Emilia's sstate shired sEmilia, sa smusician, sto screate sa stheme ssong sfor sthe sstate's spublic
sschool ssystem. sTwo sdisputes sbetween sthe sparties seventually sled sthem sto scourt. sFirst,
sthe scontract scalled sfor sEmilia sto sbe spaid s$12,000, sbut sthe sstate sactually spaid sEmilia sin
sbonds sworth s$12,000. sSecond, sthe scontract swas sunclear sabout sthe slength sof sthe
stheme ssong. sIt ssaid sthat sthe ssong shad sto sbe s"of slength sno sless sthan sthirty s(60)
sseconds," sand sthe sparties scould snot sagree swhether s30 sseconds sor s60 sseconds swas
scorrect. sUsing sthe sestablished sguidelines sof scontract sconstruction, swhich sone sof sthe
sfollowing sis sthe scourt smost slikely sto sdetermine?
Select sone:
A. sEmilia smust sbe spaid sin scash, sand sthe ssong smust sbe sat sleast s60 sseconds slong.
B. sEmilia scan sbe spaid sin sbonds, sand sthe ssong smust sbe sat sleast s60 sseconds slong.
C. sEmilia scan sbe spaid sin sbonds, sand sthe ssong smust sbe sat sleast s30 sseconds slong.
D. sEmilia smust sbe spaid sin scash, sand sthe ssong smust s- sans-D. sEmilia smust sbe spaid sin
scash, sand sthe ssong smust sbe sat sleast s30 sseconds slong.
Emilia smust sbe spaid sin scash, sand sthe ssong smust sbe sat sleast s30 sseconds slong. sWords
sprevail sover snumbers.
In sgeneral, sif sa sparty sassigns srights sand sdelegates sobligations sto san sassignee, sbut sa
sthird sparty sto sthe scontract shas sa sdefense sagainst sthe sassignor, sthe sthird sparty scan
sassert sthat ssame sdefense sagainst
Select sone:
A. sThe sassignee sonly.
B. sThe sassignor sonly.
C. sEither sthe sassignee sor sthe sassignor, sbut snot sboth.
D. sBoth sthe sassignee sand sthe sassignor. s- sans-D. sBoth sthe sassignee sand sthe sassignor.
If sa sparty sassigns srights sand sdelegates sobligations sto san sassignee, sbut sa sthird sparty
shas sa sdefense sagainst sthe sassignor, sthe sthird sparty scan sassert sthat ssame sdefense
sagainst sboth sthe sassignee sand sthe sassignor.
Forest shas scontracted swith sa shat scompany, sCompany sX, sto sbuy shats sso sthat she scan
ssupply s500 shats sof sa sspecific stype, smade sonly sby sCompany sX, sto sCompany sZ. sJust
sone sday sbefore sthe sdelivery sdate, sForest slearns sthat sCompany sX shas sgone sout sof
sbusiness sand she swill stherefore snot sbe sable sto ssupply sthe shats sto sCompany sZ. sForest
scannot sfind sthe sspecified shats selsewhere sin sthe smarketplace, seither. sCompany sZ shas
,ssued sForest sfor sbreach sof scontract. sForest's sduty sto sperform swill sbe sdischarged
Select sone:
A. sForest scould ssubstitute sa sproduct sof slike skind sand squality.
B. sForest scould sget sa snovation sof shis scontract swith sCompany sZ.
C. sPerformance sby sForest sbecame sobjectively simpossible.
D. sPerformance sby sForest sbecame simpracticable. s- sans-C. sPerformance sby sForest
sbecame sobjectively simpossible.
Performance sby sForest sbecame sobjectively simpossible sbecause sForest scannot
sconceivably sperform s(provide sthe sspecifically srequired shats). sImpracticability sconcerns
sexcusing sperformance sthat sis spossible sbut sunreasonably sdifficult. sNovation sdoes snot
sapply, sas sit sis sthe ssubstitution sof sa scontractual sparty.
In sa scontract sfor s1,000 sloaves sof sbread, sgrocer sAndy swrote sout sthe swords s"one
sthousand" sbut styped sin sthe snumber s100. sThe ssupplier sdelivered s100 sloaves swhich
sresulted sin sa sloss sof sa smajor scustomer. sWhich sone sof sthe sfollowing spriorities swill
sapply sin sthis scase?
