Exam (elaborations)
Biology 101 final exam
Biology 101 final exam
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Biology 101
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Neutron nm- nmA nmparticle nmwith nmno nmcharge nm(neither nmpositive nmnor nmnegative) nmthat nmis nmpresent nmin
nmthe nmnucleus nmis nmcalled nmNeutron
Proton nm- nma nmsubatomic nmparticle nmthat nmhas nma nmpositive nmcharge nmand nmthat nmis nmfound nmin nmthe
nmnucleus nmof nman nmatom
Electron nm- nman nmelementary nmparticle nmwith nmnegative nmcharge, nmnegatively nmcharged nmparticle;
nmlocated nmoutside nmthe nmatomic nmnucleus
Mass nmnumber nm- nmthe nmtotal nmnumber nmof nmprotons nmand nmneutrons nmin nmthe nmnucleus nmof nman
atomic nmnumber nm& nmmass nmnumber nm- nmatomic nmnumber- nmnumber nmof nmprotons nmin nmone nmatom nmof
nmthe nmelement.
mass nmnumber- nmnumber nmof nmprotons nm+ nmnumber nmof nmneutrons nmin nmone nmatom nmof nmthe nmelement
Isotope nm- nmatoms nmof nmthe nmsame nmelement nmthat nmhave nmdifferent nmnumbers nmof nmneutrons
ionic nmbond nm- nma nmchemical nmbond nmresulting nmfrom nmthe nmattraction nmbetween nmoppositely nmcharged
nonpolar nmcovalent nm- nmBond nmformed nmwhen nmelectron nmpairs nmare nmshared nmequally nmbetween
polar nmcovalent nm- nma nmtype nmof nmbond nmthat nmforms nmwhen nmelectrons nmare nmnot nmshared nmequally
hydrogen nmbonds nm- nmvery nmweak nmbonds; nmoccurs nmwhen nma nmhydrogen nmatom nmin nmone nmmolecule nmis
nmattracted nmto nmthe nmelectrostatic nmatom nmin nmanother nmmolecule
adhesion nm- nmthe nmclinging nmof nm1 nmsubstance nmto nmanother nmby nmmeans nmof nmhydrogen nmbonds
cohesion nm- nmtendency nmof nmmolecules nmof nmthe nmsame nmkind nmto nmstick nmto nmone nmanother
surface nmtension nm- nmA nmmeasure nmof nmhow nmdifficult nmit nmis nmto nmstretch nmor nmbreak nmthe nmsurface nmof
nma nmliquid. nmWater nmhas nma nmhigh nmsurface nmtension nmbecause nmof nmthe nmhydrogen nmbonding nmof
nmsurface nmmolecules.
solute nm- nmthe nmdissolved nmsubstance nmin nma nmsolution
solution nm- nma nmhomogeneous nmmixture nmof nmtwo nmor nmmore nmsubstances
, solvent nm- nma nmliquid nmsubstance nmcapable nmof nmdissolving nmother nmsubstances
acid nm- nmcompound nmthat nmdonates nmH+ nmions nmto nman nmaqueous nmsolution nmand nmmeasures nmless
nmthan nm7 nmon nmthe nmpH nmscale
base nm- nmany nmsubstance nmthat nmforms nmhydroxide nmions nmin nmwater nmand nmhas nma nmpH nmabove nm7
ph nm- nmA nmmeasure nmof nmhydrogen nmion nmconcentration nmequal nmto nm-log nm[H+] nmand nmranging nmin
nmvalue nmfrom nm0 nmto nm14.
4 nmclasses nmof nmmacromolecules nm- nmA. nmCarbohydrates. nmB. nmLipids. nmC. nmProteins. nmD. nmNucleic
dehydration nmsynthesis nm- nmA nmchemical nmreaction nmin nmwhich nmtwo nmmolecules nmcovalently nmbond nmto
nmeach nmother nmwith nmthe nmremoval nmof nma nmwater nmmolecule.
hydrolysis nm- nmBreaking nmdown nmcomplex nmmolecules nmby nmthe nmchemical nmaddition nmof nmwater
proteins nm- nmcontains nmcarbon, nmhydrogen, nmoxygen, nmand nmnitrogen. nmsource nmof nmenergy. nmneeded
nmby nmtissue nmfor nmrepair nmand nmgrowth. nmmade nmup nmof nm20 nmamino nmacids.
carbohydrates nm- nmcompound nmmade nmup nmof nmcarbon, nmhydrogen, nmand nmoxygen nmatoms; nmmajor
nmsource nmof nmenergy nmfor nmthe nmhuman nmbody
lipids nm- nmbiochemicals nmthat nmdo nmnot nmdissolve nmin nmwater nm(fats, nmoils, nmand nmwaxes) nmmake nmup
nmcell nmmembranes, nmstore nmenergy
nucleic nmacids nm- nmPolymers nmassembled nmfrom nmindividual nmnucleotides; nmused nmto nmstore nmand
nmtransmit nmhereditary, nmor nmgenetic, nminformation; nmthe nmtwo nmkinds nmof nmnucleic nmacids nmare
nmribonucleic nmacid nm(RNA) nmand nmdeoxyribonucleic nmacid nm(DNA) nm(p. nm47).
4 nmstructural nmlevels nmof nma nmprotein nm- nmPrimary nm(First), nmSecondary nm(Second), nmTertiary nm(Third),
nmQuaternary nm(Fourth)
monomer nm- nma nmsimple nmcompound nmwhose nmmolecules nmcan nmjoin nmtogether nmto nmform nmpolymers
polymer nm- nma nmnaturally nmoccurring nmor nmsynthetic nmcompound nmconsisting nmof nmlarge nmmolecules
nmmade nmup nmof nma nmlinked nmseries nmof nmrepeated nmsimple nmmonomers
function nmof nmnucleic nmacid nm- nmstores nmgenetic nminfo nmand nmholds nminstructions nmfor nmbuilding nma
prokaryotic nmcells nm- nmThese nmcells nmdo nmnot nmhave nma nmnucleus nmnor nmdo nmthey nmhave nmany
nmmembrane-bound nmorganelles...examples nminclude nmArchae nmand nmBacteria nmcells. nmsmallest,
nmsimplest nmand nmoldest
eukaryotic nmcells nm- nmhave nmmembrane-bound nmorganelles; nmhave nmmembrane-bound nmnucleus nm(with
nmDNA nminside); nmlarger nmthan nmprokaryotic; nmsome nmhave nma nmtough nmouter nmwall nm(plants); nmsingle
nmand nmmulticellular nm(animals, nmplants, nmfungi, nmprotists); nmplasma nmmembrane nmpresent
plant nmcells nm- nmA nmsmall nmliving nmpart nmof nma nmmulticellular nmorganism nmthat nmmakes nmits nmown nmfood
nmin nmchloroplast nmand nmreproduces nmsexually nmor nmasexually.