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AMFTRB NATIONAL EXAM questions with correct answers.
AMFTRB NATIONAL EXAM questions with correct answers.
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AMFTRB NATIONAL EXAM questions with correct
What vtheoretical vdisciplines vinfluenced vthe vtransgenerational vmodels? v- vanswer-
Psychoanalytic vand vobject vrelations
How vlong vdoes vtreatment vtypically vlast vwhen vusing va vtransgenerational vmodel? v-
vanswer-Approximately v2 vyears
(Terms) vinsight/working vthrough v- vanswer-Transgenerational vmodels
multigenerational vtransmission vprocess v- vanswer-process vby vwhich vroles, vpatterns,
vemotional vreactivity, vand vfamily vstructure vare vpassed vfrom vone vgeneration vto
vanother. vPoorly vdifferentiated vindividuals vtend vto vmarry vone vanother, vand vover
vseveral vgenerations vproduce voffspring vwho vare vincreasingly vless vdifferentiated vand
vas va vresult vsuffer vfrom vsevere vmental vdisorders vincluding vschizophrenia
Family vprojection vprocess v- vanswer-lack vof vdifferentiation vin vparents voften vresults
vin vone vof vthe vparents vbecoming vdysfunctional, vimmature, vand vfused vwith vone vof
vthe vchildren. vCOnflict vin vparental vsub-unit vis vavoided, vbut vchild's vemotional vgrowth
vis vsacrificed. vSymptoms vand vlack vof vdifferentiation vis vtransmitted vfrom vparents vto
nuclear vfamily vEmotional vSystem v- vanswer-Fused vfamily vthat vis vunstable vand
vunable vto vcope vwith vstress. vCharacterized vby vconflict vand vdysfunction vthat vare
vtransmitted vacross vgenerations.
triangles v- vanswer-smallest vstable vemotional vunit vin va vfamily vand vdescribes
vprocess vby vwhich vtwo vpeople vrecruit vthird vperson vinto vsystem vto vmediate vthe
vlevel vof vconflict vor vtension vbetween vthem.
pseudo-self v- vanswer-person vwho vis vnot vdifferentiated vmay vbe vfused vwith vanother
vperson. vas va vresult vthey vdo vnot vreason vwith vtheir vvalues vbut vinstead vborrows
vvalues vof vperson vwith vwhom vthey vare vfused vand vcommonly vmakes vemotionally
vreactive vchoices.
solid-self v- vanswer-a vperson vwho vis vwell vdifferentiated vand vis vable vto vfunction
vbased vupon va vpersonally vdefined vset vof vvalues, vbeliefs, vconvictions, vand vlife
,Differentiation vof vself v- vanswer-separation vof vintellectual vand vemotional vfunctioning,
vwhich vresults vin vbeing vless vreactive vto vfamily vsystem vdynamics vand vother
vmembers vemotional vstates
According vto vBowen, vsymptoms vwithin vthe vfamily vcan vmanifest vin v3 vplaces... v-
vanswer-The vmarital vrelationship
The vhealth vof vone vpartner v(physical vor vmental) v
In vthe vchildren v(or vthe vspace vbetween vthe vparent vand vchild)
Bowenian vInterventions v- vanswer-Differentiation vof vself vscale
Emotional-cutoff vassessment
Person-to-person vrelationships
I vPosition
Extension vof vBowen's vmodel v- vanswer-Philip vGuerin: velaborated von vgenogram vand
vdeveloped vthe vdisplacement vstory vintervention. v
Betty vCarter: vextended vthe vmodel vto vfit va vfeminist vperspective
Monica vMcGoldrick: vextended vBowenian vmodel vto vinclude vthe vrole vof venthnicity vas
va vfactor vin vthe vfamily. vFeminist. vWritten vextensively von vfamily vlife vcycle. vCulturally
vappropriate vtherapy.
Strategic vfamily vtherapy v- vanswer-Bateson, vPalo vAlto vgroup, vErickson
The vPalo vAlto vGroup v- vanswer-Jay vHaley, vDon vJackson, vJohn vWeakland, vWilliam
Double vBind v- vanswer-1. vCommunication vinvolves vtwo vor vmore vpeople vwith van
vimportant vemotional vrelationship
2. vPattern vof vcommunication vis vrepeated
3. vCommunication vinvolves va v"primary vnegative vinjunction" vor va vcommand vnot vto
vdo vsomething von vthreat vof vpunishment. v
4. vCommunication vinvolves va vsecond vabstract vinjunction valso vunder vthreat vof
vpunishment vthat vcontradicts vprimary vinjunction
5. vThird vnegative vinjunction vboth vdemands va vresponse vand vprevents vescape. v
6. vRecipient vbecomes vconditioned vto vrespond vand vsequence vis vno vlonger
vnecessary vto vmaintain vsymptom.
What vwas vErickson vknown vfor? v- vanswer-Paradoxical vintervention vand
What vmodels vare vassociated vwith vthe vStrategic vmodel? v- vanswer-MRI vand vHaley
v& vMadanes
What vfield vdid vthe vBrief vTherapy vCenter vderive vfrom? v- vanswer-MRI
, What vare vthe v6 vsteps vof vassessment vand vtreatment vfrom vthe vMRI vmodel? v-
vanswer-1. vIntroduction vto vtreatment vsetup
2. vInquiry vinto vdefinition vof vthe vproblem
3. vEstimation vof vbehaviors vmaintaining vthe vproblem
4. vSetting vthe vgoals vfor vtreatment
v-Explore vprevious vattempts vto vsolve v
5. vSelecting vand vmaking vbehavioral vinterventions
vReframing, vparadoxical vinterventions, v
vrestraining vtechniques, vpositioning v
6. vTermination
With vwhich vtwo vmodels vdoes vthe vHaley-Madanes vmodel vderive? v- vanswer-strategic
vand vsructural
The v4 vstages vof vhaley-Madanes vTherapy v- vanswer-1. vSocial vStage
2. vProblem vstage
3. vInteractional vStage
4. vGoal-setting vstage
Incongruous vHierarchies v(Haley-Madanes) v- vanswer-Created vwhen vchildren vuse
vsymptoms vto vtry vto vchange vtheir vparents.
Haley-Madanes vInterventions v- vanswer-Dramatizations
Make-believe vPlay
Structure vof vOriginal vMilan vModel v- vanswer-1. vPresession- vteam vformed van vinitial
2. vsession- vhypothesis vvalidated vand vmodified
3. vIntersession- vteam vmet valone vto vform van vintervention
4. vIntervention- vtherapist vreturned vto vdeliver vintervention, veither va vpositive
vconnotation vor vritiual, vwhich vwas vgiven vin vfor vof vstatement vtogether vwith
vprohibition vagainst vchange, vusing vparadox vto vcounter vresistance vto vchange.
5. vpost-session vdiscussion- vteam vanalysis vof vsx vand vformulation vof vplan vfor vnext
What vis vpositive vconnotation? v- vanswer-Milan vsystemic vgroup, va vcomplex
vparadoxical vreframing vtechnique vthat vincludes vall vfamily vmembers vand vthe vsystem
vitself. veach vfamily vmember's vcontribution vto vproblem vis vreframed vas van veffort vto
vsolve vproblems vand vhelp vmet vthe vfamily's vneeds