Select sone:
A. sWords sprevail sover sprinting.
B. sHandwriting sprevails sover stypewriting.
C. sPrinting sprevails sover shandwriting.
D. sFigures sprevail sover swords. s- sans-B. sHandwriting sprevails sover stypewriting.
When sthe sparties shave smade stypewritten sor shandwritten schanges sin sa sprinted scontract
sform, sthe scourts sapply sthe srule sthat shandwriting sprevails sover stypewriting sas sthe sfirst
spriority. sThis sis sa stypographical serror sand stherefore shandwriting swill sprevail sover
Ray ssells sa sschooner sto sCatherine. sThe sbill sof ssale sindicates sthe sprice sof sthe
sschooner sas swell sas sthe smake, smodel, sand syear sof sthe sboat. sCatherine slater sclaims
sin sa slawsuit sthat sRay shad spromised sto sinclude scommunications sand scomputer
sequipment sin sthe ssale, sand sshe sattempts sto ssupport sher sclaim sin scourt swith sa sletter
swritten sby sRay. sRay swrote sand ssigned sthe sletter sbefore sthe sdate sof sthe sfinal sbill sof
ssale, sin swhich she spromised sto sinclude sthe sclaimed sitems. sUnder sthe sparol sevidence
srule, sthe scontract
Select sone:
A. sWill sbe smodified sto sadd sonly sthe sletter swritten sand ssigned sbefore sthe sdate sof sthe
sfinal sbill sof ssale.
B. sIncludes sall sdocuments srelating sto sthe ssale sincluding sthe sletter sRay swrote sprior sto
sthe ssale.
C. sWill sbecome svoidable sdue sto sthe sparol sevidence srule.
D. sWill snot sinclude sthe sletter sbecause sthe sletter scannot sbe sadmitted sinto sevidence. s-
sans-D. sWill snot sinclude sthe sletter sbecause sthe sletter scannot sbe sadmitted sinto
, The sparol sevidence srule swill sprevent sthe sinclusion sof sthe sletter sRay swrote sprior sto sthe
ssale sand sthe scontract swill snot sbe smodified. sThe sparol sevidence srule sis sbased son sthe
sassumption sthat sall sprior snegotiations, sconversations, sand sagreement swere smerged
sinto sthe sfinal, swritten scontract swhich sbecame sthe scomplete sstatement sof sRay's sand
sCatherine's sintent.
An sassignee's snotice sof sassignment sto sthe sobligor son sthe scontract salso sprotects
Select sone:
A. sAll sbeneficiaries sof sthe sassignment.
B. sInnocent sparties sindirectly saffected sby sthe sassignment.
C. sAny sparties sinjured sby sthe sassignment.
D. sAdditional sparties swho smight stake ssubsequent sassignments sfrom sthe sassignors. s-
sans-D. sAdditional sparties swho smight stake ssubsequent sassignments sfrom sthe
Additional sparties swho smight stake ssubsequent sassignments sfrom sthe sassignors sare
sprotected sby san sassignee's snotice sof sassignment sto sthe sobligor.
In sdealing swith scases sinvolving sinnocent smisrepresentation, scourts
Select sone:
A. sDo snot saward smoney sdamages.
B. sAward sapplicable spunitive sand scompensatory sdamages.
C. sDo snot saward sgeneral sdamages, snot spunitive sdamages.
D. sAward snominal sdamages. s- sans-A. sDo snot saward smoney sdamages.
The svictim sof san sinnocent smisrepresentation sasks sa scourt sto srescind sthe scontract.
sCourts sdo snot saward smoney sdamages sfor sinnocent smisrepresentation.
Contracts ssubject sto sthe sstatute sof sfrauds sinclude
Select sone:
A. sContracts sthat scan sbe sperformed swithin sone syear sand scontracts sto spay sone's sown
B. sOral spromises sto spay sdebts sagainst sa sdecedent's sestate sand scontracts sfor sthe ssale
sof sland.
C. sContracts sfor sthe ssale sof san sinterest sin sland sand scontracts sfor sthe ssale sof spersonal
sproperty sfor sat sleast s$500.
D. sContracts sfor sthe ssale sof sland sand scontracts sfor sthe ssale sof sgoods sbetween
smerchants. s- sans-C. sContracts sfor sthe ssale sof san sinterest sin sland sand scontracts sfor
sthe ssale sof spersonal sproperty sfor sat sleast s$500.
Contracts sfor sthe ssale sof san sinterest sin sland sand scontracts sfor sthe ssale sof spersonal
sproperty sfor sat sleast s$500, splus sagreements sthat scannot sbe sperformed swithin sone
syear, sagreements sto spay sa sdebt sowed sby sanother sperson, sand sagreements sin swhich
san sexecutor sof san sestate spromises sto spay sestate sdebts sfrom spersonal sfunds.