity eNOT eto epay efor
edesign eerrors
Negotiated ePrice eContract eDisadvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Potential eabuse, emay enot
ebe elegal, erequires eexpertise eon ethe epart eof ethe eowner e(or etheir econsultants)
When eis ea ereimbursable econtract emost eappropriate eand ebest esuitable? e(Fixed evs.
eReimbursable) e- ecorrect eanswer.Unknown equantities eof ework, erisky ework, ework ethat eis
eimpossible eto edefine
General eContractor eReimbursement eMethods e- ecorrect eanswer.Lump esum, eGMP
e(Guaranteed eMaximum ePrice), eUnit ePrice, eCost ePlus ea eFixed eFee, eTime eand eMaterials
What eare ethe efour emain edelivery eContract eMethods? e- ecorrect eanswer.Design eBid eBuild
e(Traditional eMethod), eMultiple ePrime, eCM eat eRisk, eDesign eBuild
What econstitutes ethe econtract edocuments? e- ecorrect eanswer.The eagreement, edrawings,
especifications, eaddenda e(changes eissued eprior eto ethe ebid), emodifications e(changes
eissued eafter ethe ebid), eany edocuments eincorporated eby ereference
Typical eProject eContract eDocuments e- ecorrect eanswer.Standard eForms: eAIA, eCMAA,
eOthers; eCustomized eforms: ecounty egovernment; ecombination eof eboth
Standard eForm eContracts eAdvantages e- ecorrect eanswer.Increase ethe epredictability eof
eproject eoutcomes, eincrease ethe econsistency eof epricing, esimplify emanagement, eregularly