8/6/24, 11:09 AM
The Nursing Process
Terms in this set (46)
1. Basic: concrete/rule based thinking, right or
wrong answers, not enough experience to
2. Complex: learn that alternative/conflicting
Levels of critical thinking
solutions exist, each solution has benefits/risks to
weigh, more creative/innovative.
3. Commitment: anticipate when to make choices
without help and accept accountability.
Defines the outcome of critical thinking; nursing
judgment that is relevant to nursing problems in a
variety of settings.
Critical thinking model for nursing
Aims of nursing practice:
- Think critically
- Improve clinical practice
- Decrease errors
The ability to think in a systemic and logical way with openness to question and reflect
on the reasoning process.
- Specific knowledge base
Critical thinking
- Experience
- Competencies (nursing process)
- Attitudes
- Standards (intellectual & professional)
Clear, precise, specific, accurate, relevant, plausible, consistent, logical, deep, broad,
Intellectual standards for critical thinking
complete, significant, adequate, and fair.
Confidence, independence, fairness, responsibility, risk taking, discipline, perseverance,
Critical thinking attitudes in nursing
curiosity, integrity, and humility.
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1. Ethical criteria for nursing judgement
Professional standards for critical thinking 2. Criteria for evaluation
3. Professional responsibility
A systemic, critical thinking method of providing
evidence based, patient centered care; is central to
all nursing care. Encourages orderly thought,
analysis, and planning. Steps remain the same,
application and results are different (must be within
Nursing process
legal scope of nursing).
Benefits: gives common language, allows nurses to
communicate, distinguishes nurses role, helps focus
scope, fosters development of knowledge, and
promotes creation of practice guidelines for nursing.
Involves the collection of information, and interpretation and validation of data.
Comprehensive or problem-focused, depending on the client. Can be from primary
(client) or secondary (family) sources. Process includes nursing health history,
Step 1: Assessment
observing patient behavior, physical exam, diagnostic/lab data, and interpreting and
validating data collected.
Subjective (symptoms) and Objective (signs) data
Biographical information, reason for seeking
healthcare, present illness or health concerns,
Components of nursing health history expectations, health history, environmental history,
spiritual history, family history, social history, and
review of symptoms.
Provokes: causes? what affects it? what makes it better/worse?
Quality: what does it feel like?
PQRST Radiate: location? in one place? does it go anywhere else?
Severity: rate on scale 1-10.
Time: when did it start? come and go? how often/long? time of day/week?
Symptoms; Data from the client's point of view, what he/she tells you. Information that
Subjective data
only the client feels and describes. Collected mainly by interviewing.
Signs; Observable and measurable data. Collected mainly by observation, physical
Objective data
assessment, and lab and diagnostic testing.
A set of signs or symptoms gathered during an assessment that are grouped together
Data clustering
in a logical way.
1. Orientation and setting agenda
Interview phases 2. Working phase - collecting assessment or health history
3. Terminating interview
A clinical judgement regarding an individual, family, or community response to actual or
potential health problems that can be treated through nursing measures. It provides a
Step 2: Nursing diagnosis
precise statement of the client's problems so all nurses can understand the client's
needs. Changes as the client's response and/or health problem changes.
Asses patient's health status -> validate data with other sources -> Are additional data
needed? (reassess if so) -> interpret and analyze meaning of data -> data clustering -
> look for defining characteristics and related factors -> identify patient needs ->
Nursing diagnosis process
formulate nursing diagnosis and collaborative problems
page 230 in book